Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Social Year: 2003-04

Back to the roots

God's messages are translated by a member of the community, who is not a professional translator. H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti has recognized the supernatural origin of the apparitions (Decree of 9/14/2000), but he has given the ecclesiastical approval only to the messages in italian, because he is not responsible for errors involuntarily made by the translator.

September 2003 Messages

Rome, 6th September 2003 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - My dear children, since you have prayed, I have come in the name of God. You don’t know, but in one of the latest apparitions, when my two children weren’t in the thaumaturgical place, God said: "Put a stone over the past and restart everything from the beginning". You know well that it is not easy to restart this walk so beautiful and so full of God’s love. Do you remember when I said: "Take a step forward, step by step, slowly, but never go back"? This has not been done. I want to make clear once and for ever that when the Mother makes some rebukes, everyone has to take for himself what I say and if you consciously feel to be right, you haven’t to be afraid for anything. Many times I said till moved to tears: "Receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace. If you aren’t in a state of grace, don’t receive the Holy Communion, because you commit a sacrilege". At first I thought my advices, my rebukes of a Mother where understood by everybody, instead I noticed that they aren’t accepted. I repeat to everyone: take for yourselves what you have to take. How many times I did this exhortation: read almost a message per day, because every time you will find something important!

Read with attention the letter of God of May 15 and do not judge, don’t look at the other, but think only about yourselves. Everyone has to think about himself so he can say "Thank God, because I’m not in that situation", or: "I am, but I want to convert myself, I am going to confess to get myself in a state of grace". You can’t even imagine how many graces God gave you, but you didn’t either notice it then you didn’t thank Him. You ask for, ask for, ask for, but sometimes do you say: "Thank you, my God, thank you for the love you give us, thank you because you send the Mother to make that rebukes so beautiful, so sweet, in order to help us to walk into holiness"?

Thank God, even if you don’t know everything, for a guy in your midst, because of an accident happened yesterday, could have not been here today. Together with me thank God also because He is near you and He often sends me near you; you neither notice this, but I am near you, I send the angel to help you. We are near and when something happens to you, you get God’s protection. Because of this you have to learn to thank God, because He helps and, in spite of all the storms, the malice and all that is around you He is with you. You are privileged in comparison to all the men of the world, because you have the Mother near you, I appear here, I don’t go to great shrines, where many people meet; God sends me here near you. Do you notice what a grace, what a gift you received from God? Correct the little defects, live in a state of grace and love. Do you remember when Jesus said: "Learn how to love, then pray"?

I repeat: it is useless to pray many rosaries, it is useless to read books without loving. Then learn to love and then pray.

Thank you for your presence. Today is the first saturday of the month and the apparitions opened to everybody began the first saturday of the month. The number of those who attend this place is decreased, because there are people near and far who try in all the ways to fight against this gift of God, but they can’t succeed in their purpose. Be faithful to the Holy Mass, the Holy Communion received in a state of grace, to the Holy Rosary, cling to the prayer more than you can.

Thank you. Love your Bishop. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye.

Rome, 7th September 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - My dear children, thank you for your presence. Your sister suffered the passion till nine o’clock this morning and she didn’t feel good enough to come down in your midst, even if she wished it so much. The most important things are that Our Lady is with you, that you attend the Holy Mass with all your love, that you put a stone over the past and restart, like God said, like Jesus said, that you love each other.

I invite you to pray for your sister, in order to let her have the strength to bear the passion, so hard and so long, that will last till her death, every night, to save the man and to let the wars come to an end. Do you think there is peace in the world? No, as a matter of fact, afterwards the war it is harder, men suffer, kill each other and commit many other bad actions that cause sufferings.

Yesterday I left you repeating the phrase that Jesus said: learn to love and than pray. Also I told you to read the letter of God of the May 15. Who did it realized what God said; who didn’t it yet, because of being a little sluggish, let him do it, because it takes very little to read and meditate God’s letters. Stopping for five minutes is also good for the body, because you rest.

Begin this new social year with more love and charity for everybody. If the devil infiltrates inside the community, send him away by the prayer and the Holy Mass. How many times I said: "Look out, don’t leave any slit open, because the demon infiltrates immediately and makes the souls fall down". You listen to the messages, you live the enthusiasm of the moment and then everything ends and you forget everything, as yesterday, when someone asked little Marisa to came down, but forgetting she was living the passion every night and sometimes also during the day.

Tomorrow evening, if God wills, she will be in your midst. She learnt to do God’s will, also if it costs to her very much; you do learn to do God’s will as well, after all, He doesn’t ask you to live the passion.

Thank you, my dear children. Tomorrow is the feast of the Mother, it is her birthday, in the whole world none says when really is the date of her birthday. In order not to create confusion, where my birthday was celebrated on 8th September, I was present and where it was celebrated on 5th August, I went there that day, but now the apparitions are finished, they take place only in this thaumaturgical place. Just because it is a thaumaturgical place I have come here in your midst. In the Heaven We don’t look at the number of the people present, nor if there are important persons, but we have come because you have a soul to save and I want you to be saint.

Thank you for your presence. Together with my and yours Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless all those who are far away and also who don’t love you. I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

See you tomorrow. Have a nice day, but, above all, a good Holy Mass. Receive the Holy Communion in the grace of God.

Marisa - Bye. She has gone away.

Rome, 12th September 2003 - h. 6:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Today is the feast of Mary’s name, it is my feast in Heaven and everybody have given me their wishes. My wishes go to all those people named Mary and to you, little Marisa, many wishes on behalf of all of us. I know you are still suffering for your mama; there are ups and downs, today it seemed she would leave for another way and you know which one, but Jesus told me: "Let us still leave her among her sons" and I answered: "And among her daughters".

I have taught you much, I have always spoken you about love, humbleness and simplicity. Away with pride, away with haughtiness, away with touchiness, all of you have to be as Jesus is, you have to resemble Him and then you will realize how little by little you will succeed to walk. Never stop.

