God the Father converses with his children
The Bishop and the Visionary wanted to give a great gift to our community and to all those people who, scattered around the world, love, re vere and invoke the Mother of the Eucharist.
After they had permission from Heaven, they have authorized the publication of the letters of God and the conversations they had with the Three Divine Persons, with Our Lady and with some Saints, during last year summer time.
Alba Adriatica (TE), 7th July 2006 – h. 12:45 a.m. (Letter of God)
Marisa - How many people!
Our Lady - I, the Mother of the Eucharist, I am the first to speak in the name day of your holy Bishop, Saint Claude. Here with me I have Saint Claude, Bishop of the Eucharist, as you are.
I would like very much you love each other as We love each other and that the suffering may give you joy as well. I would like to see you smiling and celebrating. Excellency, if they give you some small presents, do accept them, it is a joy for them to give them to you; let us give joy to them too.
Saint Claude - My dear Bishop, I too am Bishop of the Eucharist. I pray every day for you and I love you so much; if you knew how many big and small people pray for you! Eventually you will triumph.
It is hard your life, the beginning of your triumph stretches more and more, but you are not alone, you have little Marisa who is helping you and has offered her life for you.
Almighty God has given me permission to speak to you, my dear Bishop of the Eucharist. We are two Bishops of the Eucharist.
Marisa - Listen, may I say something? I am interested you hug my Bishop, Monsignor Claudio Gatti, keep him tight in your heart, in Jesus’ heart, in Mary’s heart and everybody’s.
You have to help me, little Madonna, help me to overcome this time of crisis I believe will not last forever, then there will be joy, strength and the courage you will give me, that Jesus, all the angels and saints of the Heaven will give me. Isn’t it, little Mama, will you help me?
Our Lady - Courage, my dear little sons, be strong and when something happens due to somebody’s faults who do not behave well, let it be and just say: "You behaved badly" and that’s it, without arguing.
Try to love everybody. You are very fond of people but the others do not love, for this you suffer.
Saint Claude - Monsignor Claudio Gatti, I love you and pray for you, everybody in Heaven prays for you. Courage, the time is getting near, says God. I do not know God’s time; I say to you courage and go forth in the name of Jesus, Mary, Saint Joseph, dear grandmother Iolanda and of all the people who love you, go forth and be fond of each other.
Our Lady - Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
Bishop - May I speak?
Our Lady - Yes, were you expecting more, Don Claudio?
Bishop - We are still in the time of waiting, trial and suffering.
Through you we thank God for the visible help I have experienced in many occasions, if it were not for your help Marisa by now would be no longer with us.
Do you remember when last year I asked you to be able to stay together peacefully and with tranquillity because I believed that it was our last vacation together? Everything I asked last year I ask it again this year, if it is possible. She wants to stay in our company, the poor lady, she is always alone, if we remove our company when we eat and when we are together at the table, what’s left for her? God may grant, if this is His will, the possibility to eat something even if just a little and advised, if possible, by yourself?
Our Lady - Sure, I can advise everything, but little Marisa’s situation is very serious.
Bishop - I know it.
Our Lady - She is very sensitive, she has a scary hypersensitivity and then her stomach feels it, as in this moment, for her health is worsening; we have given her the Eucharist and she is hungry again.
Bishop - How comes?
Our Lady - She has to eat the Eucharist and some food.
Bishop - But she is not able to…
Our Lady - Little by little she will get to eat the Eucharist only, but now she would not make it, for she has a tumour eating from her even that little Eucharist we give her. Let us wait for God to give her what she needs to eat and let us go on. We hope that soon all this will be over. You must have more strength and more courage.
Marisa - Well, more than this I don't know!
Bishop - My little sister is a rock.
Our Lady - Her stomach is by now destroyed. The liver and the spleen are sick too, but her stomach is the most troubled.
Bishop - But Jesus is God and can do everything.
Our Lady - Yes, He can do everything.
Bishop - I know she is sacrificing herself for my future and for this I should say thanks to her every second, however let her feel a little bit better so we can go out thus enjoying the little that she can enjoy. The Eucharist is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady - Now let us see how today is going, but it appears it is not going well at all.
Bishop - Can we go out a little to give her some distraction?
Our Lady - Yes, you can always go out.
Bishop - Now? But when there is the sun is shining we cannot go out.
Our Lady - this sun does not hurt.
Bishop - All right, let us go out at once and we see if she can get some distraction.
Our Lady - It may happen that while walking she has the pangs of hunger, she may be hungrier.
Bishop - If you, the Mother of God, don’t know it…
Our Lady - I know I am the Mother of God.
Bishop - I am a little creature…
Our Lady - It is God who decides.
Bishop - Yes, agreed, I am certain of it, can we ask it to God?
Our Lady - You may ask whatever you want.
Bishop - I would like to defend her in this last period against the sufferings brought about by men, but I am not succeeding, thanks anyway for coming.
Our Lady - Bye-bye, my beloved. Wishes to our dear Bishop.
Bishop - Has grandmother Iolanda spoken?
Marisa - Grandmother Iolanda just said: "Be fond of my daughter, do not let her suffer". I do not know why she talked like that.
Alba Adriatica (TE), 10th July 2006 – h. 10:45 p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady - Your Mama thanks you of all the sufferings, which are not over. She thanks you for the joy you give to the sons who are with you, as you did this evening by performing the mountain songs. Have you seen your Mama has given you a little voice?
Marisa - Are you going to leave it with me forever?
Our Lady - This depends upon God, I would like to leave it with you forever. Do not sing on your own, but with the choir. You cannot figure out how much joy you give me when you are serene, when you sing, when you laugh even for some nonsense.
Marisa - Because I desire that the people convert.
Our Lady - You will depart to Heaven with me, the angels and saints and the Bishop will follow you in Heaven, he will kiss you and then he will be back on earth to conclude his task.
Marisa - Can you tell me when you are going to take me away? For I'm really tired, tired to suffer.
Our Lady - You know that God decides everything and you know that God needs you now, creature. How many people went away from God and how many of them withdrew from the mission they accepted! You, beautiful and holy soul, are still here, to help God and suffer for the souls. You know it because you are already in Heaven, where all is joy, and you enjoy it with your Mama, the Mother of the Eucharist, Jesus, your bridegroom, Saint Joseph and all the people you have known.
Marisa - I would like some people to convert and believe in you.
Our Lady - In God. I want them to convert, but nobody can demand to convert their dear ones if they do not want to. You, little Marisa, will do your best to convert these people.
Marisa - Yes, however do help me, I am in much need of help and let me sleep a little at night, I beg you, otherwise I don't know how can I succeed when going in bilocation to the priests?
Bishop - This night I am ready to stay awake, so long as she sleeps.
Our Lady - Thanks, Excellency, I was expecting this.
Marisa - My Jesus, my beloved bridegroom, help us.
Our Lady - Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.
Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ. Courage and wishes to all of you.
Marisa - Bye-bye, bye-bye, my little mama.
Grandmother Iolanda - When you call me at night, my daughter, I always come near you and I see you have plenty sufferings. Nobody realizes how big your suffering is, only the Bishop can understand. Courage, my daughter, in a short while we will meet in Heaven; now you are already there, but in another way.
Marisa - Have I the gift of trilocation? I don't know. All right, mama.
Grandmother Iolanda - Are you going to blow a kiss to the Bishop on my behalf?
Marisa - Sure, he is fond of you.
NOTE: To those people who might be shocked in reading the letters of God dated 14, 15 and 21 July 2006 we remind what was written by card. Joseph Ratzinger a few days before he was chosen Pope with the name of Benedict XVI.
“Should we not also think of how much Christ suffers in his own Church? How often the holy sacrament of His presence is abused, how often must He enter empty and evil hearts! How often do we celebrate ourselves only, without even realizing that He is there! How many times is His Word twisted and misused! What little faith is present behind so many theories, so many empty words! How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to Him! How much pride, how much self-complacency! What little respect we pay to the sacrament of Reconciliation, where He is waiting for us, ready to raise us up from our fall! All this is present in His Passion. His betrayal by his disciples, the unworthy reception of his Body and Blood is certainly the greatest suffering endured by the Redeemer; the one piercing his heart.
Lord, your Church often seems like a boat about to sink, a boat taking in water on every side. In your field we see more weeds than wheat. The soiled garments and face of your Church dismay us. Yet it is we ourselves who have soiled them! It is we betraying you time and time again, after all of our lofty words and grand gestures. Have mercy on your Church; within her too, Adam continues to fall. When we fall, we drag You down to earth, and Satan laughs, for he hopes you will not be able to rise from that fall; he hopes that being dragged down in the fall of your Church, You will remain prostrate and defeated. But you rose again. You stood up, you arose and you can also lift us up. Save and sanctify your Church. Save and sanctify us all” (The Way of the Cross - Ninth Station)
Alba Adriatica (TE), 14th July 2006 – h. 4:30 p.m. (Letter of God)
Marisa - I am no longer in a position to continue to suffer, especially for the priests. It’s enough. I retire in my home, in via delle Benedettine, with my Bishop, and I do not want to help priests any more, for my health is endangered and I am passing away because of these people. If they tell me to help a young man, a mama, a daddy, I am ready, but I do not want to suffer for the priests. Condemn me, if you wish, I am not interested, but for the priests I do not want to suffer any longer, I am disgusted by them (Marisa cries on the Bishop’s shoulder). I do not want the priests, do not want them, do not want them.
Bishop - My little Madonna, I beg you, show yourself, do you see in what situation we are? We cannot endure it any longer.
Marisa - I do not have it in for anyone, neither for God the Father, nor for God the Son, nor for God the Holy Spirit, nor for the little Madonna, however this time my no is final. I shall be no longer interested in priests. Why must I go to them when I have my brothers and my sisters to think over? Why must we keep on giving to the priests who are filthy? It is enough to make you throw out when I talk about them. They have received everything, I do not want to give them anything more.
little Madonna, believe me, I do not have it in for you, I do not want to disobey you, but I no longer want to sacrifice my body and to let my soul suffer for these people. I am dying and I would like to die with joy, with God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son, the Mother of the Eucharist, my mama and my Bishop. Let me soon depart from this world, because I can't cope with it any more. Forgive me, little Madonna, if I have said these things, it is not out of wickedness, but I can't cope with it anymore. Forgive me, but I can't cope with it anymore.
Bishop - Neither do I. It is the two of us who cannot cope with it anymore.
Marisa - They have taken many years from us.
Bishop - Thirty-five years.
Marisa - Thirty-five years of suffering, and we have always said yes.
Bishop - Now it is enough.
Marisa - Now they may go to take someone else. Those people who left did the right thing, some have died, but why do they always keep me in the suffering?
Bishop - Ask Our Lady to come to help you.
Marisa - Are you coming to help me, little Madonna, even if I am not worthy?
Our Lady - But I am here with you, my darling, I am here with you. You are right, it is correct what you say and we will do as you wish.
Marisa - For the Bishop too?
Our Lady - Yes, now it is enough. It is enough with all these miseries of the men of the Church, it is enough. I am with you and you are with me. Also the men of the Church are my beloved children, but they do not do the will of God.
Marisa - What do you mean we are with you? We have gone out yesterday for a walk and we have had to come back, today we will have to go out again, but I not feeling well.
Our Lady - You will see that today you will succeed.
Marisa - Help the Bishop, help him. He loves you, he loves too much, he also loves me too much.
Our Lady - Yes, I know.
Marisa - Look, my mama is crying and the bishop is crying too. Help us, help us. Bye-bye, little Madonna, you promised that you would have helped me and I am anxiously waiting for your help.
Bishop - May I speak? Ask her whether I may speak.
Marisa - May he speak?
Our Lady - Sure.
Bishop - Isn’t the time coming when God would say it is enough?
Our Lady - No, it is not coming, but after what your sister has said today, I believe that He would no longer have to think about the priests.
Bishop - What does this mean?
Our Lady - It means that it is over for her to suffer for the priests and we are coming to take her.
Marisa - Excellency, do you want to come with me?
Bishop - I have to accomplish my mission. I will be coming up every so often and you will be coming to me.
Marisa - Then let us have the blessing.
Bishop - What it matters is that you are better.
Our Lady - Together with my and your holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones and the your sacred articles, I bless all the sons, the mamas, daddies and babies. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.
Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.
Marisa - Now let us do what she has said.
Bishop - Let us go out.
Marisa - I am no longer going to the priests in bilocation.
Bishop - I am happy, I am happy.
Marisa - Yesterday evening, when Our Lady spoke to me about Milingo, I had a shock.
Alba Adriatica (TE), 15th July 2006 – h. 1:50 p.m. (Letter of God)
Marisa - As you promised it to our fathers, so you have promised beautiful things to us as well. We have reached thirty-five years since you have called us for the great mission. We have endured a lot, even rejoiced, but not when we suffered. Now we have reached a point that we no longer have the strength to stand up, nor to sit down, nor to eat, nor to speak, nor to do anything. Little Madonna, pure, holy and Immaculate, talk with God for us and tell Him we are tired.
Our Lady - My dear children, God knows everything. He knows your tiredness and your suffering and He also knows about your refusal to help the priests and He has consented.
Marisa - I am happy.
Our Lady - It is still with you the duty to help the laymen, the children, the young people. You will see it will be easier to help them rather than the priests. Jesus, the little Madonna and Saint Joseph are suffering for the right refusal you did: not to help the priests anymore.
God the Father - Even to Me, God the Father Almighty, it comes as a rejection to talk about Mr. Milingo. If you loathe this man and you are disgusted, just imagine Me, who created him. All have defended him, starting from the Holy Father, from the bishops and from the cardinals. They have given him everything: home, money, honour and what has he done? He fled away in his woman arms. You did well to give up helping the priests, I will never reproach you for this refusal. It is enough with the priests, whether they are good or bad, it is enough. Enjoy this little time left for you to live. Enjoy it with your brother and with the people who are fond of you. For Me the time of your departure to Heaven is being fulfilled and I know you are happy. I know you are not feeling well and that the tumour in the stomach is eating you within, for this it would be better we take you Heaven. Even in this very moment you are not well because you are thinking to those filthy gentlemen the priests. I know, they are dirty. If you would have next to you other priests as Monsignor Claudio Gatti, everything would be easier for you and for him. But, I beg you, do not forsake the babies, the young people and the laymen who want to convert. Be good, little Marisa, do accept everything, but do not offer your suffering and prayers for the priests. I know it is hard for you to talk and the pain is wearing your body out, for this I ask you, Excellency, if you like to talk to Me. If you want, but do not feel obliged.
Bishop - First of all, I thank You, Lord my God because in this fortnight, even with the great suffering, I have experienced Your help, for otherwise we would not have been able to celebrate our thirty-five years. You, my God, have said to little Marisa that she has so much little time to live and You have urged her it to enjoy this last period. For this reason, I ask you to remove some pains from her, the same as on July 15 the year past You removed a bone tumour from little Marisa. I very much would like to live this last stretch of road together with my sister talking about the Heaven, about my future and about how one can help this crowd of people, forsaken by the shepherds, to come back to You, my God. Here it is, the great desire I have in my heart and that I would not have said if You would not have invited me to do so. Is it possible, my God, for Marisa to be a bit better? You establish the day and the hour of birth and death, but there is that date I have pointed out for the reasons You know. My Lord, I rely on You , do as You like and it will be always for the better, however if I may insist, see that little Marisa is a little bit better. I do not feel I have other to say but to recommend to You Your Church and the good and honest priests. Even if little Marisa will no longer think to them, I believe it is my duty to think and pray for the priests. I ask You to bless the good ones and to neutralize the bad ones in the way you deem best. Your Church will surely be born again from the side of Your Son, for Your power and the grace of the Holy Spirit, but also for the blood, tears and the suffering of your children, who have offered and sacrificed their own life for the Church. Among these children, I believe I am not being conceited, we can consider ourselves in the first places. My God, bless me, give me the strength to go on, but above all the control and mastery of myself because at times the exhaustion is strong and I fight against my nervous system. I do not want that even the smallest word would come forth from my mouth that would unintentionally hurt Marisa, who is suffering a lot already, or someone else. My Lord, give me, as You have always given me, so much grace for the soul and the energy for the body, so that I may be able to work till the end and do Your holy will.
