Miracle Eucharist

Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Activity Social Year 2022-23

Celebration, initiatives, publications, events ...

On this day of celebration we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles gathered in the Cenacle and its manifestation power. That same power was shown on June 11, 2000, day of Pentecost, when, in the hands of our Holy Bishop, God performed the greatest Eucharistic miracle in the Church history through the Holy Spirit who continues every day to make possible the transformation of the bread and wine in the body and blood of Jesus.

On the anniversary of Marisa's consecration to God by issuing the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, our community celebrates the feast of consecrated souls. Marisa has always remained faithful to his vows and embraced the cross for the realization of God's plans

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Jesus rises from the dead and passes through the closed sepulchre. The resurrection of Jesus takes place in the most complete silence and in the midst of indifference or hostility of men. Only Mary keeps wake, prays and waits for the resurrection; first to her Jesus appears, glorious and triumphing. (From the Glorious Mysteries written by Mons. Claudio Gatti)

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On Palm Sunday we remember the messianic entry of Jesus in Jerusalem; many enthusiastic people holding palms and olive branches flocked to acclaim him shouting: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, blessed is the King of Israel!" (Jn 12:13).

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The Feast of Priesthood is celebrated every year by our community in coincidence of the anniversary of priestly ordination (March 9, 1963) of our spiritual father, guide and founder of our community, Mons. Claudio Gatti, Bishop of the Eucharist, Bishop ordained by God.

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Each day of Lent has to be lived to prepare oneself to live with more love and responsibility the Easter Triduum. During Lent, there has to be a more and more growing impulse that manifests itself through the faith and love with regard to the Eucharist. All our deeds have to aim at Jesus the Eucharist.

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On January 10, 2002 the Mother of the Eucharist gave an unexpected and unforeseen announcement, which can change the course of History. During an apparition reserved to the Bishop and the Visionary she told them: "My beloved children, you have gained your victory. You, Excellency, have won for your strength and the courage of fighting against those who don't live in a state of grace.

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The Son of God is born in the cave in Bethlehem, as it was prophesied by Micheas. The angels sing hymns of praise to the Child-God. The shepherds go to the cave to meet the Messiah and they go back home glorifying and praising the Lord for what they had seen and heard. Eight days later the Child is circumcised and was given the name of Jesus, as it was announced by the angel. Jesus, in the day of his circumcision, addressing his Mommy, says to her: "You are the Mother of the Eucharist".

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"I wish all men to be uncrowned kings, without power or wealth to enjoy the real life. It's good to be king, but you must live in honesty, sincerity, humility. I wish you to be all kings like me, because the love you have for the Eucharist is great and that's what counts " (Letter of God, 26th November 2000).

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On June 20, 1993 Our Lady brought a message that caused fear and dismay: "My little children, it's time to get groups of people to you (...) God the Father wants it, after twenty-two years of silence and concealment".

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September 14 represents for the whole community a very important date: on September 14, 1995, Our Lord wanted the first great Eucharistic Miracle to occur here; on September 14, 1999, took place the first vestiture of our Bishop after his Episcopal ordination, of divine origin, which occurred on June 20, 1999. Finally we remind the signature affixed by our Bishop, the following year, on September 14, 2000, on the decree recognizing the apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist.

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