I come every day to visit you, but naturally you are not aware of my presence. I have gone with your sister to Slovakia, where the Holy Father is currently located; yesterday he too was passing away, but God deemed proper to keep him still alive. How many sick people do not have the chance to get a good treatment and stay better, but rather they lie in a bed, abandoned by everybody! How many sick people, instead, have the possibility to have a good treatment, even by going abroad, for they have much money! How many people die because they have no money! The Holy Father recovered quickly also because he has all the possible cures, he has doctors and people next to him trying in every way to make him feel well, so that this morning he travelled in the middle of the crowd. Those who have money succeed to get the cures, succeed to go upstream with easiness and in little time.

You, little Marisa, say that in spite of all treatments, you feel always ill.

Marisa - No, I don’t say anything, I just think. There are sick people much worse than I am, they are alone and nobody is near them, I feel so much pity for them. My mama, thanks to those people near her, is never alone. She is still lying in her pain bed and when she comes back to life she has a nice smile, she smiles at us and then goes back in her silence. I wanted to thank Jesus that has given me the possibility to find her still alive and to recognize me. I thank you, Jesus, I thank you, Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. For how long are we able to enjoy our mama? Afterwards I will enjoy her in Heaven, as you said.

Our Lady - Yes, it will be like that, little Marisa, you must not worry. Your health is worsening more and more, but we give you the strength to move around just enough so that you may attend to yourself, for you are unable to help your mama.

Marisa - This makes me suffer, my little Madonna, for she has done so much for me and I am not even able to give her a spoonful of soup.

Our Lady - Yet, you shouldn’t worry about these things, just think about Heaven and leave out all the rest.

To you, my dear children, I beg to have love towards everybody and again my wishes to all those people I have already named. I would like to give my wishes to everybody, but above all to my and your bishop, who is suffering a lot for this so hard and difficult situation. You, living in your little nest that God has made thaumaturgical, are not even aware of what happens in the world. So pray, always.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Little Marisa, let us go and give your mama a kiss.

Marisa - I am unable to walk.

Mama, our little Madonna sends you a kiss, did you understand?

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ. Bye, little Marisa, many wishes.

Marisa - Thank you, bye-bye.

Rome, 14th September 2003 - h. 10:40 a.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - Jesus?!

Jesus - Yes, my beloved bride, it is Me. I am coming to thank you for your prayers, the procession and all you will do thereafter. On September 14 is the feast of the Exaltation of the H. Cross and it is the anniversary of the first Eucharistic miracle. At that time there was joy and glory for everybody. Very nice days followed and the joy shone on your faces, then the men of the Church attempted to destroy all that God wanted to accomplish. You are enjoying for this day and be every day as this one. Do you remember when the host went out from the side of crucified Jesus?

I, your Jesus, am here because today you celebrate the Exaltation of the H. Cross and the great Eucharistic miracle, the first in the history of the Church, when the Eucharist went out from my side, from a statue, from a wooden cross. Those who saw it can bear witness. Someone withdrew, because they were afraid of these Eucharistic miracles that instead gave you strength and courage. When you have asked for some graces, you got them, if it was God’s will. Not everybody is bound to receive them, however if God does not give you the requested grace, He is going to give you another one. God knows the reason, He knows the whereabouts of everything that comes to pass.

That day in the distant 1995 there was great joy and feast, but someone wanted to spoil it. I have always been near you, as the Mother of the Eucharist, all the angels and saints.

My dear children, I don’t know how to thank you for your attendance. You will give my heart a great joy if you join the H. Mass with all your heart. Best wishes to everybody.

Marisa - He has gone away. Here is our Mama!

Our Lady - I am your Mama, the Mother of the Eucharist, but today I have no Eucharist in my hand. I am coming here too to give you my wishes, because this is a memorable day. I have come in the name of God to say thank you and to give you my blessing, but as Mama of Jesus and your Mama, allow me to give my wishes to little Jacopo, who was born on that very day. I am a Mama, I cannot avoid remembering the babies and grandmother Iolanda at least; those who saw her know how she is.

Best wishes to everybody. As Jesus said, remember this day, it is very important and history will speak about it, because for the first time the Eucharist went out from the side of Christ. God has made thaumaturgical the wooden cross where the host came out of; whatever is in here is thaumaturgical. Thaumaturgical means holy, miraculous.

A recommendation is forthcoming from Heaven: receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace! If you are not in order, if you are in a state of sin, confess; do not receive my Son Jesus if you are not in a state of grace, otherwise you commit sacrileges over sacrileges and the mission doesn’t go on, while the bad people keep on going on. The bad people are happier and more serene. Why? I want to see happiness first in your heart and then on your faces and in your eyes. On the other hand, if God makes your sister suffer the passion every night, there is an important reason. Do you think God is perhaps amused to have a soul to suffer? Then keep on praying. The other day I said: attach to the H. Mass, to Jesus the Eucharist, to the Rosary and to the H. Cross, the cross made thaumaturgical.

Recite the Our Father together with me, thanking God of the gift He gave.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I bless grandmother Iolanda, Jacopo and all the babies. I hold all of you tight in my heart, always. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

I beg you to pray during the interval between the apparition and the H. Mass, do not talk, do not turn around, Jesus is before you, look at him and pray. Thank you. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. Is it going to be me to say that to him? You say it to him. All right, I am going to say that to him. Bye-bye.

Rome, 21st September 2003 - h. 10:40 a.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - I am sorry for being late, as I am labouring a lot and it is quite painful to get ready to go down. You have been waiting because, as Mama, you love all of us. I want to entrust you three sick people who are relying on my prayers. They have called for help, but I always say: I entrust you to our little Madonna, but learn to say: "God’s will be done".

Our Lady - You are heroic, little Marisa, because no one in your conditions would be going down.

Marisa - Let us leave out whatever concerns myself, for you make me embarrassed, and let us speak about the letter of God; did you bring it?

Our Lady - By now the letters of God are getting exhausted; God said everything that had to be said and now He is repeating Himself. Someone has said: "The messages of God are repeated, God is repeating Himself" and once more I answer: "Have you changed?" You cannot be as the other people in the world, you are privileged people, because God chose you and called you in this thaumaturgical place. Lately He has made thaumaturgical a new place near Frontignano, in the Macerata province, a beautiful valley.