Marisa - I too, God, ask you to give me a little more strength, for I am no longer able to talk, to eat, to stand or sit, I am very tired. I feel an exhaustion that wears me out and I am very weak, however I want to continue to love You and all of the Heaven, but You have to help me otherwise it is better You take me away at once, without waiting for so much time. I am not asking anything against Your will, but if You want, take me away.
I entrust You with all my heart Monsignor Claudio, I thought I would live up to his ascent to dizzy heights, but in the conditions I am today I cannot, I cannot do it. You know how much I love him, but I will not be able to arrive up to that time because the strength fails me. If You want, you can help us and You can give us that little strength we are in need of.
God the Father - I, God the Father Almighty, I will do everything to heal the bad present in those people, but do not let yourselves go. At least you, be fond and love each other. I, God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the Eucharist and all the saints and angels of the Heaven are with you. Remember that grandmother Iolanda is a saint.
Marisa - Thanks. Will I become a saint? I am not as good as my mama was.
God the Father - Oh yes, my daughter, you will be declared a saint quite soon!
Marisa - Thanks.
God the Father - Excellency, if you have nothing more to say I will end this Theophany dedicated to you, because your sister is very tired.
Bishop - Yes, I have a desire in my heart and You know to what I am referring to, but we will talk about it at another time.
God the Father - No, say it right now, do not worry.
Bishop - My Lord, you have worked the greatest Eucharistic miracles in the history of the Church in the thaumaturgic place. We preserve the Eucharist that bled and some hosts that released blood even two or three times. For the Triumph of the Eucharist, for Your triumph, in my humble opinion, it would be nice that in the third Sunday of the month you would intervene and cure many sick people, even serious ones, at a condition: after they are reconciled with You in the Holy Confession. You know it, it has been since many years I have with me this thought that You know and that today you have authorized me to show it to You.
God the Father - All right. I thank you for all the good you do for the Church, but not for this I want you to continue to work and suffer for the priests. No, no, it is enough.
Love the crippled, the sick people and the people who are hungry and thirsty for justice, but leave out the priests.
Marisa - Yes, yes, I am happy.
God the Father - Can I give you the blessing or have you something to say, Don Claudio, my Monsignor?
Bishop - We have shown you everything and now, my God, I am kneeling even if you know I could not, but before You I have to prostrate to the ground. Give us Your blessing and some relief to Marisa.
God the Father - Together with the Mama, Mother of the Eucharist and with all the angels and saints of the Heaven, I bless you and the people I told you to help. I hold all of you tight in my heart, especially the two of you, my dear little children.
Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Excellency, if you do not want to wear the mitre, you can avoid wearing it.
Bishop - thanks.
God the Father - Do like that, for you are more handsome without mitre.
Marisa - Bye-bye.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 18th July 2006 – h. 2:50 p.m. (Letter of God)
Marisa - Are you going to let me feel a little better, especially at night, when many problems and pains are unleashed? Listen, little mom, are you going to say it to God? Do not go through anyone, go straight to God and tell Him. Tell Him, my darling, my mama, or else take us away. If the Bishop doesn't want to come it does not matter, take me away, I can't cope any more. I am for the Bishop a big worry and when I will be no more he will be more at peace. Are you going to talk with God? Are you going to say it?
Grandmother Iolanda - Yes, my darling, I promise you I am going to God, not on my own. I am taking with me a formation of angels to speak with God, to tell Him to make you feel a little better at least, just a little bit.
Marisa - We are not asking so much, we are just asking to feel a little better, my darling. My little mama, I know you are not in command, anyway say it to God.
Grandmother Iolanda - And the Bishop?
Marisa - Here we go again with the Bishop. He will have to renew the Church. Take me away. Tell God to let us feel a little better, just a little, we are not asking so much.
(Turning to the Bishop) Isn’t it, my little one?
Bishop - Or else I am on strike.
Marisa - Mama, don’t you believe him? See that when he says something he is going to do it. All right, little mom, listen, go to God and tell Him whether He will let me fell a little better, whether He will allow us to enjoy a little of this corner of peace. Help us truly, for we are really drawing to a close, we are on our last legs. Bye-bye, bye-bye, my darling.
Grandmother Iolanda - Bye-bye, my love.
Marisa - Remember us, I beg you, remember us.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 19th July 2006 – h. 10:50 p.m. (Letter of God)
Marisa - we have been waiting for you and you have come with my mama. Little Madonna, do you see how we have been driven to? We are two wet rags, help us, I beg you, let us rest and spend a peaceful day, a little more appeasing, without so many problems tormenting us. I am not the only one to suffer, but also His Excellency and these boys who are with us. Help us, little Madonna, I beg you. Mama, Mama of the two of us, help us, we are so much in need of help. I am not feeling well at all, although I feel better at this moment, keep on helping us, and we will be with you and you will be with us and together we will pray. When I say no it is because I am tired and I do not feel like praying aloud, but I am praying in my heart; I pray with you, with my mama and with your holy Bishop. Bless the two of us, help us, do not forsake us, we are so much in need of help. I will not dwell any longer.
We thank you with all our hearts and wait for your blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ.
Courage, my little children, courage. You think you are alone, but you are not.
Bishop - May I ask you a question?
Our lady - Yes, yes.
Bishop - Is it just little Marisa who doesn't have to write any more, nor go to the priests, to the bishops, to the cardinals and even higher up? For it bothers me to write those letters to the cardinals.
Our Lady - I know it, my dear little child, but you have to be the head of the youth and the adults. Little Marisa will no longer go to talk with the men of the Church because of many reasons you know, but you cannot leave all of them alone. Leave out the priests, but help the youth and the adults to talk with these people, while you remain out of it just as little Marisa is.
Bishop - Thanks. Then must she no longer write to those gentlemen?
Our Lady - Yes, to write yes, but she must not go to speak or do anything else. You are over with it, as is little Marisa over with it.
Bishop - When will our ordeal be over?
Our Lady - My son, the ordeal is always long. Be patient.
Bishop - You have seen how much I pray, as last night.
Our Lady - Yes, I am very pleased to hear you praying, but when your sister is not feeling it do not force her, for she is quite sick. Bye-bye, my sweet son. Do you still have something to say?
Bishop - Let her feel a little better and let her rest. Now I do not feel like saying that I will keep wake for her because, as you know it, I slept so little in the past nights. Let both of us have a rest.
Our Lady - You must take the tablet and sleep both of you.
Bishop - Thanks.
Our Lady - Greetings, my little children. Bye-bye, Excellency, go in peace.
Grandmother Iolanda - Bye-bye, Excellency, go in peace.
Bishop - Bye-bye, grandmother Iolanda.
Marisa - Bye-bye, my little mama.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 21st July 2006 – h. 6:00 p.m. (Letter of God)
Grandmother Iolanda (turning to God) - God the Father, I am Grandmother Iolanda, You know me. I am not asking anything, just to help these two children of mine. They have always suffered, they have suffered for me too, help them, I beg You, You can do it, I can only pray.
God the Father - We are helping them, surely, a bit at the time, little by little. Theirs is a very difficult mission, however I will never forsake them. You, grandmother Iolanda, who are their mama, help them to live with you, above all to live with God, with their Daddy.
Marisa - You have taken with you all the angels, the babies are there too. How beautiful they are! Do you know that baby Miriam was born? Another one should be born, Ismaele.
Grandmother Iolanda - What a sweet name Ismaele.
Marisa - I have been suggesting it, do you like it?
Grandmother Iolanda - It is beautiful.
Marisa - Do you like Gioele ?
Grandmother Iolanda - They are all nice names. Go in peace, my little children. I have said many times that I will never forsake you. Sure, your life is hard, very hard. No saint has suffered what you are suffering. When your suffering will be over, you will rejoice together and the others will realize who you are and why you have suffered so much.
Marisa - May I say bye-bye, my God?
God the Father - The bishop can say to me: "Bye-bye, Daddy" and you: "Bye-bye, God!” Anyway you do whatever you like.
Marisa - We are fond of You . Many times I wondered: "But is God fond of us?” "Why if He is fond of us He let us suffer so much?” At night, I beg you, let us sleep. I can't cope with it any more, your little son cannot cope with it anymore. How much does it cost to you to give us a hand? It is enough for You to do like that (Marisa snaps her fingers), and we are well. Bye-bye, bye-bye, mama.
Grandmother Iolanda - Bye-bye, my son, I am your mama.
God the Father - Bye-bye, my son, I am your Daddy.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 21st July 2006 – h. 6:58 p.m. (Letter of God)
(The apparition took place in the car)
Marisa - Come to take me, mama. I can't cope with it any more. You will look after Claudio, little mama. Take me away, I am tired, I suffer so much, not everybody understands my great suffering, which is a never-ending martyrdom. Mama, mama, ask Jesus of take me away. Send somebody to help Don Claudio, do not leave him alone. Little mama, little mama, take me away. Mine is not a life, take me away, I cannot manage to live any longer. God said He was going to help me, but I feel worse and worse. Mama, Mother of the Eucharist, Jesus’ Mother, Almighty God, angels and saints of Heaven, I want to suffer, but I am tired and I want to come to you. Take me away. If your worry is Claudio, then take him away as well. What for is he on earth? To suffer, only to suffer. Mama, I beg you, ask Almighty God to take us away. Mama, beautiful mama, my darling, how beautiful you are, how beautiful you are, mama. I know, I know that certain people made you suffer, they are people who do not know how to love, and you know how to forgive, isn’t?
Grandmother Iolanda - Then, little Marisa, as I have forgiven, so you have to forgive as well. You too forgive those people who still make you suffer. I would come down on earth many times to reproach them, then I think it over and I say: "Yes, I have forgiven them". You too, my daughter, must forgive them, they are no good, they are people who do not know how to love. Look, the lady who is saying she is atheist, is better than them. My darling, this is the reason you are fond of her, this is the reason you adopted her as your daughter, she says she is atheist, but it is not true. Instead the ones going to church, with their hands joined and who receive Jesus, are the ones who make you suffer. But you are not alone, you have Monsignor Claudio Gatti . You have also that person who says she is atheist, but she is not, she is fond of you, she is fond of both of two. There is Marco who is fond of you , Marco has changed, Marco has become another person, spiritually speaking. Then you have all your nephews, but the one who is really fond of you is the Bishop. My darling, I am going back to the Father to pray with all the angels and of course with the Mother of the Eucharist, with Saint Joseph and with all the saints you know. I am going to pray for you, for you do not succeed to get out of it, it is too hard. I will ask God what else he wants from you and let’s see what He is going to say.
Bye-bye, my daughter. Bye-bye, my son, bye-bye little atheist, bye-bye, Marco, a kiss to all of you.
Marisa - I am tired, very tired.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 21st July 2006 – h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)
(The apparition took place in the car)
Bishop - Look at the Heaven. Who do you see now? Look ahead.
Marisa - Why don’t you shoot all those mountains?
Bishop - Describe the Heaven to us, for it is more interesting.
Marisa - The Heaven is very big, is very big and very nice.
Bishop - Have they arrived before God?
Marisa - Not yet. They are all walking to arrive before God and ask whether I could feel better or die. My mama is going to ask for it, however they have not yet arrived.
Bishop - Is it such a long procession going to God?
Marisa - The Heaven is the Heaven. It is huge.
Bishop - Is there everybody? Is it an enormous line, very long?
Marisa - Yes, they are all in there, children and many good souls.
Bishop - Are there also Don Giovanni and Don Giorgio?
Marisa - Yes, but they are at the bottom, next to my mama there is Our Lady, Saint Joseph and all the children.
Bishop - The little nephews?
Marisa - Yes, then all the other saints are coming and first, among them, there is Fatina .
Grandmother Iolanda (singing) - It is I, my God, I am Marisa’s mother, what do you want to do about her? Do you want to take her at once or leave her on earth for a little while to enjoy with his brother and feel a little better? Here it is, God, we are all around You . I have seen the star of God. We are all around you to plead with You for that creature. The names the Bishop gave her are correct.
Marisa - But I do not remember them, for I always fear he is pulling my leg.
Bishop - Martyr of love.
Marisa - Martyr of love.
Bishop - Heroine of the suffering.
Marisa - Heroine of the suffering.
Bishop - Victim of the Eucharist.
Marisa - Victim of the Eucharist. Martyr of love. Heroine of the suffering. Victim of the Eucharist.
God the Father
- I am God. I welcome you all near
Marisa - Don’t say it, my God, don’t say it, my God. I hear You , but I do not see You, I have seen the star, a great shining star, is that You?
God the Father - I am the One. So long as you will be on earth you won't see me, but you will see the star, a flower and many other marvellous scenes, but you won't see me until you come up. Try not to eat, my daughter, try to take the Eucharist only, let us see how it goes. I, God, want to still leave you for a little while with your brother, but as you see, your health is very much worn out. Just think about all these people in Heaven and all of them love you. Soon you will come up to Me and then you will see Me and you will be happy. Be careful, look at the star. Courage, my daughter, courage. Try to eat the Eucharist only, feed only on the Eucharist, let us see how it goes.
Marisa - Anyway You know how it goes.
God the Father - At the moment I am God on earth. If the situation improves, I will still leave you for a while, if it is not going well, I will take you away, my daughter. I cannot continue to see you suffering like that.
(The Our Father is being recited)
Marisa - thanks, Almighty God, help me feel a little bit better, then if it does not happen, take me away together with the star. Bye-bye to all. The star has gone away.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 23rd July 2006 – Noon
Particular phenomenon
- I do not suffer for the war, but I pray for
the war, for if it reaches
Bishop - You are already in Heaven, you are already in Heaven. This was told to you by God.
- No, I am going to say to Him again: if the
time has come then tell us, I beg you, tell us, and we will be going back to
Rome to get ready and I, laying on that deathbed, will be with You. When I say:
I want the white coffin, I want the white dress, I say it because I like to
joke, I like to laugh, I like to cheer me and the others up, at times I say
some witty remarks. Within I feel this kind of a snake wandering within me and
eating me. Enough talking. Make up your mind, my God,
if I have to depart do in such a way that we return to
- He has to tell us.
- That is what I said. We cannot go on staying
like that. God, I don't know what else to say to you.
(The Bishop sends to summon up the others)
- I love you. My God, I love you, I love you,
I loved you very much, I am not ashamed to say it. I
loved so much all men, all of them, even the ones who
made me suffer. I thought I was unable to love, instead I know how to love. I
know how to love everybody, I want to love everybody, but there is little time
left, I feel the time has come. If this is the time, my God, talk to the Bishop
about it; say to him: "Leave for Rome,
the time has come to prepare for this little daughter departure". If
instead the time has not come as yet, but I have still a bit of more time, let
me enjoy a little with my friends and my Bishop, let me feel better. You have
said if I took the Eucharist I would feel better and instead I feel always sick,
sick, sick . God, my Daddy,
I love you, as I love everybody, even if sometime from my mouth strong words come
forth, but I speak like that, just to joke
a little, to cheer up the spirit. I ask your forgiveness, straighten these
imperfections of mine, and make up your mind. Take a decision, my God, does it
cost You so much to take a decision? If we have to leave,
we leave to prepare everything for the best. (Turning to the Bishop) isn’t it?
You agreed. Bye-bye, my God, bye-bye, Mother of the Eucharist, bye-bye,
Saint Joseph, bye-bye,
mama, soon I will be coming to see you. I would
like to live in a situation better than this, otherwise I will come to see you
and together we will be happy, for in this situation I can't cope any more and
even the Bishop can’t cope any more, he can’t stand up, he can no longer do
anything. It is not possible that You for thirty-five
years have treated these two children in this way. We have said yes to everything,
I am tired, I am tired.
("I love you my Lord" is being sung)
- See, Jesus, that in spite of everything, we
manage to sing, to cry, to pray and to laugh, anyway I am waiting for an answer.
If I must die in a short while, we have to leave for
- Do they say anything?
- Not yet.
- Shall we sing another song?
- No, give us the blessing, it is enough,
I am tired.
(The Bishop gives the Eucharistic blessing to
the people present and administers the Holy Communion to Marisa)
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 23rd July 2006 – h. 1:20
p.m. (Letter of God)
- Here she is. Here she is. I thank you for
coming. We are so much in need of you, of your help, help from God the Father,
from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Saint
Joseph and my mama. We require a very important answer,
understandable, definite. We cannot go on like that.
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, I follow my talk linking to
the prayers the Bishop has said yesterday evening and to all last night and this
morning prayers with which you have turned to God as sons; you are sons of God.
The departure is coming, but it will not happen in these days. There is still
some time to be together, to rejoice and to pray. I know the suffering is
great. Before you
have said you feel defective and your Mama asks you: in what way? You would not
be able to answer. Then the answer from God is that the departure will come,
but you will still have some time, little time of course, to stay together.
This must not distress you, it must comfort you. You have to say that at last your
sister will stop suffering, and when she will be in Heaven with us, she will pray
for you. She will also pray for your dear ones, for your friends, relatives,
sons who do not believe and will become believers. You have to accept your
sister’s departure, for she must stop suffering. I tell you
that she did not ask to suffer to stop the war, she just asked to pray, she is
no longer asking for more sufferings, she is not asking to take the disease of
anyone who is sick, she can just pray, and you too have to pray for her. Pray
so that God may give her and the Bishop the strength to accept all up to the
end. When I will bring little Marisa to Heaven, you shall do a ceremony more
beautiful than a marriage, than a First Communion, a Confirmation, and a Baptism.
You shall do a very big ceremony in the eyes of the people, in the eyes of all
the Heaven, and you shall be happy. Little Marisa, I know you suffer a lot,
that you feel the snake that is eating you within. Yes, it is true, you have
the disease that is eating you within, that is exhausting you, that is wearing
out you, but you see, it is a little while that you feel a little better, that
you manage to expectorate. The pain is diminished, and this is due to the
prayers of His Excellency and these friends here present. Courage, go
on in the grace of God. Do not take it in with God, He has nothing to do with
it, this is the natural life of this world. Be good, accept this suffering from
little Marisa, accept her departure, her ascent to the Father, for it will be
good for you too. Little Marisa, I would like to call you Miriam and with all
the names I called you when you were a little one, but let us leave it out, I give
you the strength to accept and to go on, with His Excellency, your holy Bishop.
I say it again, to be declared holy by God it is not necessary to collect witnesses
and do proceedings, it is not necessary to pull down the tapestry in S. Peter.
For God your Bishop is holy and little Marisa is holy. May God
bless you all, may God help you all, God loves you and you, little Marisa, love
Him, I know. Accept everything. You see now that there is no longer the problem
of eating that used to generate a never-ending discussion. She is taking Jesus
and she shall live for Jesus for all the time that has remained to her. Thanks for
your prayers. Together
with my and your holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your relatives, your
children. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Excellency, I beg
you, enough with the tears.
- Bye-bye.
She has
gone away.
- For you your world is approaching, and when you
will be up there you will be very powerful.
- Very powerful?
- You will convert many other people. But I don't
understand: they cry all the time and I cannot give vent to my feeling?
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 25th July 2006 – h. 0:40
a.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- Two big demons, strong, ugly have frightened
your sister and they are ready to come back to hurt her. They are more than
ever jealous of her, for they know she will take away from them many souls. When she
will go up to Heaven, she will bring with her the souls from Purgatory, the
ones God has decided. The big fear she had today, poor creature, reminds
her the one she had as a child and that happened again today
in a very awful and impressive way. The demons attempted to kill her, by frightening
her. Monsignor, do not leave her alone. I know, you have a lot of work to do,
but do not leave her alone. Place a small golden desk in her room and work next
to her. I know I am asking a lot, but if God does not intervene, till her
death, she needs your help. You too, Chiara , when you
are working, do not make so much noise and keep checking little Marisa’s
situation, whether she needs any help. Help the Bishop too, for he cannot do
everything by himself. What has happened has been terrible, but we have helped her
and we have saved her. I say it again, these awful situations and this evilness
will happen again. The demons will try to pierce through her body and her soul,
but she belongs to God and they cannot do what they like. Little Marisa,
you are strong and brave, you joke, laugh, you make witty remarks, as you usually
do, and go forth. Excellency, you must worry neither more nor less. If you can
do what I told you, do it, if you cannot do it, send someone living in a state
of grace next to her, to help her. You cannot
figure out how ugly and awful the occurrence was , something
happened to frighten the whole world. I say it again, there will be again some other
diabolic evilness happenings against her, because by now she is of God and they
do not want it. God has given her the possibility to bring to Heaven the souls from
Purgatory and this they do not want; for this reason they will try again to
kill her in every way, but it will not happen, be calm. She will suffer, suffer
a lot, but nothing will happen that could kill her. I ask you courage. I didn’t
want to tell you about today’s happening, I have been waiting for the whole day
and then, eventually, I said to little Marisa: "Little Marisa, let’s talk
about it this evening, so you can sleep at night". I see that Monsignor is
very tired, as Chiara is, but you, little Marisa, you
are the one who is the worse of the lot, and you are the jester of the lot. Jesus, the Mother
of the Eucharist, grandmother Iolanda and all the angels and saints will help
you and thank you. I know you are now quite hungry. Take the whole
Eucharist, you will see that the pangs will stop. I know
, God gave you a considerable suffering. The others are
happy that you eat not, nor drink and you too should be happy, for you suffer
so much less.
- But now I am suffering, yesterday I suffered.
Which one is the day when I didn’t suffer? That famous July 8.
Help me, I beg you, I am so much in need of it. I need your help. You are so
many, help the Bishop and me.
Our lady
- The Heaven is opening all the creation to
bring you up. As you have seen the babies playing with the flowers and be
immersed in a very beautiful harmony, so you have to do the same. Sing, pray,
praise God, even if, sometimes, you think God made you suffer a lot. His will
must be done and go forth. Bye-bye to
everybody. Bye-bye, little Marisa, have a good night everybody. Together with
my holy Bishop, I bless you, my children. I hold all of you tight in my heart
and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God
the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Remember the babies, the flowers and the songs.
– Must I play with the babies?
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, you are like the babies.
- Do not make me feel embarrassed. Our Lady - I
told you already at other times to remain as you are, for we like you as you
are. To the one who does not respect you, to the one who is not fond you, give
him a smile, perhaps pick up a flower and offer it to him.
- And with what legs?
Our lady
- Worry not. Go in the peace of God the
Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
Christ. In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
- Hello, mama.
Grandmother Iolanda
- Blow this kiss to His Excellency (she blows
a kiss).
- I know you think a lot about him. Hence, if you
think so much about him, help him. He is tired, he is tired, I
see he is very tired.
Grandmother Iolanda
- Worry not.
– How can’t I get worried when I see my
brother tired?
Grandmother Iolanda
- Worry not.
- All right. Bye-bye everybody. They have
gone away.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 26th July 2006 – h. 0:40
a.m. (Letter of God)
- May I speak before you do, my little
Our Lady
- Yes.
- Thanks. I would like to know what happened
last evening, I beg you, even if what you are going to
tell me is not nice, tell me, what happened. What happened to my body? I would
like to know just this, for my own serenity and then I am asking you to let me
rest and to let His Excellency and the people who are with us have a rest. Tell
me what happened, for I am going crazy, I am going crazy this evening.
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, you do not remember what I
said yesterday: the demon would have assailed you in every way and the demon assailed
you by making you eat two leaves of poisoned salad.
- But why didn’t you warn me beforehand?
Our Lady
- The demon is powerful, very powerful and the
ones who are assailing you are the most powerful in existence. He is the one
who attempted to burn your stomach, to make you feel sick. I am telling you and
I am telling his Excellency as well, you have to be careful,
it is the most dreadful moment in your life, my daughter. The demon is trying
you in every way, he does not touch you because you have the Eucharist, but
well he does other things, much stronger, much more grievous. You were tired
and you did not understand when I said to you: "Stop eating".
- I did not understand, I did not understand,
I just felt the salad was very bitter, now I still have a very bitter mouth.
Our Lady
- Well, I say it again, my daughter, the
demons are besieging you. If one goes away another one comes, if two go away another
three come, if three go away another four come, for they want to destroy you,
they want to kill you, for this reason I said to you: "Never be alone",
it is enough that next to you there is a person in a state of grace, of course.
- But I was there.
- But when all this happened?
This afternoon when, you, Excellency, were having a rest.
Our Lady
- Just because the Bishop was having a rest
that they imposed on you, they told you to eat and you have eaten.
- But I believed you were the one who told me that.
Our Lady
- No, little Marisa, you know you have to live
with the Eucharist, I could not have told you that.
- Why then didn’t you shake me, why didn’t you
prevent me from eating? I am sick, I was getting mad because of all this pain,
I can't cope any more to live like that and following me comes the Bishop too.
I am not going to allow it, I don’t want it, I beg you, saves him at least,
save him, save him, save him.
Our Lady
- Be careful from now on, for the demon may
show himself as an appearance of a man or a woman. Do you remember when he appeared
with my clothes, but had an ugly face? I say it again to you, you must be
careful, for even a woman or a man under whose semblance the demon is hiding can
hurt you. The demons that want to terrify and kill you are really a lot. Never be
alone, be always with some people living in a state of grace. Little Marisa,
listen your Mama, do as I tell you to, pray, suffer and offer your sufferings
and listen to nobody, listen only to the bishop. Excellency, help this
- I am ready to help her, however I am in a
total confusion, I no longer understand anything. You
have seen: I was praying and I fell asleep. What must I do, keep wake
twenty-four hours a day? Must I be always awake? What must I do?
Our Lady
- No, no, at the time when you will be sleeping
I will come, I will be with her.
- And today why were you not there. Excuse me.
Our Lady
- Today I have come twice, I didn’t think this
would have happened. I too, when I am present on earth, am a woman as all of you,
I act as you would act and I would have never thought that the demon, in spite
of my presence, would have attempted to poison you.
- Excuse me, Mama of Heaven, maybe I no longer
understand anything, but couldn’t you have awaken me up, couldn’t you have made
me understand the deception the demon was preparing? What is happening in here?
Our Lady
- I told you already that I too, when I am on
Earth, am a woman as any other.
- And who can protect us then?
Our Lady
- If I would have understood the intention of
the demon against her, I would have awakened you up and I would have said:
"Get out of bed and go to your sister".
- The Bishop prays so much, so much, so much, he
is always with the rosary in his hand, he is always ready to pray. Little
Madonna, let us understand something more, for we are left in a sorry state. I too
don't understand anything, my head is humming, is spinning, the Bishop suffers for
the same situation. Why have we been driven to such a sorry state? Can’t God
Our Lady
- I won’t say anything more, my daughter, but
from this evening you and the Bishop will tie the Rosary to your arms and you
will be always together, unless the Bishop has duties or other necessities to carry
out, in such a case near you there will be Chiara or
some other in God’s grace. I, as your Mama, ask you to be forgiven for not
having been able to understood the diabolic deception.
As a woman of the earth, I too did not understand what was happening. Forgive
me my children.
- But couldn’t God have made you understand it?
Our Lady
- Yes, but he didn’t say anything.
- Why?
Our Lady
- Chiara , I thank
you for what you are doing for little Marisa. Be near her. Never leave her alone,
the time is getting short.
- My little Madonna, you know I am always near
her and even today, when a young men asked me to go
for a walk, I answered: "No, I am tired", but the true reason was
that I wanted to be near Marisa.
Our Lady
- I beg you, Excellency, I beg you, be strong
as you have always been.
- Can you get rid of this diabolic nightmare?
Our Lady
- Do not collapse, Claudio, do not collapse, my
- I am not collapsing, I am not collapsing. My
god, I am turning to You . My God, why do you allow this
to happen to us that has never happened to anybody?
Why is it happening to us at a time that is already very hard? Father, I am
addressing directly to You, I am skipping our Lady’s mediation. Why is it happening
here something that is destroying us? My God, do you want our destruction? Heavenly
Father, do you want to see us done for?
God the Father
- Never, never, my son.
- My God, I have prayed so much, for I have
foreseen that something horrible was going to happen. I have prayed our
guardian angels, Ishmael and Joel, so that they could protect us, but nobody
has protected us.
God the Father
- They all have protected you, otherwise by
this time little Marisa would have been no more and you would not be able to do
that beautiful ceremony you have talked about. She is still with you. Aren’t
you happy she is still with you?
- Yes, my God, but at what cost!
God the Father
- Then do you want Me
to take her away?
- No. First we have to leave for
Rome, not now, my God, I
beg You, I implore You, You are Almighty. I know that
the demons hate my sister as poison for the good she has done, and the
conversions she obtained with her sufferings. By destroying her, they know they
destroy me too. I beg you, I implore you, my God, send your angels, so that they
are the bulwark against these demons. I will fight, I
will do whatever is in my power to get rid of them. I know, this is the last
fight and we will win against the demons because You are
with us. Anyway I dare say, after listening to what Our Lady has said today, I
am shocked. My God, are you listening?
God the Father
- Yes, I am listening.
- My God, my Father, do not forsake me at this
time. Where are you? Where are you, Daddy? See to it that such an atrocious
pain is eased, so that I may rest and tomorrow start again a difficult life,
but full of love to save other souls. God, my God, my Father, do not forsake us,
I beg you, we need your help. Now we have only a girl
helping us. Can you send somebody else to help us? But somebody
good, who would really love us.
God the Father
- Now do not think about this, stay here a
little more, then go to bed and tie the Rosary to your arm.
- I know that I too have to tie the Rosary to my
- Are you fond of us, my God? Be a little benevolent,
a little merciful, a little compassionate. How is my
mama? Is she well? Why don’t you make me feel a little bit better? I live with
the Eucharist, I am not eating anything. Last evening the demons drove me to
such a sorry state, but if You want, You can help me to
feel better. Can you make me feel better? Can you let me have a rest? If I
would be able to throw out, I would get rid of those worms, of the animals I
have within and I would be happy, with You , my God,
with you, Mary, and with my brother.
Our Lady
- Bye-bye, my children, I wish you a good
night and I will help as far as I can. If the demons show again, you must be
strong and grab hold of the Rosary and should you have to throw up, my daughter,
worry not, for the worms will go out and you will feel better.
- Can we say goodnight to you?
Jesus, goodnight, God, goodnight. Have some compassion for
us, I beg you. Bye-bye. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
- Did you understand what has happened?
- I have understood, little Marisa, what has
- What must I do? I no longer understand
- We will help you.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 26th July 2006 – h. 2:50
p.m. (Letter of God)
- Don Claudio, just because celebrated a H.
Mass in the thaumaturgical place, was suspended
a divinis . Afterwards, he was reduced to
the lay state after he was ordained Bishop by God. The Bishop has always suffered
and continues to suffer. You made me take the Eucharist instead of the food and
I am very sick, even if I said to the Bishop that I was better, it wasn't true.