As you know well, the mission of my two dear little children has been slowed down, actually it came to a stop because of someone’s fault who acted with plenty thoughtlessness and has received my Son Jesus in a state of sin, thus committing sacrileges. I wouldn’t like to talk any longer about this painful situation, because tears furrow my face that you, little Marisa, see bathed in tears. I wouldn’t like to talk any longer about sacrileges, at least in this thaumaturgical place, made holy by God. My dear children, receive Jesus in a state of grace; if you are not in order, do not take the H. Communion. Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in a state of grace. If you feel embarrassed to confess to the Bishop, you can go to many churches to do a good confession. Those people who take spiritual direction from the Bishop must not tell him the trifles and conceal the serious sins that then they confess elsewhere; God doesn’t want this, because the spiritual director may understand much more than other priests who don’t know you.

Live in a state of grace, live with love. You have to remember that when there is the feast of your Mama or Jesus, there is the apparition. On September 15 there was the feast of Mary of Sorrows and it was also written in the little missal, but nobody came, neither the youth, nor the adults. By now we are approaching the anniversary of ten years of my apparitions in this thaumaturgical place and it is not conceivable that the Bishop has to say: "Tomorrow there is the apparition because it is the Our Lady’s feast". In ten years you should have learned when is the feast of Our Lady or Jesus. If you have not read the letters of God you could not possibly remember. I can understand that you may forget the anniversaries of the Eucharistic miracles, for they are so many, at times one after the other and it is not written in the little missal. Read the little missal up to the end, where the feasts of the whole week are reported. The Bishop, the visionary or any other person has no longer to remind you when the feasts of Our Lady and Jesus take place or the first Saturday of the month. That’s enough, ten years have gone by, my dear children, now you have to remember on your own. If you come the gate is open, if you do not come the gate is closed and I remain at home with my little children; the choice is up to you.

In a short while the Bishop will go up to the altar and will celebrate the H. Mass; get ready in the meantime, do a conscience examination and ask yourselves: "Am I in a state of grace? Can I receive the H. Communion?". If you cannot do it, it is nothing, no one has to judge you; woe betide the one who judges those not receiving Communion, woe betide! Each one has to look at himself. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

I hope I have made myself clear and that everything is clarified. Remember: each one answers to his own conscience, do not go and cry by your sister because you do not know or you did not understand; you have a conscience, this has to tell you whether you are in order.

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. She has gone away.

Rome, 28th September 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - My dear children, thanks for your attendance, thanks for doing the Holy Door and thanks for your prayers.

It is nice to see you here, in my little chapel I have always called my little jewel, and rejoice with Us. I thank you above all because you have done the Eucharistic adoration to amend for the committed sacrileges; this has touched me and so much more has touched my Son Jesus. Unfortunately, men keep on committing a lot of sacrileges. Surely, you, as you have family, children or for other reasons, are not able to do the Eucharistic adoration all the time, but when you feel the need to help the Church, do it. Above all pray today, for they will appoint new cardinals, pray the Holy Spirit, so that these new cardinals may be good, holy, pure and live in a state of grace.

In the far 1917 I said to sister Lucy, and you are well aware today, you are almost in 2004, that the Church keeps on faltering; while those people working in the Church are well off economically because they have a lot of money and they are physically well because they have all the possibilities to get all the treatments, unfortunately, they are spiritually ill and they take advantage of the infirmity and illness of the Holy Father, sometimes they draw him up physically and sometimes down. The doctors are always ready to give him something to draw him up. Oh, if something could be done for all the sick people, but let us leave it to God. The men of the Church are weak and could fail! Pray God, so that they may aspire to holiness.

Once a month do the Holy Door; it is a gift you received from God who has decided to leave it to you forever. Do it for yourselves, for the sinners and for the conversion of all men.

My dear children, it gives me great joy to see you gathered here in prayer, even if you are without light; in Heaven there is plenty light.

Marisa - Send some of it to us too.

Our Lady - Why are you without light? Did you wonder why? Because the people in charge did not worry. Think to the poor people, to those lonely people left without light, they would not be able to phone or take the elevator; they need a word of comfort. Love each other, Jesus says, as I loved you.

Marisa - Today is not October 2!

Our Lady - Yes, on October 2 is grandmother Iolanda’s birthday, may the Lord still keep her among her children. She is calm and peaceful in her bed; yesterday morning she saw me, it was I on the windowsill, I was smiling and looking at her. She saw me, but the daughter was not lending an ear to what her Mama was saying, pointing out the places as she was saying: "There is Our Lady’s picture there, there is Our Lady’s statue there", but at the window there was Our Lady, the real one. Yes, it was I, coming to console her, comfort her and calm down her pains a little, for they have increased, especially at night. Surely she has her age, it is true, but the suffering is felt at any age.

Marisa - I, Marisa, would like to entrust you some people who relied so much on my prayers, above all the sick people and the young people who have children, I wish I could entrust everybody to you. At times the graces go to those people I not even know, but I wish they would be coming here as well.

Our Lady - Little Marisa, God knows what He does. Do you remember when, in the far 1971, before meeting your spiritual director, Mons. Claudio Gatti, I told you to take in your arms the child that was dying in his mama’s arms and God healed him? You were a simple tool, you obeyed to what I was telling you and God healed the baby. God cannot heal all the sick people because, unfortunately, the sin of Adam and Eve is pursuing you. Then come on, attach to your prayers, to the H. Rosary. A long time ago I said: "Do not recite the H. Rosary with the little ring, but hold the chaplet in your hand, pray with the chaplet". Is it so heavy to hold the chaplet in your hands? You have some big bags, you have voluminous pockets, take the chaplet and say the H. Rosary. If you cannot say it all at once, because you have no time, say a decade at the time, but never fail to say the H. Rosary. I told you it is a powerful weapon to pacify wars, to get families together, to stop divorces, to stop abortions and to avoid many other sufferings.

Marisa - Little Madonna, would you help us for that intention you know and for all the others concerning the youth and the children? How many children are left without parents, how many children die! Do in such a way that they too may enjoy some of this earthly life. God’s will be done. We are ready to do his will. I too grumble a lot, but then I always do his will; I think that the others too, the Bishop and our little community do his will.

Our Lady - At times you grumble and moan, but try to do the God’s will, always. Grumbling and moaning are not sins that offend God, but you must have more faith and trust in God.