I said I slept all the night, but it wasn't true. God, what
do You want from us? Where are You ,
or where are You hiding? What’s the purpose of the priesthood if they have then
forbidden him to celebrate the H. Mass? What’s the purpose to be ordained Bishop
by You , my God? To suffer, to be humiliated
and condemned? How many calumnies and defamations had to endure the Bishop!
I say it again to You : what’s the purpose of feeding
me on the Eucharist, if then I feel sick? Besides there are the demons tormenting
me. Send them away. They do some horrible, dreadful,
revolting things. Send them away. Forgive me, my God, but I have it in with
You . Why did you give me the gift to feed on the Eucharist?
To make the Bishop happy? But I am very sick. Just think to
all that You removed from us. We have only suffered. I ask your forgiveness,
but I feel to say what I think. And you, Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, why you
no longer help us as you used to? And you, mama, what are you doing in Heaven?
Why don’t you come to help us?
Grandmother Iolanda
- My sons, I am with you, but I am a simple
creature of God, I am not so important as you think.
- Mama, mama, you are important,
you are for us at least. Help us, little mama, I beg you, help us or take us
away, say to God to take us away, for the suffering is so much. I just ask you
to help the Bishop when I will be no more. Help him, mama, I ask it to you;
help your son, little Madonna, help him. My God, I don’t know where you have
been hiding, but if You want, help the Bishop. You ordained
him, but you have driven him to an enormous suffering. Forgive me for what I
have said; if I deserve the blessing, give it to me, and if I do not deserve it,
don’t give it to me, anyway my thought towards God
remains the same. My love for You, God, is very great, but now I feel dead.
God the Father
- Little Marisa, I am God. I have helped you
and you were never aware of it. Yes, it is true, there are many demons running around
you and they look for every opportunity to kill you, so that you don't bring in
Heaven the souls from Purgatory, but up to now they did not succeed. I am the
only One to know the souls that will be coming up, afterwards I will also tell
you and you will come up with them. Excellency, your Daddy is almost without
courage to say to you courage.
- My God, I have no more strength and courage.
God the Father
- I say to you courage. You must have a lot of
courage, for you are very much harassed by men and demons. But now, I beg you, do
it for your sister, go to eat something to have more strength, or else you will
get weak.
- And to her?
God the Father
- To her I say to start eating again a little.
- God, I have said to You :
You have given me the Eucharist to make me feel better, and they were all happy,
but I have suffered and I am still suffering, however do as You want, what You
want. Must I take the Eucharist? I will take the Eucharist. Must I eat some
food? I will eat it.
- Daddy, say to us a clear word.
God the Father
- I have said: little Marisa, you can eat a little.
- What can she eat?
God the Father
- Anything.
Either she takes just the
Eucharist, or the Eucharist and some food.
- What is better?
- If even with the Eucharist the stomach is very
sick, I don’t want to eat, for I don’t feel hungry either. I don't understand why
You give me the Eucharist to make me feel better and
instead I am worse, I fail to accept it. Even when we have placed the Eucharist
in the water, so that I could drink it without danger, I felt sick, I don’t
manage to accept this, my God, but be done your will.
God the Father
- Wait a little more, because you have to act secretly
from the demons. Take the Eucharist and see how it goes.
- My God, why don’t you send them away? You are
God… Are You not replying to me?
God the Father
- I am God, but this creature has to sacrifice
up to the very end to save the souls.
- But we cannot live like that.
- Give me all the suffering, leave the Bishop
free and give him strength. He has always helped me, he has been always strong,
but now to see him reduced in such a state I cannot stand it. We are the two of
us, he cannot see me reduced in such a state and I cannot see him reduced in
such a state, and what are You doing, God? Are
You hiding?
God the Father
- I am in your midst. This other test I have
asked from you, especially from you, little Marisa, is to save many souls.
- And I need not to be saved, when did I tell
You I felt very sick to feed with the Eucharist only?
Forgive my daresay .
God the Father
- I am not offended, I know it doesn’t come
from your heart.
- My God, we have more than a month in front
of us, I can’t cope with it and live in these conditions.
- Give him a reply. He can’t cope. Do
You want to help us? Even if I am sick, give him the
strength. By now I have understood that the pain will remain with me, but what is
killing me is the fact that everybody thought, even the nephews, that by feeding
only with the Eucharist, I would have felt better, and all were happy, instead
they didn’t know I was suffering and I could not even say it.
God the Father
- Treasures of God, go forth with faith and
love. I, God, am with you and I will never forsake you.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 26th July 2006 – h. 10:55
p.m. (Letter of God)
God the Father
- Excellency, my son, treasure of God, you
have given your life for the conversion of the priests, especially for the high
prelates. I remind you that I decide everything and it is only I who can decide
whether you can see me or cannot see me, so long as you are living. You cannot say:
"When I will go along with little Marisa to Heaven, at her departure, I
won’t see God".
- Thanks, Daddy.
God the Father
- I won’t speak anymore. Because if had to
speak again…
- No, do speak, speak, it pleases me, my God,
if You speak.
- It pleases you, but to me, Marisa, it
- Why?
- Because I am tired and I have no strength to
sustain the conversation with God.
- And then let us leave it out…
God the Father
- Son, you must listen to me.
- Tell me, my God, my Daddy.
God the Father
- You must not say anything, it is I, God,
deciding everything. As you see, it was I to decide for little Marisa. You men cannot
change what I say or I do.
- That would be the limit!
God the Father
- What do you know, whether you will see me or
you won't see me when you will go along with your sister to Heaven? You must
just do what I tell you to do and if I, God, want to take you up, who are you
to say no?
- That would be the limit. I will be gladly coming.
God the Father
- I, God, am not joking.
- I know it, my Lord.
God the Father
- Don’t say that would be the limit, because…
- Perhaps I am not very lucid tonight, but it
is logical that my great desire is to do your will, always.
God the Father
- The great suffering is the one of your
- Yes, it is true.
God the Father
- That doesn't mean you are less holy that she
is or more holy than she is. Let God decide, I am God, I am your Daddy. Have you
well understood?
- I have understood perfectly.
God the Father
- Then?
- Thanks, my God, my Daddy.
- Are you now saying thanks because He has
said all this?
- Do you thing that’s nothing?
- God is smiling at us.
Our Lady
- I, the Mother of the Eucharist,
Saint Joseph and all the
angels and saints of the Heaven, are here present with you. Little children, you
must not be afraid. Yes, I know the demons, they are huge, ugly,
they are bad and can hurt you. But as long as you will have
Jesus, me, the Bishop and the people near you praying, you will be helped, my daughter.
- I am sure you are helping me, but do not
forget I am easy to get scared. I cannot forget that awful day, that horrible
fire, as I cannot forget that they made me eat the poison. Now I am scared, I am
very scared. If you would, at a certain time, tell me to eat, I would not eat
because I am scared to eat, I am scared to drink, I am scared of everything. I
would like, my Lord and my little Madonna, that you would help me to endure the
suffering, for my body is mangled everywhere and I no longer have more the
strength to endure all this suffering. I have asked God a question and I am
waiting for his reply. I will do what He will decide, but to live for me is
hard, very hard. Now I would like to know if aunt Anna
is in Heaven with my grandmother and with my mama.
Our Lady
- little Marisa, aunt Anna is in Heaven since
many years. Do you remember when you used to call her the little Madonna? You
have often spoken about her. Sure, up in Heaven, grandmother Iolanda is
towering, but there is also aunt Anna, whose name day
is celebrated today, for it is the feast of Saint Anna and Saint Joachim, my
- Then, my mama, besides her mama, my
grandmother, has also her sister.
Our Lady
- Aunt Anna went up to Heaven before grandmother
Iolanda, it is forty-eight years since she died, my
- will you let me have that reply I am waiting
with so much anxiety? I do not worry whether it is yes or no, provided I have the
answer and I will do the will of God. Anyway, how much time is left for me to
live? If you want, you can give me a little joy in the short time left for me
to live. Listen,
Jesus, has God gone to sleep? Is he not coming to His Excellency?
- Do not exaggerate now, we do not sleep, we
sing, we pray, we are all united in love, charity and prayer, all together with
God. When you see a very beautiful flower, it is God, when you see a very
bright star, as you did a few days ago, it is God. As long as you will live on earth,
you will see God in the shape of a flower or a star, afterwards, when you will
come up to Heaven, you will see God as He is, and then you will have a great
and beautiful joy. Courage, little
Marisa, be strong and accept this suffering so great, you are mangled all over
your body, you are Martyr of the Eucharist.
- All right, then I will ask it my brother the
Bishop, for I never remember things.
- All right, now continue to do the serenade
to Mary, and then you will have to take those medicines in order to sleep.
- Will you let me sleep a little?
- Not the whole night, of course, you will
sleep a little.
- Thanks.
- Jesus, can we have shifts to keep wake and let
little Marisa have a rest?
- Not the others, for they work hard from
morning to evening.
- I will keep wake.
- Not you, for you have to attend to a lot of
duties, you have to help your sister, you have to
write and do your work. Little Marisa will keep wake for everybody. Be happy
and obedient all of you.
Our Lady
- Together with my and your holy Bishop I
bless you, your dear ones. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you
with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- There is aunt Anna
too. Bye-bye, bye-bye everybody, greet God on my behalf.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 27th July 2006 – h. 9:27 p.m. (Letter
of God)
Our Lady
- Here I am, little Marisa. I am the Mother of
the Eucharist, and I am coming along with grandmother Iolanda. God will give
the answer, and will give it to the Bishop, but I don’t know when. The only
thing coming from me is the suggestion to eat the French beans that yourself
can dress.
- I don’t know the French beans.
- Can you eat the French beans?
- Do I know them?
- They are the ones you asked us to dress. Can
you eat that?
Our Lady
- Yes, tonight.
- Is that you, little Madonna, or somebody
- It is Our Lady. What do you mean?
- Is the Mother of the Eucharist?
- She is Our Lady. Yes, she is very beautiful,
my mama is beautiful too.
Our Lady
- For this evening and every day, depending on
how you feel, we will tell you what to eat. If you won’t have such a nasty pang
as today, you will take just the Eucharist, otherwise,
you will eat a little. Tonight you are going to eat some French beans.
- But I don’t like them.
Our Lady
- Dress them as you
have said and you will see that you will like them, if the Bishop allows it.
- Oh yes, yes, yes!
- What has got the Bishop to do with it? It is
God who decides.
Our Lady
- No, my darling, this suggestion comes from
your Mama. It is I, the Mother of the Eucharist, saying to you to eat, later on,
the French beans. Do you know why I say it to you? Because I know you don’t
like them. You eat them and you will do a little sacrifice.
- But you are cunning! Wait, Don Claudio, do you
know what she has said?
- I did hear. Ask her why you were always
hungry today, in spite of the fact that you took the Eucharist several times.
- Why today I was always hungry even if I have
had the Eucharist?
Our Lady
- God has allowed this. When particular, great
situations arise, it is God, He only, who decides, and you have been very good,
for you have kept your faith till the end, you accepted to do the will of God,
you have obeyed God till the end. To eat the French beans is a sacrifice for
you, then you will eat the French beans when you will
be able to do it.
- But why?
Our Lady
- It is a sacrifice because you don’t like
them, it is a little sacrifice because you don’t like them.
- As long as they don’t make you sick.
- I don’t understand anything.
Our Lady
- Don’t worry, the Bishop has understood very
- Listen, given that I don’t like them, aren’t
they going to make me sick?
Our Lady
- No, if it is I to tell you to eat them. You
have to do the little sacrifice, the mortification and the sacrifice. Don’t you
like them? You are going to eat them. Would you like a savoury food, like the
one we have talked about today? Do not eat it. Try to understand me, eat some
French beans and together you do the sacrifice, the little sacrifice and the
mortification that before God is of immense value. Thereafter there will be the
Eucharist, my darling. Don’t worry if you should suffer again because of so
much hunger, for God will tell me what to do, I will obey God and you will obey
me. Are you happy?
- Yes, yes. I am happy, provided that don’t
make me sick, but just to eat some French beans I must do a little sacrifice,
the mortification, the sacrifice, and if they are badly dressed the little
sacrifice is worth double.
Our Lady
- No, you are going to dress them on your own,
as you did at other times.
- Tell me the truth, Can I really eat them? For
I suffer, but I do not want to disobey God, for Heaven’s sake, I have always
obeyed God, I don't want to disobey. Can I really eat them?
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, I am your Mama, wouldn’t you
think I would say one thing for another?
- No, but in these last times there has been a
whirl of words, and I have no longer understood anything. Is it right what I
have said to her?
- Yes, well done.
- Well done? You did well.
- No, you did well.
- if I did well, you did … (referring to Our
- She did very well.
- You did very well.
- To a mama you can say everything.
- I was just thinking that yesterday she laughed
so much.
- Today instead we have laughed somewhat less.
- Yes.
- I understood that God had allowed you to
have the pangs, I told you that.
- Don Claudio, are you going to be with me
when I eat?
Our Lady
- If the Bishop is there with you, little
Marisa, do you want me to be with you as well? If I am going to eat your French
beans, what are you going to eat?
- Please do not eat those two French beans they
give me. Yes, all right, I thank you, little Madonna, I know I don’t deserve
anything, but I don’t want to disobey God, absolutely not.
Our Lady
- Then let us pray together Almighty God, Our
- Little Madonna, let the Bishop, Marco,
class=SpellE>Chiara and little Marisa feel well, Bye-bye, thanks,
thanks, thanks. The pretty thing about it is that I don’t like French beans.
- How is your stomach going?
- Well.
- I am happy.
- The pain has gone.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 29th July 2006 – h. 0:40
a.m. (Letter of God)
- God the Holy Spirit, I wish He
would tell us something: that He would love us, that He would be fond of us,
that He would help us. We are in need of You . My dear
Bishop is always asking for the gift of the languages. Could You
give him this gift? It is not necessary to give him the gift of every
language, it is enough to give him the gift to speak French,
English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Arab and Russian.
God the Holy Spirit
- Little Marisa, you are asking me everything.
- I am asking it for him, for he is unable to
speak with every person. When foreign people come, he cannot speak and listen to
them, for he doesn’t know the language. Are You, God the Holy Spirit, going to
promise me, that You are going to give him this gift? Take
away everything from me, anyway I am not complaining, for I have nothing and give
it to the Bishop who is so much in need of it. He is also in need of people
helping him, who are fond of him and respect him. Send someone, someone in
order, I beg you. Holy Spirit, Spirit of love, enlighten
my mind, inflame my heart, help us and all the people invoking you, for they
need you. I am not asking anything for me, I am asking just the gift of the languages
for my Bishop. When will this gift of the languages come?
God the Holy Spirit
- When God will say it, God knows.
- He has still to say when.
God the Holy Spirit
- You must understand that God does whatever He
wants, as He likes and whenever He wants, it is not up to you to decide.
- Yet, we may ask.
God the Holy Spirit
- Yes, you may ask whatever you want. Have you
seen, little Marisa, today, how God has fulfilled you?
- Yes, in fact I didn’t expect it because I am
not good. I have to say what I think, I am unable to
keep silent.
God the Holy Spirit
- It is necessary to be like that: to say what
one thinks, to tell the truth, always. My very dear Excellency, get ready, and God
willing, He will give you what you ask, but only when He will make a decision. style='mso-ansi-language:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May the blessing of the Holy Spirit
and Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, come down on you. Beware! There are people
who say: "In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy
Spirit". It is a blasphemy, it is a very grievous
heresy. The persons are three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Our Lady is the Mama
of all, but she is a creature.
- We have never used this form, I have never thought
of it. All right, bye-bye
God the Holy Spirit
- May the Holy Spirit come down on you. Bye-bye,
Little Marisa.