Thanks for doing the Holy Door, but above all, I repeat again, for doing the Eucharistic adoration. May God bless you all.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Best wishes to grandmother Iolanda, best wishes to all the sick people, so they may recover. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. Protect all of us, I beg you, little Madonna, we all are in need of your help, either for a reason or another. Help us all. God’s will be done, always. Bye-bye.

Our Lady - Give your mama a kiss.

Marisa - Thank you, thank you.

October 2003 Messages

Rome, 4th October 2003 - h. 6:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. The Mother thanks you for your presence. This is the first saturday of the month and, like all the other saturdays, it leaves much to be desired. In the first times many people came on the first saturday, then some of them became used to this apparitions and they did not come again and other people went away, because following this spiritual path is very difficult, like a day a lady said: "It is too difficult to follow your spiritual path, I come back to my community". Properly your sister told her: "Go, you are free to go wherever you want, but we want to follow this path".

Marisa - Little Madonna, we want to follow it till the end and, like you already know, we are preparing the feast for your triumph, the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist. Sure we are few, we are tired, we are tried, but of course you will help us and will stay near us.

Our Lady - Sure, my dear children, I couldn’t be your Mother if I didn’t stay near you to look at you, to read inside your hearts and to help you. Because your sister suffers the passion every night and often also during the day, and because her body keeps on bleeding and yet it is four days she bleeds, it means that something great is coming true. Don’t look at other places where many people go and where they prepare the feast for the Holy Father. Who doesn’t love the Holy Father? Everyone loves the Holy Father. But if he, in spite of the suffering and his age, did God’s will, that consists in calling your Bishop, everything would return to normality. Who knows! You are a little flock; if you were three or four thousand people many others would come and they would say "There is Our Lady for sure, because many people go there". It is not true, I’m here where a few people are and I am here because I love you. God sends me to this thaumaturgical place because He loves you. What can you expect more than this? Prepare the feast, like my Son Jesus often says, to the Mother of the Eucharist, for the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist. I hope that God makes also your triumph happen soon. Sometimes it seems you get near to this triumph then everything stops because of the fault of the faithful, because of the fault of the men of the Church, because of the sins, above all because of the sacrileges. But don’t worry, because your prayers, the adoration you do and the adoration that my children do in Marisella’s room are welcome to God’s eyes.

I wish you would remember to come on the first saturday of the month because my first apparition for everybody happened on the first saturday of the month. God said to me: "Every first saturday of the month you will go to your children" and I always come to you. If I didn’t come to this basilica it is because your sister didn’t feel good, and it was natural for me to stay with her in her room. Today I said to your sister: "Marisella, don’t go down, save yourself for tomorrow that is sunday" and with much simplicity and much ingenuity she asked me: "Would you wish to go down to your children?". I said yes, and she replied: "So let me go in the midst of my sisters and brothers, who, I hope, wish us well ". I said her: "Go, if the suffering increases, offer it for the conversion of the sinners, for the sacrileges done in the whole world and for the sacrileges done in this thaumaturgical place".

Marisa - Do you want me to unveil the wounds on the hands? I feel ashamed. The ones on the chest and on the feet not, because you have already seen them. Why do you make me do this?

Our Lady - Because you are humble and simple, because you could rather say: "No, little Madonna, not this, don’t make me do this"; instead you, with much simplicity, did what I ordered you to do. I want my children to be like this: humble and simple. To them who are able to sew, to embroider, to do the shoemaker, to take care of the adornments I say that they received gifts from God, they don’t have to say they aren’t able to do what they have to do, but they have to get all of the good will and if they don’t succeed, never mind. Here, I have given you an example about the simplicity and the humbleness of your sister.

Pray for your Bishop, because he is living a very sad time. Never be tired of praying for him. Again I thank you for the eucharistic adoration you did on thursday, thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, all those who are far away and can’t come here for work or health reasons: I bless who made a charity action, because they let come here other persons by replacing them for their jobs, I bless everybody.

I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Today, because it is his feast, there is near to me St. Francis, he also suffered much for the stigmata, but he also, like Padre Pio, had many brothers who helped him. Pray for your Bishop. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - When will the stigmata end?

Our Lady - When God wants.

Marisa - I say nothing else, that’s right, I stay quiet. That’s right, bye.

Our Lady - Bring a kiss to your mother. I thank all those who cooperated in preparing all the celebrations for that poor grandmother in the bed, you did very beautiful things, thanks everybody.

Marisa - Thanks also by me, who is the daughter.

Our Lady - Sure.

Marisa - Bye. She’s gone away with St. Francis and St. Clara; they were near to Our Lady.

Rome, 5th October 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - This letter of God is very short, but embraces everything: love and mercy, love towards everybody and mercy towards everybody. Thank you for the prayers you have said and will keep on saying.

This day is very painful for your sister; you thought to see her in your midst today, but it has not been possible.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. Help me, because I don’t know anymore which part of my body hurts me. Bye, little Madonna, bye. Emanuele, do you send a little kiss to the little Madonna?

Bye-bye, forgive me.

Rome, 7th October 2003 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, is the day of the Rosary, all the year is dedicated to the Rosary, in order to let this blessed peace come to the whole world, in order to make the men love each other and not let the men of the Church keep on doing not good things; I don’t say anything else, I say only not good. Mr Ruini put his men in the whole Italy and also in foreign countries. You cannot imagine how sad is my heart, because there are pedophile priests. The Archbishop, who you all know, did all that was pleasant for him. The devil won over him and allowed him to have everything. Many men yet run to him, because they think they will obtain the healing, but this is impossible, because the Holy Spirit cannot allow this. People who go to him give him so much money. The Archbishop, on his hand, gifted much money to the great men of the Church, who built houses and bought all that makes pleasant and comfortable their life. I say: don’t give money to these persons, but give it to the poor all around the world.

Our Lady of the Rosary, whose feast is today, has to help you to understand where is the good and the evil. There is still much evil on the Earth. How many men of the Church go on mocking and outraging this place that God declared thaumaturgical, your Bishop and the visionary. Oh, you can’t either imagine how my two children are treated, but the triumph will come for them also! Who laughs last laughs best. Do you say it so? Well, the triumph will come. My dear children, I beg you to receive more and more the sacrament of the Eucharist, to do more and more eucharistic adoration and to love each other more and more every day; every day increase the grace and the joy in yourselves, don’t think only to the money and the earnings.

Marisa - I want to know…

Our Lady - Marisella, don’t worry for anything, you already have got many sufferings. The blood flows on your body and the pain eats it all. Let them say, let them do, don’t worry.

My dear children, help me to pray for the peace in the world, in the Church and in the families. Help me! When three days ago your sister’s stigmata reopened, Jesus and I came to the Earth and went in her room. Jesus walking left his bloody footprints on the floor, I was crying and your sister was crying for the pains, while the blood was flushing from her body. Why all this suffering? For the Church, for the peace and for the Pope, who doesn’t get decided to do God’s will.

My dear children, be sympathetic, good, help each other, don’t let yourselves go, love each other. Play, like His Excellency in this moment who is enjoying to play with little Sara, while the little Emanuele who speaks, speaks, always speaks. Emanuele, do you send a little kiss to the little Madonna? Thank you. Yes, I’m going away in a while, everything ends and the poor daughter remains, Marisella, all alone with her sick mother.

Be good you all. Thank you for the eucharistic adoration and for the beginning of the biblical catecheses. Don’t fail: just for this week the biblical catechesis will be on tuesday, because its beginning overlaps with the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, then it will always happen on thursday.

Marisa - That’s right; you treat us just like children.

Our Lady - I’m your mother, this is why I treat you like children.

Thank you for your presence. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dears ones, the sacred articles; I bless the children, the sleeping ones and the awake ones, I bless grandmother Iolanda. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Marisa - Bye. She has gone away.

Rome, 12th October 2003 - h. 10:40 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Thanks for your attendance. As always, there are not many of you, yet I come here to talk and pray with you, because I love you. Do you remember when last Sunday I said: love and mercy, love towards everybody and mercy towards everybody?

Once more the stigmata of your sister have opened again and bled. A lot of blood has gone out from the feet and the forehead, because you are preparing to celebrate the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist. The suffering of your sister is for the benefit of the whole world: for the priests, for the laymen, for the youth and for the children. I must say that very few people, actually very, very few, accept these sufferings and there is nobody who endures the passion so often during the year, as your sister does. Some suffer from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday, others suffer during Lent, but your sister doesn’t suffer during Lent only, for when God decides, the stigmata open and shed blood. You cannot figure out how all the bed clothes are bloodstained, it is so impressive that sometimes there is the temptation to throw everything away. However the first who says: "Don’t throw away anything, wash it and put again the bed clothes", is really your sister, otherwise by now she would have had to buy again all the bed clothes. I wanted do make this remark, because I do not want to see you all anguishing in seeing your sister left in such a sorry state. She is not anguishing, but she is suffering and smiling, she even succeeds to quip, but the pain, believe me, my dear children is very strong, it is a pain that cannot be compared to anything.

Marisa - Why is the blood gushing out from you as well?

Our Lady - Because I wish to be like you.

Marisa - It is me who want to be like you and Jesus.

Our Lady - This is the mirror of what you have when you start bleeding; you are like that, as I am. You are a soul smiling and joking on this suffering which is so great that eats the flesh within.

My dear children, I told you all this so you may keep on praying for the triumph of the Eucharist. Now the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist is approaching as well; be ready, get ready, do it properly. I repeat the words God wrote: do a beautiful feast, a great feast; I wish you may enjoy it as well. Our basilica, I say ours, for it is mine too, is made out with a big tent, it is not built out of stones, as many other churches. At times the churches cost thirty, forty or fifty billions. You made big sacrifices to raise this big tent for forty, fifty millions at most, including all other expenses.

Why is God sending me here? Because He loves this jewel, He loves this basilica made with a tent. When we used to go to sundry places we had tents with us, although not as beautiful as this one; those tents were used to sleep at night only, because it was so cold.

Be happy, do not aspire to great human things, aspire to the divine, supernatural things, aspire to Heaven.

I say it again: prepare with care the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist; whoever can help please do it, do not back off. Your Mama will always help you in your life.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless all the children. I bless the babies and grandmother Iolanda. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. All right, as you from Heaven want. Bye-bye.

Don Claudio, how do we deal with it?

Bishop - To deal with what?

Marisa - Do we go on?

Bishop - Do you want to stop now that we have reached the second-last station?

Rome, 19th October 2003 - h. 10:45 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. My joy is to stay here today in your midst with your sister. We told her not to come down, lest she would be in the cold, but she has gone down for your sake. It is hard for her to accept the pains in front of the others, for she is embarrassed and hence she tries to hide them. The order from God, even if He leaves total freedom to her, is that on 24th and 26th your sister remains in her room to pray. I have still hope and trust in her coming in your midst and you must have it too.

Today your sister will disclose to you the fifteenth secret, if you agree. You have to pay attention to her words; they are words of a simple person who did not study and has no degree. Hence do not give weight if she does some grammar mistakes and listen to what she has to tell you. This is the reason why my stay in this thaumaturgical place will be longer today. It is good for the community to know; I already told you that when God would have decided to disclose the secret, it would be disclosed to everybody: first to the Bishop and then to the youth and to the adults.

This secret is not going to make happy the man who is high up nor is going to make Us happy, for if the big heads governing the Church do not behave well and tell lies, we suffer a lot. It is good for you to know the secret.

The suffering of your sister is for the advantage of the whole world. She often says: "For the Bishop and for Selenia", but she knows very well that it embraces the whole world, the Church above all.

Do you think that because you see a big crowd going to St. Peter or to big sanctuaries, everybody is in order? No, sins and sins are perpetrated. They pray, they say the H. Rosary and then they do what the street urchins do. This gives pain to the heart of my Son Jesus and me, the Mother of the Eucharist. You are doing the novena for the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist and are preparing everything in the best way, with love. This is important: do everything with love.