- It is the first time that the Holy Spirit
calls me little Marisa, I have never heard of it before.
- But do you realize it? We call Him and God
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 29th July 2006 – h. 9:35
p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- We are three Miriam: Our Lady, little Marisa
and the little one. I have come
to bless little Miriam. I have already blessed her in hospital when she was just
born and you were with me, little Marisa and there too, we were three Miriam. I bless the
parents; I beg you, do not spoil her, do not cuddle her too much and see that
she grows holy.
- Miriam is now looking at the little Madonna
and she is laughing. The little Madonna is looking at you, my darling. Here she
is , she is smiling at you. Bless all
of us and help us to endure this long and hard sufferings, help above all the Bishop
who can’t cope any longer to live in this way; I can’t help him more than I do
now. God
promised us to help and prevent the demons from tormenting us. Do not let them
come any longer, I beg you! We have suffered quite a lot. See that they will no
longer come and give us some peace, calmness and serenity. Help also
little Chiara who has been so much near us and has
suffered so much with us, but above all I entrust you the Bishop.
Our Lady
- And to the youth your Mama entrusts the Bishop...
- You are God!
God the Father
- Yes, you recognize me because you have seen
the star. Little Marisa, you have a darling child in your arms,
it is because of you, if this child is now in your midst. I promise
you, God does not lie, that the demons will no longer come to torture
you, they will come no more, my daughter! You have suffered
too much. Take the Eucharist and eat something you feel like eating. Excellency,
the demons will no longer come, for I will crush them one by one.
- Thanks, my God.
- thanks, my God. See this child? She is mine
God the Father
- First of all she is yours, little Marisa, for
she was born because of your sufferings.
- I thank you, now I would like to have your blessing.
God the Father
- Please stand up, Excellency.
- I would like to have your blessing for this
God the Father
- I, God the Father, bless you, little Miriam,
together with your parents and little Marisa. Grow beautiful, good, strong and
brave. I bless you all. I, Almighty
God, to your eyes have been too severe and too harsh, but I have done what I
had to do. Now the situation will change, no longer will those demons come and
you will be happy. However, little Marisa, you know I cannot remove your pain.
The suffering is your mission.
- Yes, all right, I am not interested in my
pain, I am pleased for this intervention of yours. I have a great joy. Thank
you. I am happy above all for His Excellency. Are You fond
of him? You told him to call You Daddy and then You
make him suffer.
God the Father
- It won’t happen any more. The Heaven is
opening for your joy and happiness. There will be still suffering and hardship,
for they are part of the human nature and it is human that they happen, but the
main point is that those ugly monsters will not be coming any more, for I will crush
them one by one as I have started doing this evening.
- Excuse me, my god, May I sit down as I am
unable to stand up any longer? Look, how
is He looking at you! Thank You, my
God, thank You for this joy You have given us. You haven’t
given us a long message, but it was great for us. Excellency, are you happy?
- I am happy.
(The people present sing hallelujah)
- Isn’t there God any more?
Our Lady
- No, little Marisa, there are your Mama and
grandmother Iolanda. When you feel hungry and the Eucharist is not enough, take
something else, but you must hear and see me, in order to eat.
- Thanks, little Madonna, perhaps I don’t
deserve this joy. Thank you anyway.
Our Lady
- I bless you all. Together with my and your Bishop,
I bless you, my dear youth. I bless the Bishop and of course the Bishop blesses
your Mama and his sister.
Grandmother Iolanda
- Bye-bye, Excellency, I am grandmother
Iolanda. I pray so much for you and for little Marisa, and for little Miriam
Our Lady
- And I, the Mother of the Eucharist, I hold
all of you tight in my heart and I cover with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Marisa, did you understand that the demons won’t
be coming any more? Nor there will be any need to bless every time what you eat
and what you drink.
- I did not expect they would have told us
- We have snatched the grace; we couldn’t live
any longer.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 30th July 2006 – h. 1:10
p.m. (Letter of God)
- There is Miriam too, little Madonna. She is restless,
I am rocking her. Was also Baby Jesus always hungry?
Our Lady
- My dear children, thank you for your
attendance and for what you have done for my two angels.
All is beautiful if one
acts with love and you have done all with love and
sacrifice, for when you are so many it is normal to make some sacrifice. My
dear children, little apostles, you too by now have grown enough, your Mama
loves you and God wanted to grant you some graces, especially to you, little
Marisa. Also today God will be coming to speak to you, to tell you something you
want to know, to understand, even if to understand God is not easy. What I must
say to you is that I am happy for the way you behaved.
- Here is God! Today I see a beautiful flower
all lit up and You are in there. I don’t see You, I
will see You when the time will come and You will take me up, if I am worth it,
for if I won’t be good it will be hard to come up to You. Today
You have been coming as a beautiful flower. I would like to
ask you a question, but I don’t know if I am going to put it properly. You have
said that the demons were squashed or You have started
to squash them, to destroy them. We would like to know if all the demons of the
world will be destroyed, squashed or just the ones that
fought so much against us in order to hurt us.
God the Father
- Little Marisa, not all of them will be
crushed, for the time being, but little by little we will come to that point as
well. For the time being you must be happy that the ones bothering you have
been crushed. Now you are calm, you look like a happy and joyful person because
you are not scared.
- I am not scared and since You
have been coming so often I am happy and I am not scared. Give this help to the
Bishop too, make him happy, he needs it. Excuse me if I dare, but couldn’t
You send somebody who is fond of us to help us?
God the father
- I am in command, I decide, I operate and you
have to remain silent. If I say to the Bishop: "Today I am taking you in
Heaven with Me ", he must just accept it.
- Just a moment, go easy, it is too
early, he has first to settle the Church situation.
As long as you call me…
God the father
- See, little Marisa, how simple have you
become even with your God you don’t see?
- Yes, but that flower is marvellous and those
lights shining all around are really beautiful.
God the Father
- Then, courage, my children, do not let
yourselves down more than so much, be happy and give some joy to these two sons
and I, God, will give it you, for I want to take all of you to Heaven.
- And Miriam?
God the Father
- You are attached to Miriam.
- Yes. I wanted...
God the father
- She remains on earth with her parents, you
will go to pay her a visit, to help them, you will help the little one and then
when the time will come, for it will come for everybody, they will come up to Me.
- She wants to sing, but she has no voice.
God the Father
- All right, children, now attend the H. Mass,
think that Jesus is there, take the H. Communion, live
all of you in a state of grace. Sing, but you must sing properly!
class=SpellE>Chiara , you must sing properly.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 31st July 2006 – h. 0:50
a.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- You have lived three years full of
suffering. Many times little Marisa has been near death and now she is showing
traces of all that. The weariness is big, the exhaustion is so much,
I am near her also at night when she is sleeping. This
evening she has betrayed so much exhaustion because she, the poor woman, is
affected by everything, but you must not worry about this.
- Will you let her sleep tonight?
Our Lady
- If I am near her it is to let her sleep. I say
it again, you must not worry because the time has come
when she is affected by whatever she has gone through. She did not suffer just
for herself, but also for you all, especially for you, Don Claudio, Most High Excellency.
- I know it.
Our Lady
- She has suffered on account of those people you
know. You must not worry, for those people are...
- Thoughtless.
Our Lady
- At the moment these people are destroying
her, and even if she pretends nothing happened, she suffers a lot. My
Children, I am near you. Goodnight to everybody.
- Excellency, you must not worry, for if you worry
I won’t live any more.
- Are you now more serene, Marisa?
- Yes, even if I feel as I would be slipping
in a grave.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 5th August 2006 – h. 10:55
p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- My dear children, it is time to increase your
prayer in order to stop the war and let peace triumph. Pray for those people who
are suffering and dying because of the bad ones. Pray for my two children, I am
always next to them, at any time, even if they say they are not aware of it. I
am the Mother of the Eucharist and love all my children, little ones and grown-ups.
Try to understand how difficult my task is. When the
sky is covered with dark clouds, and it becomes ugly and fearful, you at once
worry and look for cover and go home. When the sun shines again, your hearts give
a start. The sun is Christ, the moon is me, the little
Madonna. Is it so difficult to be in touch with Jesus and Our Lady everyday? If
it is raining, if it is shining, if it is cold, you must be always in touch
with everybody. I beg you to pray for those people in When we will
leave for the Jordan River, all will be nicer,
the sun will be there, a beautiful light and our Jesus
will talk to the Bishop to help him to carry on with this hard path. You, little
Marisa, you know what is awaiting you, hence I invite
you to pray for the Bishop and to suffer for him, as you always do.
- I hope you did not forget that I pray for
him, I have given my life for my Bishop. If he will attain what God wants, it
is thanks to all those people who prayed for him.
Our Lady
- Children, Sara and Emanuele ,
you must be good, thoughtful, you have to eat, talk, write, play, everything
you can do, but first of all you must obey to daddy and to mama. My dear children,
I retire by God the Father and tomorrow I will be again with you. This night,
little Marisa, you will probably sleep just a little because I have to give you
some names of those people you will bring with you in Heaven.
- Will they be there as well?
Our Lady
- Yes.
- My God! Can I say it to the Bishop?
Our Lady
- Later on.
- All right. I will continue to pray for all
these people. How many are the people coming to Heaven with me?
Our Lady
- All in all they will be more than 3000. Are
you happy about this?
- Sure I am happy, but what you have told me
now makes me all the happier. I would like that all men would came to Heaven
with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and together sing and
praise God, pray to God, recite the psalms, stay united with Him.
Our Lady
- Together with my and your holy Bishop I
bless you, I bless Emanuele and Sara. I hold all of
you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 6th August 2006 – h. 12:30
a.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today God the
Father has sent me to tell you that the line of the people going up from Purgatory,
little by little, is moving , the people are no longer stopping.
God gives you the merit of this, it is a great gift He
is giving you. You should be happy knowing that your dear ones will go to Heaven.
For this reason I say to you: pray, pray, pray for your dead, so they too may
go to Heaven. A very beautiful wreath of flowers has formed. At the head of
this wreath there is our little Madonna, Saint
Joseph and grandmother Iolanda going step after step up
to Heaven. I remind you: to conquer the Heaven does not mean to be always in
prayer, or to go to the sanctuaries to pray. The Heaven is conquered with love,
submission and charity. You all must be just one thing, to love each other.
Among the people going to Heaven, there is still a long walk, some never went
to church, they prayed very little, but they knew how to love. It is no use, I
say it again, to be with joined hands and pray, above all you must love
everybody, even those people who make you suffer. I am waiting for that day
when your sister will go to Heaven taking with her all these souls who are more
of 3000: there are children who have the use of their reason, adults, priests,
bishops, cardinals, all are going up, little by little, to God. Anyone seeing God
experiences a great joy and happiness. To see God is not possible for you at
the moment, but when you will go to Heaven you will see him as He is. God has
elected us as his sons and has loved us as sons. I have
nothing more to say to you but to pray and do not get downhearted, for in that
moment the demon is tempting you. If you get downhearted and you feel down the
demon comes headlong to you and makes you sin. You must be strong, for you must
win the demon. How do you win the demon? With prayer, with
love and to be fond one another. The demon runs away especially when you
have the Eucharist. Receive the Eucharist every day, never
skip it, unless there are serious reasons preventing you from going to church.
Otherwise rush, have the H. Communion, receive Jesus in your heart and you will
see that the demon won’t be able to do anything. Even when you are depressed
and about to collapse, cling to Jesus the Eucharist and go forth. See how much misery
there is about: the war, the people who kill. You must try to pray to prevent
the demon from destroying the souls so that the world returns to the way God
created it. God has not created the world to make you suffer, but because He
has loved you. You men have not understood all this and continue not to pray
and to feel downhearted. Make penance, make some little sacrifice, let your
babies pray and you will see that everything will go well. Thanks from
my heart to those people cooperating to this campaign to save the souls. Together with
my and your holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, I
bless all the babies and the sick people. I hold all of you tight in my heart
and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 13th August 2006 – h.
1:00 p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- Only if you receive Jesus every day, you can
go to Heaven. Without Jesus the Eucharist, you cannot go to Heaven. I have come
just to give you my greetings. The One coming after me will have a lot to say.
God the Father
- I am God. For some time I have been coming
every day and today, after a few days, I am coming again to you to thank you for
everything you are doing: the little sacrifices and that penitence that, as
suggested by your Bishop, you have done for the peace, to help little Marisa
and for many people in need of it. Keep on going, for men always say many
words, but peace is not coming in a definitive way. Today there is peace,
tomorrow you do not know. You, going away and leaving this place, pray and do
the penitence, perhaps a little easier.
- They have chosen to eat liver, I didn’t tell
them to eat it.
God the Father
- Do what you are able to, but pray for peace
in the world. I, God, will be next to you, near you and I will help you, as I
will also help those people who are away on vacation. It will be a great joy
for Me to see you receive Jesus the Eucharist; so that
one day you may go up to Heaven. Do you know how many people are going to go to
Heaven with little Marisa? Up to now they are 3.540! And the largest part of
their names has not been written. Poor little Marisa, to remember all the names
is hard, then every so often I come and tell her the names she has to write
with the Bishop. Today you
may add Lauro , Giacomo ,
Luca, they are all holy people and also Massimo,
class=SpellE>Antonello , Giovanni and many others. By the name Iolanda
there is only your mama. Will there be another Iolanda? Who knows.
This must give you joy. Just think when you too will do a rope of flowers and
will go up to Heaven, where you will find so much joy, so much
love, so much charity. And then
the others will come, still some others and at the end also my sons will come.
- My God, why is my mama laughing?
God the Father
- Because she is thinking to all the souls
that will be coming to Heaven with you, tied one by one with the flowers. How
many more souls must we save, little Marisa?
- We are going to save all of them. You are
God the Father
- Yes, I want to save all of them. I made you
suffer so much to save the souls, to save the Church, for the new Pope, and you
know to whom I am referring to. There are still many things to do.
- Listen, my God, let’s have a talk as a man
to a woman. Can one say so?
- From creator to creature.
- From creator to creature.
If I have to wait for everything
You have to do I will never die! I had to die in March and
then in June, we are now in August and I am still living. When are
You taking me away? If You are not
taking me away, how can I pull the rope of all these souls?
God the Father
- Courage, little Marisa, I know you are joking.
- No, no, no, I am not joking at all. I speak to
You as creator to creature. Did you hear how the Bishop
has spoken? When am I coming up? When am I going to take all the others to Heaven?
You didn’t keep your word, my dear the God. I am fond of You
and I love You, but I cannot hold my tongue on what I think because you are God. (Marisa is
turning to the Bishop) Tell me if I am making a mistake.
- No, it is the daughter speaking to the Father.
- I am the daughter speaking to the Father. Let
us hurry up, do in such a way that when we arrive in
God the Father
- Courage, my daughter, I am near you, I am
fond of you, as are fond of you all the people of the Heaven, especially your
bridegroom Jesus, the Mother of the Eucharist, Saint Joseph, grandmother
Iolanda, aunt Anna and grandmother Speranza . Courage,
have faith and strength. Bye-bye, little Marisa.
Our Lady
- God has gone and has given some good news to
your sister. I, together with your holy Bishop, bless you, your dear ones, your
sacred articles and all those souls tied one another with a flower ready to go
to Heaven. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 14th August 2006 – h.
2:40 p.m. (Letter of God)
- I am listening at what you are saying.
Our Lady
- We thank you for the small and big
sacrifices you did, for the love you show for the people: your spiritual director,
Monsignor Claudio Gatti , your nephews, your little nephews
and the two ladies who are here to help you. Do not think anymore to what has
happened. Do not let you be upset by that sad memory.