Today in St. Peter there is the beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: I have brought her here with me, not to St. Peter and she is looking at you with a cheerful face, but sad at the same time, for she sees how the men of the Church keep on going on at their leisure and look for the best for themselves and not for the others. As I already told you, every second there is a baby dying of hunger. There are babies who have no medicines for their health, while when the feasts approach, the men of the Church spend millions of euros and compete to wear the most sumptuous and elegant clothing. Look at your Bishop, if he has got something nice it is because it was given to him and you haven’t paid it much either. Instead in the big sanctuaries, even if I no longer have appeared for many years, they keep on squandering money. They speak about the third world, but they do nothing. The laymen are doing something and try to help, the poor people are the generous ones. My Bishop tries to help in his small way, with his tiny pension; there are those who have billions and those who have just some small change.

Marisa - Excellency, better to have small change than billions. To have a good and holy soul, this is important; so Our Lady says.

Did you see that I told her it? I am afraid to say things to her, I am embarrassed, that’s all.

Our Lady - May God bless you every day, my dear children, you who are still here, close to your Bishop. God gives you the strength to keep on clinging to the Bishop, while the Bishop is clinging to the altar, just as the climbers going up the mountains cling to each other. You form this chain: Jesus, Our Lady and let us place St. Joseph as well for our Bishop; the Bishop holding on to the altar and you all holding on to the Bishop and altogether we go up towards Heaven. Thanks to everybody. Pity you are just a few. Priests do not know what you have learnt.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless all the children. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. She has gone away.

Rome, 24th October 2003 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Today is a great feast: by now ten years have gone by since I have appeared in this thaumaturgical place. I am happy that people from far away have been coming too, to celebrate this anniversary, but above all the triumph of the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist; the latter will be celebrated, in a great way, on the 26th. Pray, so that your sister may be able to come down in your midst. While you were praying, I was reciting this prayer: "God, Our Lord forgive, Jesus Christ, Our Lord have mercy for us, Holy Spirit, Our Lord help us to save us. Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of God, Mother of Jesus, Mother of the Church, mother of all of us, help us to accept whatever God wants and to do His will always".

As I already told you, you are going to celebrate the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist on the 26th, for it is Sunday and it is easier for people to come. You are lucky, because some time ago they would not be caring about this and if the feast took place during the week, it was going to be celebrated in that day. Today is the tenth anniversary since the apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist to little Marisa have been made public to everybody. I have given her many joys, but also many sufferings for the sake of the Church, for the sake of men. What else can your Mama tell you? Pray, fast, do the adoration, but above all love each other.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless all the children. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Wishes to everybody and have a nice feast. Pray with concentration, do not talk during the Holy Mass, be always united in love, in mercy and in peace. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. I accepted to do God’s will, it has cost me and it is going to cost me again. Bye-bye to everybody, my wishes to everybody, have a good feast all of you.

Rome, 26th October 2003 - h. 11:00 a.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - You radiate so much joy from your heart. Are you happy about all of us? We would have liked to do much more to glorify you, together with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. I want to entrust you all the people who relied upon my prayers. I hope the blood you let constantly come out of me and that gives me much pain is for the Church, for the men of the Church and for all of us here present, revering you and wanting always to live in communion with you.

Our Lady - My dear children, thanks for your attendance; it is your Mama speaking to you and thanking you with great joy for all that you have done. Furthermore she thanks all the people who have come to this thaumaturgical place, because at last, after 10 years, the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist has come. As from this year the great feast for the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist will be always celebrated on October 24, the day when God said to me: "Go, Mary, start to appear for all of my children" and I began with much pain and much joy to come to the thaumaturgical place for everybody. My two children too suffered much and had many people against them, especially the great men of the Church, only out of envy, jealousy and fearing that the believers would turn towards them. But there have been joys too: the joy for my apparitions, the Eucharistic miracles, the joy for the Episcopate, the joy for the triumph of the Eucharist and the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist. Your triumph is still missing, yet for us in Heaven today is your triumph too, but it has yet to come for the men on Earth. The same day when the Holy Father appointed the new cardinals, all the princes of the Church started to argue among them on the one who was going to be the new Pope, on the one who was going to be higher than the other. So the struggle has deepened among bishops and cardinals and the Fatima message still today continues to be true. The Fatima secret is not the one they disclosed, not at all! If it had been the one, they would have spoken about it a long time before; behind all this putting off and non-disclosure of the secret there are the great men of the Church.

Is there a Bishop who always speaks about the Eucharist, does the bible meetings, trying to make a poem out of every word, to instil the Word of God in the men’s heart and loves the souls? Your Bishop loves the Eucharist. Whoever loves the Eucharist, loves the souls as well, loves everything.

Perhaps it is hard for you to understand it, but today it is your triumph too; men’s triumph will be coming, but you still need to be patient. As you see, the Pope wishes to live on, he is a poor suffering man, but to the cardinals it is convenient to have a Pope in his conditions.

Don’t be disheartened, your moment will arrive and it will be so great and glorious that you cannot possibly figure it out. Today, spiritually speaking, you celebrate your triumph too, otherwise what is the use of all the poured blood and passion lived by your sister? For nothing? Even this morning she was pouring blood, she was in doubt whether she would go down in your midst and then she said to my Jesus: "I accept all this, however do let me go down among my brothers, I am at ease with them". So, here she is. Why is she enduring all this suffering? Because she wants the triumph of the Eucharist, the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist and your triumph. October 24 and 26 are most important dates.

Courage, never forget God is with you, the Mother of the Eucharist and all of the Heaven is with you.

Thanks again for your attendance, thanks to all those people who decorated with love and sacrifice this thaumaturgical, little and simple place, but great in the eyes of God. Thank you. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist, I bless your triumph. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Marisa - Here is the big flame! God is in there! My God, I cannot see You, but I can hear You, I feel your fragrance.

God the Father - Yes, I am God and, as God, I too bless the triumph of the Mother of the Eucharist, the Mother of Jesus and your Mother; I bless you and your spiritual triumph. Let men talk and say what they want. They said so many evils and calumnies against Me, do you want to be just as them? No!

I am God, I command Heaven and Earth, I command every man and if I ordained Don Claudio Bishop, if I gave him the Episcopate, no man on Earth is going to take it away. The men of the Church are proud, gossipers and raise so much wickedness towards my Bishop just out of envy and jealousy, but I, God, want him to be Bishop for life, forever.

Marisa - Good God, there is a big fire. My God, to hear You talking while I don’t see You makes me feel uneasy and fearful.