- Yes, but when I eat I still feel such a
bitter taste. One should not say it, but I have a sense of disgust and I do not
succeed to eat because I feel a very bitter mouth. Anyway I thank you, above
all because you allowed me to sleep. Now I want to ask you a question, I
address it to Jesus, my bridegroom: since I do not succeed to eat, for I feel
always the bitter taste of that day, can I eat the French beans?
- Sure, for us it is always a salad.
- Yesterday you told me not to.
- I wanted to see how far your sacrifice would
go. You properly accomplished the sacrifice even if you did not eat the salad. Hence
be calm, live serene, or else we will not manage to give you the names of the
other people coming up with you in Heaven. Be happy, my daughter, tomorrow is
the feast of the Assumption of Mary. Celebrate a beautiful H. Mass even if you
are just a few. Pray for the people who are away and for the people who have
gotten you much pain and much suffering. At lunch you will be with them and you
will eat with them, tonight I will tell you what you could eat. Now I bless
you and the ones upstairs, especially the babies. I would like you to go out and
have some fresh air. Go out, try to make your sister walk because her legs are
no longer holding her; anyway always try to make her walk.
- It is not them not wanting to try, it is
that I am unable to walk.
- Well, try, first for a minute, then another
minute, until you reach up to 5 minutes. Dear Monsignor, you have to give the
gift to your sister.
- Isn’t it good the one with the letters?
- Who knows if you will have it on
time. You, anyway, give her a personal gift.
- I’ll do it gladly, You
know it.
- There are no shops.
- I don’t know where to do it.
- You must keep calm, so that no money is
spent. We have to pay this house, the other one and the house in
Rome. Listen, Jesus, I
wanted to ask You : are You really fond of me? Why do
You make me suffer so much, so much, so much? I know that
the sufferings are required to save the souls, so that peace may triumph, for
the future Pope and for the renewal of the Church, but I am very tired, very much
so, anyway I will never say no, I will never retire, rest assured. Jesus, I will
be always your beloved bride and You my beloved bridegroom.
Thank you.
- I, Jesus, bless you and I hold in my heart
with joy. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Praised be Jesus
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 14th August 2006 – h.
11:30 p.m. (Letter of God)
- When God the father, Jesus and my beloved
bride are present, what can I tell you? Just that I love you. Love one another all
of you. I cannot say anything else but to love each other.
Our Lady
- Together with the beloved bridegroom,
Saint Joseph, I bless all of
you here present in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 15th August 2006 – h.
0:45 p.m. (Letter of God)
- You are dressed with your Sunday clothes!
Our Lady
- As you are; today I have done my best to be
- You have a very beautiful dress.
Our Lady
- Before going up to Heaven and after we
stopped by the Jordan River, we went to the Gethsemane
and there we prayed. It was touching to see the children praying with their
heads on the ground and recite the Our Father, the Glory Be, the Hail Maria in Hebraic.
The children stood still until we were over with the prayers; we too lowered our
heads to the ground. All the angels were all around us and they were waiting
for my assumption into Heaven. After a short while I heard my All calling me:
"Mary, come", and I ascended again to Heaven. When I died, I was
transfigured at once and I was assumed with body and soul into Heaven, where I
enjoyed very much to see all the people dear to me, as today I enjoy seeing
you, people dear to me. It was very
nice when we left the Jordan River and we went to pray in the Gethsemane,
where we have seen the children with their heads down on the ground and on
their knees praying, praying, praying . Now they are
not praying, for they are playing, but let them come at the H. Mass; they are
small, but one of them has had his First Communion and the other, if he wants,
may follow his brother. Today it is a great feast in Heaven and you too have to
make a great feast. Some have asked me a gift for little Marisa, he has said to
me: "I have given her a gift, and you? You told me to give her a gift and
I went to get one for her. From you I want you to give her the gift to let her
feel a little bit better". In fact today she is better and she had a rest,
even if the illness is there and it is a serious illness, but she manages to
get over it, even by behaving as a clown and doing a comedy.
- Why are you telling me this? I like to joke
and when I feel sick it is worse if I let myself go. Instead I joke with you,
with Jesus and with the others in Heaven. All the more with
the ones on earth.
Our Lady
- I would like that in this feast day of my Assumption
into Heaven, you would pray more. You may just as well go for a walk and when
you are in the car recite the H. Rosary slowly and with your heart. Pray for
all the people who are getting ready to come up from Purgatory to Heaven with little
Marisa. Enjoy this joy. Excellency,
are you pleased about all these souls going up to enjoy in Heaven?
- Very happy.
Our Lady
- There are many priests.
- This is a great joy.
Our Lady
- There are also bishops and cardinals.
- What’s the name of the bishop of
L’Aquila whose surname I
do not remember?
Our Lady
- Are you expecting me to tell you the
surnames of all the bishops and priests?
- He is one of the few who was
fond of us.
Our Lady
- I know it. Look up in your scratch book,
where you will find his name. Every day you write the names of hundreds of people,
you must be happy.
- I am.
Our Lady
- Little by little.
You cannot write the names of 3.540
people, all together, it is a lot of work. Are you
aware that little Marisa betrays headache when she tells you the names? Do it
little by little. You can help them with your prayer and if you know some good
dead priest, some dead person, tell your Bishop. Now I tell you Anna,
class=SpellE>Giacomo’s grandmother.
- Yes, I have known her. Is she going to come
with me?
Our Lady
- Sure.
- When I will tell Franco he will be touched
by it. Help us to take up some more souls, it is logical, especially our
Our Lady
- Today I would like to hear your Bishop speak.
Have you nothing to say to your Mama?
- First of all thank you. I am I the one who
said: "I have given the gift, now you give one", for when Marisa feels
a little bit better I flourish again. Excuse my boldness,
I am making a comparison that doesn't want to be disrespectful. I behave like God
when He is manifesting to little Marisa in the form of
a flower: when He gives good news she bursts with light and joy, when He gives
ugly news she withers. I do the same with little Marisa: when she feels a
little bit better I burst with joy and when I see her suffering I wither; then
I have something in common with our Daddy. Currently I
am enjoying quite a lot because the names of known relatives and priests going to
Heaven are being listed. It is an enormous joy for me, for we will keep good
company in Heaven. Now I am asking: keep under your mantle the priests I will
have to ordain bishops and the bishops and cardinals who will have to help me. It
is a little while I am thinking to these people. Now I am thinking about the
future of the Church and to my future. On one hand I wish it would speed up, so
the good may triumph, on the other hand I have many fears, but then I think
that you will be there, little Marisa and grandmother Iolanda helping me and
then I feel reassured. Anyway thank you. I ask you to bless all the members of
the community that were near us during the painful moments and I ask you to lay
your hands first of all on the babies. Let them grow spiritually and physically
healthy, keep the evil away from their soul, so they are really the children of
the Mother of the Eucharist. Thanks for
listening to me.
Our Lady
- Thanks to you all. Together with
my holy Bishop, I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred
articles. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 20th August 2006 – h, 3:15 p.m.
(Letter of God)
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, your suffering is great
because the souls to be saved are plenty. See how many souls you are carrying
with you when you will go to the Heavenly Father. Aren’t you happy about it?
- Yes, I am happy, but I can't cope with it any
more. We are the two of us to suffer, we are the two of
us reduced to pieces, for we have no people helping us, no one near us. We have
nobody, we are just the two of us.
Our Lady
- The two of you and the five of us, we are
seven people.
- Yes, but you are up there and we are down
here; it’s awful. Planet earth gives me such a fright,
I don't want to stay on earth any longer. I beg you, help us. Today I have
eaten a little bit, let me feel a little better, so that I may not have that
ugly pain that makes me scream and is hurting me badly. Help us.
Our Lady
- We are helping you.
- You always say so, but your help we do not
Our Lady
- We are helping you, little Marisa, but more than
this we cannot do because your task is to bring many souls to Heaven; that is
the reason why every so often there is the big suffering that makes you suffer
so much, but then you will see that all will be beautiful and you will be happy
together with your mama.
- I would like you to take to Heaven with me
the Bishop too. What is he doing here? He does nothing but suffer ,
suffer, suffer. This is a time when I see him crying all the time, it is not
possible for a man ordained Bishop by God, to cry and suffer all the time. I
can't cope to see him reduced to such a state. Try to understands me, little
Madonna, I beg you, take him away with me, take us away together.
Our Lady
- This is a decision that God the Father must
- Every thing must be decided by God the Father,
but in short, we are tired, very tired. We have given to everybody: to men, to
priests and to the Church; now it is enough, we cannot cope with it any more. You
must help us, I beg you, you must help us.
Our lady
- Surely I must help you, I am your Mama, but
your task, little Marisa, stays put.
- Still more? Do not make me suffer as last
night, I beg you. I cannot cope with last night suffering. I beg you, little
Madonna, I beg you with all my heart, take us away, and if you don't want to
take away the two of us, take me away, and you send him where God the Father
wants him to go.
Our Lady
- I remind you, Marisa, that to become Pope
means to live great sufferings and face great sacrifices.
- You will help him. Or else what kind of a
mother are you?
Our Lady
- I like when you speak like that. Now in the
name of God the Father, god the Son, God the Holy Spirit, together with my holy
Bishop I bless you, I cover you with my maternal mantle, I hold you all
strongly in my heart, as I hold in my heart little Miriam, and I take you with me.
Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
- Bye-bye, mama.
Our Lady
- In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy
- My mama was there too.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 20th August 2006 – h.
11:30 p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- My dear children, thanks for what you have
decided to do: to give up sleeping to pray for little Marisa. If you have some trouble,
worry not, go to bed, but if you can do this sacrifice for your sister, do it
and God will be happy, as I too will be. Grandmother Iolanda too will be happy.
You cannot figure out how great my love is when I see you so near one another
and you help each other, when you talk about Jesus, Mary, when your Bishop
starts to lecture on the catechesis that, by the way, is never ending. You like
it and you are happy, we too are happy. This evening I was not supposed to come
but God has said to me: "Go, Mary, sweet Mama, go to these children of
mine, help them, let them understand that We are near, even if there is the
great suffering, for this is little Marisa’s mission". Other missions have
been removed from her, but the one to suffer for men, so that men may convert, is
hers, and you must be happy.
- I just wanted to ask you whether tonight you
are going to let us sleep just a little bit, for the pains are strong and the
exhaustion is so much. If you want, go to God, kneel down before Him, as Jesus
used to do in the Gethsemane, with your head lowered to the ground and say to
Him: "God, Almighty Father, helps these children of mine, let them rest",
you will see that He won’t say no, for God, in his own way, loves us; we are
the ones who, at times, do not understand His love.
Our Lady
- Thanks, thanks for gathering here. Two little
lambs have also returned, the others are still out, but all the young people
will do the penitence of not sleeping and to pray. I thank you and together with
my holy Bishop and martyr I bless you, your dear ones, the boys who are with
you and all the people who are away and have a family. I hold all of you tight
in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, mama, don’t do as last night, come
if I need it; naughty I say to my mama, not to Our Lady.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 22nd August 2006 – h.
8:15 p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- I am the Queen of Heaven, but I have no crown
and you know it. Look at the angels and saints all around me, look at how
grandmother Iolanda is meditative in prayer. I love you as Mother and as Queen.
You were not expecting me because today the two of us have spoken already.
- Yes, but I thought that they too were
listening, instead they did not hear anything.
Our Lady
- We have spoken about His Excellency,
Monsignor Claudio, and we have spoken well about him. God is waiting the
conversion of his children, above all the priests. This ordeal so hard, which
seems never to end, will stop because the Bishop cannot live like that any more
and he can no longer fight against the unworthy shepherds. You must be near the
suffering of the Bishop, you have to pray for him, do not get upset for some
nonsense. God wants love and you have to love each other, my dear little
children. All of you must love one another and if someone does not behave well,
he must not be present at my apparition and at God’s manifestation. He must not
attend the H. Mass if he cannot take the H. Communion. If you don’t take the Communion,
what’s the use to come to Mass? Pray for all the sinners. Have you seen, little
Marisa, how many souls will come to Heaven with you? I am happy that among them
there are the relatives of Monsignor Claudio and your relatives: you deserve
it. When God will decide, this ascent to Heaven will be a great feast for
everybody and you, my daughter, will enjoy it as His Excellency will enjoy it
too, for it is time at last that you too have a great joy. Pray Mary the Queen,
pray because as a Queen, she may have the strength to help you. Try not to cry,
it is not by crying that you solve your problems, but by praying.
- but I am praying a lot.
Our Lady
- And you are crying a lot. Courage,
Monsignor Claudio, my brother, my son, courage. My dear little children,
you are living an ordeal that no man in the world has ever had. When you says:
"The bad ones are enjoying and are happy, whereas the good ones always suffer"
it is true, from the human point of view it is like that; but God will give you
something greater: Heaven for the eternity. How long do you want to still live?
Then you will enjoy Heaven for ever. Thanks for your attendance. Monsignor
Claudio, I beg you, I want to see you serene and bright; I know it is hard, but
you can do it. Together with my holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred
articles, I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. I am sorry, little Marisa that you have so much suffering and that men
are unable to understand it, but I see you are serene and live with joy. I
thank you for this. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, beautiful Queen, without crown, are
you with us even during the H. Mass? Are you near the Bishop?
Our Lady
- Yes, as always, and I will also bring
grandmother Iolanda and Saint Joseph.
- Be near him, hold him tight
class=SpellE>tight .
- Later, during the H. Mass,
- Yes, I have heard it, this time I have heard,
everybody has heard. Let’s hope that soon will come the time of joy; God is
preparing it.
- Thus she spoke.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 22nd August 2006 – h.
11:52 p.m. (Letter of God)
- It is so hard to endure the suffering and
the hardship, my God, Almighty Father, Creator of all creatures.
You have so much loved us to give your Son, help me, I
beg you, let me feel a little better. Don’t You see
our Mama is crying? You must do it first of all for Monsignor,
he cannot spend sleepless nights to look after me, for I am aching all over. I
have asked it to You, I am not forcing You . If
You want, do help me, I need Your help, if You cannot help
me because your plans are others, Your will be done. God, have
mercy on me if I am unable to suffer as You want,
forgive me if sometime I call you as if You were my brother. Have mercy on me, God,
have mercy on me. Forgive me, God, forgive my
frankness when speaking to You. See that my pain may decrease a little, a little,
a little, I am not asking much. I just ask You to give
me a rest, to sleep, I need sleep. Don’t You see that
even during the day I am unable to do anything and eventually I fall asleep at
any time? God the Father, help me and help us: we cannot cope any more with it.
We have always said yes to You and we will continue to
say it, but You must help us, as You have promised so many times.
God the Father
- I am God. When it was the time to help you,
I was always present. At times people were present who were unworthy to be in
My presence, then I retired and sent the Mama: she has
spoken in my name. Little Marisa, sweet creature of heaven, be strong. Monsignor
Claudio, my son, be strong. I will help you, as I have always done, even if you
think the contrary, anyway your path is rugged and thorny. Do you remember,
Claudio? We will drag this poor and wretched flesh, without the mouth uttering
a bitter word of rebellion. Do you remember, son Claudio?
- I remember it.
- Yes, God, but do help us.
God the Father
- I give you my holy blessing, in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, God,
thanks. Let us feel a little bit better, I beg You , for
I cannot cope to live like that.
God the Father
- Are you still challenging Me ,
have you still no trust in Me? I am always ready to help you,
the men are the ones sending Me away.
- Not me.
God the Father
- Oh no, my daughter, little Marisa! You have
always suffered since you were born, it is not you sending
Me away. Bye-bye, little one. A kiss also to my little great Bishop ordained by
I am the
master of Heaven and earth, and I can do what I want. Woes to those people who
dared to talk badly and to slander my Bishop! Your sister has spoken well,
Claudio: "On earth we can live up to one-hundred years, but in Heaven we will
be enjoying for all the eternity". Then aim at the Heaven and think not
how long you have to be on earth. Pray together with Mary, Mother of the
Eucharist, with Saint Joseph,
with little Marisa’s mama. Even I, God, call her grandmother Iolanda, and you
will be united with Me, Pray, Pray. Marisa - Bye-bye.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 23rd August 2006 – h.