God the Father - Courage, my daughter, you are pouring blood for the Church, for those people you love, for your community and I appreciate your suffering very much.

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. As you understood, our God too has taken part in this great feast. God does not go where thousands and thousands of people are, He has come here, to this little place. Did you ever come to know that God talked in other places? No. In any case, thanks for everything.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

(Marisa sends a kiss to Our Lady)

Can you bring this kiss to God? You can do it. Bye-bye.

All of Heaven has gone away.

You who are able to do it, applaud our God.

All of them have gone away. There were all the angels and saints placed in a row; God could not be seen, there was a big flame, there was Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph; I have seen only Jesus as God. Besides the angels and saints, there were all our dear ones who died and went to Purgatory, from where they will fly off to Heaven, when God wills. You should have seen how big was the fire from where the voice of God was forthcoming!

Bishop - Well, let us live now the most important moment: the H. Mass.

November 2003 Messages

Rome, 2nd November 2003 - h. 10:40 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Having the little Sara in your arms suits you, Marisella.

My dear children, thank you for your attendance. In this day, dedicated to the dead, people go to cemeteries to pray on their one’s tomb, but they don’t know they aren’t in the tombs. Around me I have many saved souls and many of them are parents of the members of the community.

I wish that this day would be considered a day of resurrection and not of death; the death arrived, now they have to wait for the resurrection. These souls are saved, but you have to pray, you have to let Holy Masses be celebrated, in order to make them go every day a step higher towards the door of Heaven. In Heaven there are neither doors nor steps, I tell you this to make you better understand the concept.

Life becomes more difficult, men are harder and they easily quarrel, they are even ready to kill for a foolishness. They will not save themselves for sure, because, as I already said, God will use mercy till the end, but with those who didn’t meet Christ, who didn’t meet the Eucharist. Instead for those who met the Eucharist, who followed the biblical catecheses, who saw the eucharistic miracles, who participated to the trinitary teophanies and to my apparitions in this thaumaturgical place, it will be difficult to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven, if they are not really converted. They must be born again this very day. How can you be born? With a good confession and saying: "My God, I seriously sinned, forgive me". If the true conversion doesn’t come, there is no way to go to Heaven. Going to Heaven is easy for those who love, but for those who aren’t able to love or care only for themselves and not for the others it is difficult. A very dear person absolutely didn’t want to change, but then he had a very beautiful, very great change and Jesus told me: "This is another soul converted by my two dear little children". If this soul goes on like this, he will come to Heaven, but the others will not be able to came in. There is no place in Heaven for those who don’t love, who behave badly, who make sacrileges to give displease to the Bishop.

So I repeat again and I say to you all: "To enter in the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be converted". Are you ashamed of confessing to the Bishop? Go anywhere else, go where you are not known. Your sister always looks for the Bishop to confess, because anyone else could not understand her. Also you can go to other priests, but they could not understand you. I repeat the phrase I told you yesterday: "Be converted today, don’t wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow could be too late". When the landlord is not at home, the thief comes in to steal and he catches up everything. The death could arrive in every moment, at every age and if you are not in a state of grace, you will not come into the Kingdom of Heaven. The death seems to be far because you are young, but it is not true, because also young people die. I went with your sister to the hospitals and saw many young dying, sometimes more young die than elder.

My dear children, try to be born again, start a new way with peace and serenity, asking for forgiveness to everyone you made suffer, knowing you made them suffer. Everything will become easier and simpler and there will be more love and the true conversion.

Pray for your dear ones, but above all let Holy Masses be celebrated for them, because the more Holy Masses you let celebrate the more steps they will take.

Together with my and your bishop I bless you, your dear ones. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

Marisa - Yes, I remember about the letter. We did what you said, we wrote to the great men of the Church, I call them so, not princes of the Church, I don’t like the expression princes of the Church. The great men of the Church have money, power, everything. We wrote them, as you said; now it is up to you to make them receive the letter, to make them read it and not tear it. Tomorrow that letter will be a very document for us. This is a real attempt to save the Holy Father, because he doesn’t know anything, they make him say what they want. But the Pope knows he has to do God’s will.

Our Lady - Marisella, you know, some letters have been accepted and others have been torn.

Those who tore it are masons and those who kept it are afraid of the powerful men.

I hold you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Go in peace.

Pray for your dear ones and think about them not as dead, but as living, because the death is life: remember it.

Rome, 6th November 2003 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. When you are present here my heart starts with joy. Keep on praying and approaching with love and simplicity the sacrament of the Eucharist every day. Welcome Jesus and hold Him tight in your heart. Just as a baby is happy when he embraces his mama, you too, when Jesus goes into your heart, have to hold Him tight and thank Him, always, for He loves you.

I am present in this day because there is the biblical catechesis. I am very pleased to come and be in your midst, but, believe me, when some souls leave to be desired my heart suffers, just as the heart of my Son Jesus. Go forth step after step, without ever stepping backwards. My thanks go to those people who help my two little children. They need your help and your Mama thanks you for what you are doing. Your love must to be so great that has to bring you to bear everything and everybody, to be patient, to be simple and honest. Pray and keep on watching so you don’t fall in temptation; pray and work so you don’t fall in idleness, for that is the moment when the devil penetrates and makes you fall. Pray as Jesus taught you. The letters of God teach prayer and love. Be thankful to God. Learn to say thanks as well, do not ask God for help only, but say also: "Thank you, my God, for the past day. I have tried to behave at my best; do accept me as I am". God will be pleased about you and about all the people who really love my Son Jesus.

During this month dedicated to the dead, always attend the Holy Mass for your dear ones, so that every time you participate they may be able to take a step forward to climb towards Heaven.

Marisa - I knew that grandfather Agostino was going to come. There is grandfather Aladino, there are all of them.

Near grandfather Agostino there is Stefanuccio. How handsome you are! Grandfather Agostino, are you sad?

You must not be sad.

Our Lady - Little Marisa, how can he avoid being sad when he sees the spiritual condition of his family?

Marisa - Tell him, little Madonna, that we on Earth are weak people, of flesh and bones and at times we fall, at times we go up again. Give me a smile.

Grandfather Agostino - I suffer for my son, my darling and sweet son.

Marisa - You have spoken, you have spoken! Do you suffer for him?