10:20 p.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady
- This is the hour of the great prayer in Heaven.
- And then why are you talking to me?
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, how dare you?
- You know I am joking. When are you going to
ask God the Father the matter I have so much at heart?
Our Lady
- First talk with your spiritual director and
ask him: "Do you want to come to Heaven with me?”
- He wants to come with me to Heaven.
Our Lady
- All right. You ask him and then I will speak
with Almighty God. All right?
- Do you know I labour to talk and to breathe
?… Yes, I understand. Bye-bye. Now I try to eat something. I
would like to feel that the others are a little fond of me, a little, a little.
You wonder why, but I feel this need; to feel that the others love me gives me
courage. Are you
taking me up together with Monsignor? Take us up, I beg you, I do not feel like
leaving him here on earth!
- but I will be escorting you.
- No, remain with me in Heaven.
- I must come back down here, I have to do,
I cannot leave the community. Remember what S. Paul wrote.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 24th August 2006 – h.
11:50 p.m. (Letter of God)
- I beg you, don't talk
any more as you did this evening. You have seen what a day we have gone through
the two of us. When you have to come, warn us, if you want, but let us not wait
for such a long time. We are suffering really a lot. We hear from God when He
tells me I must do His will. When you come you are a sweet Mama, but you give
us no news on what it is going to happen. We have written the names of the people
I must bring to Heaven, but how and when will it happen? Ask God to help us a
little bit. We live in
a devastating condition, but we love you so much and we love God, but we are at
rock bottom. We are suffering as no man on earth has ever suffered, nobody can
understand our suffering. Come, Mama, come more often! We need you. Don’t you
see how wretched we are? It is since 1999 that it looks like somebody is
pulling our leg: "This will be coming, that will be coming", but until
now nothing has come. The suffering is very big, we
cannot bear it any longer. We try to smile, to speak to the people coming to
visit us, but our heart is in pieces. Can you help us, Mama? Tell us, I
beg you, what must we do? I thought I attained it, I am worse than before and I
am still on this planet earth. God has called me "Creature of Heaven".
What Heaven? The one which is down here or the one which is
up there? I do not feel like a creature of Heaven. Don’t look at me,
look at our Bishop you love him so much and you say he is your son. You love
him, but what are you doing for him? Since he was ordained Bishop by God, what
did he have? Suffering, suffering and suffering; we are tired. Do we have to
keep on living like that? We feel like leaving everything, to close everything
and lock up ourselves at home, perhaps to work and to write. I would like very
much to see the Bishop to close everything. He is always thinking to the
community, but after all, even if they are good, what can the community do for
us? May they go to their own churches, they too will stop suffering. Why God doesn’t
make up His mind and take us up?
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, I have never heard you
talking like that. We see that in your heart and in the Bishop’s heart there is
a great suffering. I have prayed so much with your mama and you know how many
times we have gone on our knees before God and we have prayed for you with our head
lowered. God has his plans. Do His will, do not make your Mama suffer and you will
realize that everything will be better.
- Mama, little mama, not a very nice night is
awaiting me, come and stay next to me, to help me, for I am so tired. Come,
little mama!
Grandmother Iolanda
- You will see that you will manage to have a
rest, my darling, even if you have a lot of pain, my daughter. I have never
seen you suffering so much and are you expecting your mama not to cry for this?
- I just say: help us, we require your help.
Our lady
- All right, tonight we will talk again with God
the Father, we will pray on our knees with all the angels and saints. We will
ask what you said, little Marisa, and we will see what He will say. If He will
say that you still have to do His will, you choose: either continue to do His
will or retire, as you have said.
- Yes, but this is not nice; after many years
of suffering, to have to retire doesn’t look nice to me.
Our lady
- Little Marisa, I say it for you, for the Bishop,
even if you retire, you will not offend God. Do the will of God and God will let
you understand what He wants. You are not feeling well, little Marisa, the
illness goes on and the pain increases. Don’t take anything more upon
yourself, let also the others work for the Church. Together With
my great and holy Bishop, Monsignor Claudio, I bless you and your dear ones. I
hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, Mama.
Grandmother Iolanda
- Blow a kiss to my Bishop for me.
- Yes, but please pray for us, we cannot cope
with it any more.
- You have been good.
- I have said what I have felt in my heart.
- That’s what I said.
- But I don’t understand anything.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 26th August 2006 – h.
0:10 a.m. (Letter of God) style='mso-ansi-language:
God the Father
- I am God, little Marisa, you see me not, but
you see the flower; the beauty of this flower is the beauty of your soul. Yes, you can
take the Eucharist whenever you want and if you are still hungry, try to eat
something. We already agreed on this, but it seems me that you and the Bishop did
not understand me. I already told you that you had to take the Eucharist and if
it was not enough, you could have eaten a little; very little, this very little
didn’t find its way in your head. Isn’t it, little Marisa?
- Yes, God, You are right. Who has come to
tell you that, Our Lady or my mama?
God the Father
- Yes, both of them were
worried and came and knelt down with their head lowered, as your dear ones are
doing right now. Excellency, please stand up, you are already a martyr enough.
- And the other ones?
God the Father
- No, they can stay on their knees.
- Listen, my God, is it fine like that?
God the Father
- Yes, however, little Marisa, be careful when
you talk, my daughter, my darling, for I understand you, creature of Heaven,
but not everybody can understand when you talk in a certain way. Stand up, my sons,
to receive my blessing. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
- Can I say to you bye-bye, my God?
God the Father
- Sure.
- I also say to you thanks, my God, for you
are always near us. I don't want anything for me, you can take me whenever
You want, but I entrust you His Excellency Monsignor
Claudio. You have ordained him Bishop and you have to think about him. Isn’t it,
God, will you do it?
God the Father
- If you are asking me in this way.
- Help him, please, even when he will be alone,
for I will be no more, help him. Will
You send me on earth to help him?
God the Father
- Yes, be serene, creature of Heaven.
- God has gone away. Bye-bye, mama, bye-bye,
little Madonna, thanks for having prayed to God to come and talk to us. Now He
has gone away, for the flower is no longer there, it is very beautiful. Oh, how
much I would pay to find it!
Our Lady
- One day, when you will feel a little bit
better, we will draw it together.
- But when?
Our Lady
- We will sit down around a table and we will
draw the flower of God and the star of God. Bye-bye, creature of Heaven,
- Bye-bye, mama, bye-bye.
Our Lady
- Blow my kiss to His Excellency.
Grandmother Iolanda
- The Excellency is more handsome.
- All right. Bye-bye, mama.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 26th August 2006 – h.
11:05 p.m. (Letter of God)
- Forgive me, if I am not in order and worthy
to receive you, but you have come all of a sudden. I move with difficulty and
you know it, accept me as I am.
Our Lady
- My dear little children, I am here for those
people who have come to visit me for the first time since you are in the
mountain, for little Mariasole, for Anna, as her mother is here with me, and for
all of you here present. We are praying really a lot to get God’s answer, but it
is not easy to have this answer, as you want. If God would come and say:
"Yes, tomorrow I will do what I promised", you all will be happy, but
God still wants to save other souls, at least the ones who do not know the
religion well. Have you seen how many souls are ready to go to Heaven? And
there will be some more. I want to help
you to accept the will of God. You cannot say every day: "God, God, what
are you doing? What are you saying? When are you coming? We are waiting for a
reply". No, with God you don’t talk in this way. To God you say:
"God, we are waiting for a reply, but Your will
be done". You are in order, you are in the grace
of God. The sinners have to worry, those people not in state of grace. Grandmother
Iolanda is glowing, since she went up to Heaven she is another person. She loves
everybody, often she comes with me to the children, to the poor men, to the
sick people and when she is over with her job, she kneels with me before God
and asks the graces for you. She knows how things are going. What God has
promised will come. You are right, it is many years since you are waiting for
the advent of the holy word of God; it will come, but we have to help other people
to go to Heaven. Just think, out of 3.540 people, the names of 1600 people have
already been written; isn’t it a joy for you? You have to be happy. Holy Claudio,
Monsignor, bishop ordained by God, be good, be understanding, listen and accept
the will of God. I am happy that you pray during the night, but your first commitment
is to sleep. All have to sleep so you may work the following day. To you, little
Marisa, what can I say? By now you belong to God, you are a creature of Heaven.
I just tell you to pray for those souls that are good, but have nobody to teach
them the Commandments and all that God wants. Then, have patience, my daughter,
I know that the waiting is long and that you already had to leave for Heaven since
many months. You will leave, worry not, for you are
not feeling well at all. You are laughing, joking, singing and talking, but
your health is fading and with you will come all those souls in Purgatory.
Among them there are the relatives of yours and of the Bishop ordained by God. With
me there will be grandmother Iolanda and together with you we will guide all those
souls in Heaven. There is no answer from God; humanly speaking, it is sad, but it
is not like that, the answer from God will come; be more docile, have more
trust, have more love towards God, for God is love and loves you immensely. Grandmother
Iolanda, say something to these little children.
Iolanda -
Hello, Anna, I am the mama and I am very happy, you too be
happy. Hello, Selenia, little nephew, who was so fond of her
grandmother. Together we have suffered a lot, but today I am happy. You
have the husband, you have little Mariasole and here there are also the other
babies you know. Be fond of each other all of you.
- Mama, can you tell Our Lady to help all my grandsons
and great-grandsons to be in good health? Mama, are you going to blow me a kiss?
Grandmother Iolanda
- Not just to you, I am blowing one also to Anna,
Selenia, Mariasole and Angelo. Mariasole, blow a little kiss to grandmother and
also to little Madonna. I too pray to God for you, Monsignor, the Excellency,
the man who was ready to do his utmost to help me, who used to come to speak to
me when he saw I was alone. How sweet was that man, that Monsignor, that
-Thank you, mama, thank
Our Lady
- I, the little Madonna, with grandmother
Iolanda and my holy Bishop I bless you and cover you with my maternal mantle
and hold all of you tight in my heart. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the
Son, God the Holy Spirit. I remind you that today I was not supposed to come,
but I have come for you, my dear.
- Bye-bye, Mama.
They have gone away.
- Let us thank God for
sending Our Lady and grandmother Iolanda.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 27th August 2006 – h.
4:15 p.m. (Letter of God) style='mso-ansi-language:
- It is true that you have a liking for Don
Our Lady
- I have a liking for all the souls that love
my Son Jesus and that live in the grace of God.
- Listen, may I ask you a question? Where is God?
God the Father
- Here I am!
- Today You are
coming as a star. How beautiful it is, and it is big, big, big !
Have You seen, God, even today things have not gone well?
We pray, we try to do our best and then the unforeseen event happens, but it is
nobody’s fault. I have a stomach ache, but I am pleased that I did not create any
problem. See that Don Claudio calms down a bit, he is right, he has all the
reasons in the world. He is very much embittered when he sees a lack of sensibility
towards anyone suffering. Also God
the Holy Spirit has come. Now the three Jesus are all present. God, would
You like to forgive all of us? We are rather weak, we have some
little imperfections.
God the Father
- Little Marisa, you must not worry about
- Anyway You are fond
of us all the same. I bow and worship God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy
Spirit. Why is Jesus here and there?
- Because I am god and I can be in every
- Jesus, You are sweet, even too much. We would
like to go for a walk, are you going to send us some sunshine?
God the Father
- Even if there would be no sunshine, you can go
out all the same. What are you doing locked at home? You will have time to be locked.
- Listen, will I have some fresh air in Heaven?
That is what I miss.
God the Father
- Remember that you have to draw with little
Madonna the flower and the star. You will see that little by little everything
will be fine.
- Now there are the three Jesus equal and distinct,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father has the star, the Son the stigmata, the
Holy Spirit the dove. Bye-bye to
all, bye-bye little Madonna. Bye-bye, mama, thanks for
having helped me before. Don Claudio…
- Tell me.
- The three Jesus have come all together.
- I was aware of it, even if did not see them.
- I have spoken with Jesus.
- Yes.
- And I tried to speak with God as well.
- You have tried to speak with God.
- it is not easy to speak with God.
- But do you realize that the Most Holy
Trinity has come down to speak with you?
- And who am I?
- To God you are important.
- Now He has gone away, otherwise I would have
asked Him.
- There is no need for Him to come back, He
Himself said: "For me, God, you are the most important person on earth".
- Now I want the beautiful flower, where can I
find it?
- I am going to give you a suggestion: take a
sheet of paper.
- And I make a drawing.
- Take a pen or a pencil, then you say to Our
Lady: "Lay your hand over mine and guide my hand to draw the drawing".
Do you understand? Thus you draw the flower and the star.
- I wonder: had God to come under the semblance
of a star or a flower? Would not have been easier for me if He would have come
under a human semblance?
- He has come also under the semblance of
Jesus. In the Old Testament God manifested as a fire or as a
cloud, to Moses He manifested as a fiery bush.
- To me under the semblance of a star and a
- It is more beautiful.
Barrea (AQ), 29th
August 2006 – h. 11:00 p.m.
Marisa’s conversation with Jesus
- Why are you sad, Jesus? What have we done to
drive you like that?
- You have done nothing.
- Are You thinking to
the priests?
- I am always thinking about it.
- You told me not to think any longer to them,
not even to pray for them, and You ?
- You must not think about it.
- And you, Jesus, must You
think about it?
- I have established the priesthood, the
sacrament of the Order and the priests have soiled it.
- Are you crying for this, Jesus? Please, don’t
cry any more.
- It is normal I cry for my priests. Many are
behaving badly.
- May I
wipe away your tears?
- You may.
- Don’t cry, Jesus, here I am, if you want I start
again to suffer and pray for all the priests.
- No, no, no.
- Don’t do like that. See how many tears are
streaming down.
- Where is Don Claudio?
- I don’t know, I don't know, he was here right
now, do you want me to call him?
- When Jesus comes down, where does Don Claudio
- Up, in Heaven and he is feeling better than
I feel.
- The Mama has come.
- Mama, oh Mother of the Eucharist, come and
console your crying Son. I am no good at anything. I
want to suffer again for the priests, but Jesus doesn't want it.
- This never. I don't want it.
- and I obey.
- All right.
- But I don’t want to see You
like that, Jesus. We have had many nice talks together.
- Try to talk to my Mama.
- What must I tell her?
- Whatever you want.
- The only thing I can tell her is to help You,
You are her Son. Why don’t you help Him? Help the Bishop and me as well. The
end of our vacation has come. Was it a vacation? We have had only suffering,
suffering, suffering. Why do You allow all this? I would
like to understand it. I have always done what God has asked, I have always
said yes, but I would have never thought to see Jesus crying like that; He is
going to get sick in this way.
- Jesus does not get sick, just suffers.
- Little Madonna, couldn’t you come next to
Him? He is your Son. He has said He doesn’t get sick, He is just suffering, but
even the suffering is hard, I know it because I went through it and I am still
experiencing it. Now I feel better than Jesus.
Our Lady
- Little Marisa, what are you talking about.
- About that I feel better than Jesus. Jesus
is in the Gethsemane and He is crying. I want to
be near Him and cry with Him. You too come with my mama to cry in the
Gethsemane, thus transforming it in a lachrymatory. I am
just interested that you come and help Jesus, thereafter help Don Claudio. You
know what Don Claudio is going through, he is strong.
Our lady
- He is strong, but today he collapsed.
- He has collapsed and I didn’t realize it. I
have seen him running, went to buy a gift for a person and I have thought he
was cheerful (Marisa is crying). I didn’t think… I didn't think he was collapsing,
that he was sick. How come I didn’t realize it?
- Don’t cry.
- But You too are crying, Jesus.
- I am not crying any more.
- I see your eyes; they are red and full of
tears. Your face is red, You are not feeling well.
- Yes, I'm fine.
- How hot is your face!
- It is love burning it.
- That is ruining You .
- Are you feeling sick, little Marisa? Don't cry.
- No, I am not feeling sick.
- Don’t cry, little Marisa.
- This day was not supposed to end in this
way. (Marisa is crying) I did my best to be up and I didn’t realize that Don
Claudio was so much down.
- Marisa, Marisa! Now it is Me
telling you not to cry.
- And what can I do to stop crying?
- I am telling you, don’t cry, enough crying.
- Little Madonna, do you want to help us?
Leave me out, don’t be concerned about me, anyway, as God has said, shortly I
shall be departing. Instead the Bishop has been always slandered, jeered, laughed
at; they have shown lack of respect and they have destroyed him. Now try to
help him, please, we are alone, we have you from Heaven, but you are up in Heaven,
we are still on earth to fight. I ask your forgiveness if I didn’t realize that
You too were feeling down.
- Don’t even say that.
- No, I have to understand when you are down
and you are in need. You, my Jesus, my bridegroom.
Even the Bishop is very much down.
- The Bishop is down, Jesus is down, Jesus’ bride
is down and your mama?
- She is up.
- Don’t you see that you even manage to smile?
Keep on talking with your mama, she understands you.
- No, nobody understands me.
- Talk with your mama.
- What must I tell her? I don't know what to
tell her.
- Grandmother Iolanda is crying.
- Yes. I don’t know what to tell her.
- Talk with grandmother Iolanda, you will see
that she will answer you, she has the permission from
- Mama, mama, don't cry ,
my darling, do you know that in a short while, if God keeps His word, I will be
coming to Heaven? Don't cry.
Grandmother Iolanda
- We are praying so much for the Bishop, for
the Excellency. My daughter, you cannot figure out how many are running on
their knees before God, to pray for the Excellency. You look like two little
birds in a cage, left alone, forsaken, but we are with you, there is God, there
is the Mother of the Eucharist, there is Saint
Joseph, there are many people who are fond of you and
love you here in Heaven. On earth it is more difficult to find people loving
you, there is jealousy, envy, slander, there is much evilness. Little Marisa, shall
we pray all together, with His Excellency, turning our gaze towards God? Our Father...
Glory Be... Hail Mary...
Our lady
- Courage, little children, your victory will come;
you still have to wait, but it will come. We are not going to leave you alone, we
are with you and if the men on earth make you suffer, behave as Dante used to
say: "Let us not talk of them, but look, and pass". Help the Excellency,
as grandmother Iolanda says, help little Marisa.
- When will the time come for my departure from
this earth? Then also the Excellency will be better and I really hope you will
help him.
- I greet you Mary, greetings to Jesus on my
behalf, I await you at the hour of my death. Bye-bye, thanks, bye-bye my little
mama. Claudio?
- Here I am.
- where have you been up to now, in the
Gethsemane or in Heaven?
- In the Gethsemane.
- With Jesus?
- Yes.
- I was there, but I didn’t see you.
- Don Claudio was there too, at that moment
Jesus and Don Claudio were all in one.
- And what was I?
- You were all in one with Our Lady, the
suffering of the one was the suffering of the other.
- Are you a little better?
- Yes.
- Sure?
- Don’t you see it?
- No, I don't see it.
- Are you not seeing properly?
- Before going to bed, let’s take the blood
pressure. I have to obey to Jesus and to Our Lady.
- They want me to take the blood pressure?
- Sure.
As long as your are
alive on this earth, you have to take care of yourself.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 1st September 2006 – h. 0:25 a.m.
(Letter of God)
- Hello, hello. I was really afraid, for I
feared you wouldn’t be coming. My mama and
Our lady
- Little Marisa, don't say that.
Your are more than good, taking into account what you are
going through. The others are the ones who have to help and understand you. You
have concealed within yourself many ugly things, so that your brother and my
son, the Excellency, would not be suffering. You must not conceal them for too
long (coughing).
- I beg your pardon, I have a little cough.
Our lady
- Let us call it a little. You must not keep
within yourself for too long the ugly things that you can tell your brother, your
spiritual director, otherwise his liver and above all his stomach get sick even
more. You have not been bad, be calm, you have been more than good. When love
is great you may come to a clash. Why? This happens because you love each other,
because you love God and love men as well, you try to help everybody. Not even
once you have ever succeeded to make Jesus and me suffer,
never. You never made us suffer, while there are thousands of people who make
us suffer because of their way of speaking and behaving. For this we love you so
much and I didn’t allow me to be seen up to now because of the reasons I will
tell you tonight, when I will come to put you to sleep.
- Are you going to let me sleep soon, for I'm
so tired?
Our lady
- Yes, yes.
Now we see what to do, for we are all reunited
before God, on our knees to pray. I have departed and I have brought with me your
dear mama and my beloved bridegroom, then we will have to go back. There are
long evening prayers. You know that by us there are no evening, morning, night,
day ; I talk like that to let you understand that there
are long moments of prayer, of chants, psalms, hymns, all of us have to be
present before God and we pray for you, my dear sweet children. Creature of Heaven,
accept when they call you like that, for it is the truth.
- But when the people hear these expressions,
I feel ashamed. I am not pleased to be called like that, for I feel a creature
of the earth, look at how I am! I am a creature good for nothing.
Our lady
- No, let it say. How has God Our Father
called you? Jewel of God, treasure of God, love of God,
the same is good for His Excellency; I see him smiling. You manage to better
disguise, to better hide the great suffering. What you have done yesterday
evening was a very nice scene, we laughed a lot. His Excellency is more restrained
and you better notice his suffering. The gesture you have done to phone that
priest was really beautiful. We hope his conversion will go on and may reach
you in Heaven. Now wait, see how the situation evolves for him and then,
probably, he will come down again among you.
- Yes, but I, excuse me if I dare, wanted to know
when I am going away. When are you going to take me away? I can't cope any more
as it is, I am also a burden for His Excellency.
Our lady
- Yes, I know, little Marisa, but it is God
deciding everything. Now there are other worries and other priorities, then you
will see that He will take you away, worry not.
- Yes, but when, how many months must I still
wait? Wait a moment, don’t go. There is a little image of the Mother of the
- Take it, Giovanni.
- Hold on, little Madonna.
- You have dictated this prayer on May 13,
1989, there it is written: "I want to come with you in Heaven and in the
meantime fill my heart with this longing". In 1989 Our Lady has dictated to
me this prayer and I have read out the last sentence to you. Since 1989 it is…
- Seventeen years.
- It is seventeen years that I feel a longing for
Heaven. I had to depart at Christmas, I had to depart at Easter, I had to
depart on March 9, but I am still here. I am sick, I am dying, I feel the approaching
death, then I plump up again as the flowers.
- I flourish again.
- I flourish again. His Excellency has
suggested what I must say: I flourish again. Then when am I coming to Heaven?
At least give me a rough date, I am not asking much. When you
will be coming please speak to me about the Church, about the priests, about
the suffering children and mamas, about the war and about many other grievous
matters. The two of us are also suffering, for my presence on earth is
bothering the others and is worrying the Excellency, who after my death will be
free to fly. You said he had to go and have a rest after my death.
Our lady
- Are you upset, little Marisa?
- Yes, I am upset on my own. Tell God that I am
getting tired to be here on earth. You must send someone good, for we cannot
cope on our own.
Our lady
- I would like to say one thing. How come when
there was grandmother Iolanda, she would carry out everything by herself?
Cleaning up, ironing of clothes, eating and shopping? Because
grandmother Iolanda did all these things with love. She used to pray a
lot and while you were resting, she would go in the little chapel to clean it
up, silently, just she and Jesus were there. Why now you
need so many people around?
- I don't know, but we have also two boys and
two children.
Our lady
- Yes, yes, I know how many you are. I know who
you are and I know you feel alone.
- We feel alone because our nephews are fond
us, but they have their families. Say it that we are alone.
- We are alone. I have not even a priest after
so many years.
- After so many years.
Perhaps he can say he has got one
who is eighty -one
year old. Do you think this is nice? Why must he be alone? Why has God ordained
him Bishop?
Our lady
- Little Marisa, how dare you ask me all these
questions and address me all these whys? Read again the letter of God, it is
useless to ask many whys, there is never going to be an answer.
- Then must I keep silent and must the Bishop
live all alone? If God has ordained him Bishop, He has to give him also the possibility
to exercise the episcopacy. If he would have remained a simple priest, so many
things that happened, all ugly ones, would not have happened.
Our lady
- This is the reason why, little Marisa, you
have to pray. You must help those people to convert.
- All those people who have spoken badly? And when
am I going to die? Oh, my Lord! But when am I going to die, when am I going
Our lady
- Soon, worry not.
- "I want to come with you in Heaven and in
the meantime fill my heart with this longing", this prayer was dictated on
May 13, 1989, it is seventeen years I am saying this prayer. There is your son
Our lady
- little Marisa, don't ask any more so many whys.
God doesn't deceive and knows what He is doing. You have given all of yourself
to Him, you have said your "Yes", you have embraced your cross, now
accept it. When you will depart, you will see that His Excellency will have
more strength, more vigour and there will be many people next to him.
- Anyway help him, don’t leave him alone. Now he
has nobody. Do you want to help him?
Our lady
- Little Marisa, are you rebuking me?
- Oh my God, Don Claudio, am I rebuking her?
- Our Lady is joking.
- however I don’t feel like joking, for I have
been a little upset. Protect our youth, our nephews, the
Our lady
- Now I am going to give you a piece of news
that perhaps will please you. On Sunday we shall leave for the
Jordan River.
- No, it pleases me, but the news I wanted to
hear is when I will be departing. Listen, may I come up with the silver card
without them spending so much money for the coffin?
Our lady
- Little Marisa, you must do as all the others
- Excuse me, why must I let His Excellency spend
his money? I buy two silvery paper rolls, I curl up in it all on my own, I
place a bow here, I get ready for the good death and then we go up. I am not
beautiful, but that doesn’t matter.
Our lady
- Little Marisa, now stop joking.
- No, no, I was not joking, we didn’t
understand each other. I was not joking. I want to come away from this earth, I
have got tired. Always I have to suffer, suffer, suffer because you come to me and
say that we have to save this and that person. All right, let
us pray. When I speak with you, or with Jesus, with God, with
- Bye-bye, mama, my regards to aunt Anna, aunt
Gina, aunt Gianna , aunt Silvana
and aunt Enza .
Grandmother Iolanda
- You know you must blow a kiss to the Excellency.
- All right, mama, tell God to let me come up,
please. All right?
Our lady
- Don’t you want the blessing, little Marisa?
- Yes, all right, anyway the Excellency will
give it to me. I let it slip, you know I am like that.
Our lady
- Together with my and your Bishop I bless you
here in attendance, I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my
maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, bye-bye, remember to go to God and
tell Him I am ready. There is no need for the coffin, I wear the silvery paper and
I come. Bye-bye. They have gone away. She thought I was joking, but I was
talking seriously.
- Our Lady has talked like that to bolster our
spirit and render the situation less dramatic.
- Indeed, look how she has bolstered me.
- Anyway she will be coming later and you will
continue the conversation.
Villetta Barrea (AQ), 3rd September 2006 – h. 0:10 a.m.
(Letter of God)
- thank you, little Madonna, for coming, we were
missing you.
Our lady
- My dear children, this apparition is good also
for tomorrow. Midnight has gone by. You are very tired, you have to prepare your
luggage and go back to Rome.
Is it sad for you, little Marisa, to go back to
- Yes, better for me if I could have gone
walking because I could have gone out of the house, as all the others, instead
now I must go back to Rome, closed in that room, without the possibility to
come down and go out in garden, it costs me. Here I had the possibility of go
out in the garden and someone would take me to the mountains by car.
Our lady
- Yes, little Marisa, this joy is over.
- We did not have months of vacation, but tough
ordeals, suffering, sacrifice, and on our way back to Rome I feel a lot of fear.
If you help me and you are next to me, I will have the strength to be serene
and to accept any suffering.
Our lady
- Tomorrow we shall leave for the
Jordan River and there you will be happy because for you it
is like a strip of Heaven. My dear
children, I am very pleased when you sing a serenade to the Mother of the
Eucharist or to Jesus, I am happy about all this, however I would like to see
you more united. You have to show more love, more understanding, more
sensibility one for the other; this is what God wants from everybody: from you
here present and from those people who are away. Don't create problems to our
two little children, they have already many of them, but give them a helping
hand, love and understanding. It is true, His Excellency is right when he says
we did not suffer as much as they are suffering when we lived in
Nazareth. We too were
laughed at and slandered, but at that time the world was different. Now you
live in a world where people are plenty and don't know how to love, including
my priests. The people are engrossed in their problems and don't think about the
suffering people. How many times I would have liked to come and say: "You
are making your brothers suffer", but God says to me: "Mary, let it
be, in any case they would not understand, even if I, God, had to appear on
Earth, they would have always something to say". At least you, who are being
followed by me since many years, try to be fond of each other, try to help each
other. You have been
good whenever your spiritual director has asked you to help little Marisa. Go
on like that, it is nice to be fond of each other, it is nice to help each
- Listen, little Madonna, will you let me
sleep tonight? I am very tired to be on this earth, I am tired of not sleeping
and I am tired of having pains, pains, pains . I try to
hide them, I am doing my best, but it is not easy, at times it is very hard for
Our lady
- Little Marisa, last night we came three times
to help you, but your body was mangled by pains in every part.
- Yes, I understand, but if I have no rest,
the Bishop will not rest either, he must have a rest, he is very tired. Do you
see him? Look properly at the face of your beloved son. See how tired he is? If
I sleep, he sleeps. I dare not
ask you something else, even if the difficulty while eating is there and there
it remains. I go on day by day and when I will not be able to eat any more, I
hope that the moment comes for my departure. Take me to Heaven, take me away, please,
I am very tired and suffering, take me away you all, do
not let me wait. Little
Madonna, little Madonna, Mother of mine, Mary, please, take me
away, if you take me away the Bishop will have a rest.
Our lady
- My dear children, I want you to go soon to
have a rest. Don't be late, for you get tired and then you have no strength to do
what you have to do. I thank you for what you have done, for your help you have
given to my Bishop and to little Marisa. style='mso-ansi-language:
Giovanni, thank you for what you did for my two little children.
Your Mama thanks you and sends you
many regards. Thank you, my dear children, together with my and your holy
Bishop, I bless you, your dear ones, the children, those
people who suffer. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my
maternal mantle. Go in the
peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus
- Bye-bye, Mama, let me have a rest, please, I
am very tired, I haven’t got a single part of my body
devoid of suffering. Is that the way to say it?
- Yes.
- You see: I hide, I joke, I laugh, I get up
with all kind of tricks, anyway I am tired. Bye-bye, Mama,
stand by me tonight, stand by me, please. When the last day or the last night
will come, be near me you all, above all stay near the Bishop, he will need your
presence. Bye-bye, bye-bye, Mama.
Our lady
- Blow a kiss to the Bishop on my behalf.
- They have gone away.
- Strength and courage.
- I am doing my best.
- You are doing your best.
- But if they take me away it is better for
- We all are praying so that this rightful
wish of yours may come true.
- Yes, also because I feel bad on this earth, I
cannot cope with living there any more. A lot of people make me suffer and I am
receptive and suffer.
- Do you feel as a prisoner in this world?
- Yes, I really feel tied.