Our Lady - Yes, little Marisa, he suffers for the wickedness perpetrated against his son; you know only half of it.

Marisa - I don’t want to know more, that’s enough. Bye-bye, grandfather Agostino, bye-bye, my darling. We will pray, so you may go soon to Heaven and from there you will be able to pray more for His Excellency.

Grandfather Agostino - My sweet son Bishop! What a grace to be ordained Bishop by God!

Marisa - Do not suffer, Don Claudio has many other people who are fond of him.

Grandfather Agostino - I thank you, for you lived the passion and you even suffered for my dear ones.

Marisa - Keep silent, I didn’t say it to anybody.

Grandfather Agostino - How can you hide these things? Do you think my son has not come to the knowledge of it?

Marisa - But why are you speaking? You are not seeing the little Madonna as yet.

Grandfather Agostino - I do not see her, but she told me to speak. Are you sorry for that?

Marisa - No, I am very happy. This is Emanuele, your little nephew.

Our Lady - Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. All your dead people are waiting for your prayers. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ. Emanuele, would you like to give the little Madonna a little kiss?

Marisa - Bye-bye. I entrust you little Sara, you told me you are going to protect her, always. Bye-bye.

Rome, 9th November 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. As usual it is always a great joy staying in your midst. If you followed with attention the catechesis, you understood that, unfortunately, my two little children never lack sufferings. Someone regretted for he did not go up to see your sister’s bleeding stigmata.

I understand everyone would like to do this, but it is difficult to ever obtain all that you want. Time was over and only the persons who came first could go up. Don’t linger on this episode, linger on loving God, on the importance of receiving my Son Jesus in a state of grace. For months I have been repeating to receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace, even though someone received Jesus in a state of mortal sin and committed sacrileges. It is inadmissible to commit sacrileges in this thaumaturgical place, declared holy by God. When I, the Mother of the Eucharist, read the letter in the name of God, someone accepted it and tried to reconcile with God, others went away and kept on sinning and offending Him. You have to pray for these persons who behave in wrong ways; do so that this will never happen to you. If you can’t receive my Son Jesus, because you’re not in a state of grace, confess soon, or wait to receive the Holy Communion; first confess, then receive the Eucharist.

As I told you many times, when you receive Jesus, hold Him in your heart and talk to Him, ask Him the graces you need. Don’t look at right or left, don’t control how your sister wears, how she combs her hair, how she moves and talks. You can neither imagine the sorrows that torment her body that is full of sores even when you don’t see it. You know that the invisible stigmata are more painful than the visible ones. Pray for her, don’t look if the dress is red, yellow or blue or if the shoes are in tune with the dress; let her be free, let her be quiet, she has many sufferings and she suffers also for you, for your children, for your dear ones. How many times you ask her: "Pray for my son, for my daughter, for my husband, for my wife, for their conversion, for their recovery", she does it and you are looking how she wears. Her spiritual director said her: "Wear like you want. Who looks at these things hasn’t understood anything".

Come into the church and pray for each other, not only for yourselves, because the prayer for the others is worth more, for it is dictated by the charity. Marisa prays for the Bishop, for you all, she prays for the persons who recommend themselves to her prayers; this is charity, this is love for the others.

Love each other, as my Son Jesus did and as I, the Mother of the Eucharist, do. Pray for you dear dead ones. You go to the cemetery once, twice a week or once per month and it is beautiful, but the souls are not in that place. It is beautiful praying for the dead, let Holy Masses be celebrated for them. I try to help you in every way and to let you understand how is important to love the others and yourselves, because if you love yourselves, you love the others too. Be brave, the Mother loves much you all, but what I recommend, what I ask you from the deepest of my heart is: don’t commit sacrileges. If you are not in a state of grace, don’t receive my Son Jesus, but bend your head, ask for forgiveness and then run to confess. If you don’t want to go to your Bishop, because you are ashamed, go to other priests. Remember, there is the secret of confession and the Bishop is Jesus listening to you and He wants to help you. Love my Son Jesus who suffered so much, He is still hungry and thirsty of souls and he repeats: "I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty", but the souls don’t give him to drink. There are many souls scattered all around the world. You succeed to love more than the others, but you can give even more. I put all of my love in helping you, but there is always someone who limps. Why? Yet, like the Bishop says, you reached the university, someone finished and arrived to the degree.

Be brave, go forward, always forward. Remember Jesus’ sentence, because you often forget what Jesus and I said: "Learn to love, then pray; learn to do deeds of charity, than pray". If you pray just to pray and there isn’t love in you, the prayer is worth nothing. Pray for the others, pray for your dear ones, always stay united with Jesus. Learn to love then pray and I, the Mother, will be always near you.

Thank you for your attendance. Together with my and your bishop I bless you, your dear ones. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye. Help us until we remain on this Earth.

Bye to everyone in Heaven. Pray for us, we all need prayers.

Don Claudio, they have all gone away.

December 2003 Messages

Rome, 8th December 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - Jesus and the Holy Spirit are escorting you, the Immaculate Mary. Near the Immaculate Conception there is the Mother of the Eucharist; ringed by angels and saints.

Mama, it has been a long time since I have not entrusted you with a loud voice all the people who need your help: either to have a baby, or for their health, or for the conversion, the true one, for which our Bishop works and suffers. You, oh Mary, with all the angels and saints surrounding you, plead with God for the conversion of all the people who haven’t as yet, learnt to love.

Our Lady - Learn to love, then pray. Always remember this sentence that Jesus said. Without love you cannot do anything, you are nothing.

Your Mama is pleased to be here with you after so much time. I wanted to be always with you, but you have prevented it. A mother suffers when she is not near her children. God allowed me to come, I am here with you and I thank you for your attendance; above all I wish to thank those people who came from far away with sacrifice in this thaumaturgical place.

I am the Immaculate Conception, I am the Mother of the Eucharist. I, the Immaculate Conception, open the history; I, the Mother of the Eucharist, close the history. When you pray, turn to Jesus, going through the Mother of the Eucharist: to Jesus through Mary.

I really would like that first of all this is a day of conversion and love for everyone: young and grown-up. Simplicity, honesty and sincerity serve to help you to love and everything is lost if you do not get to love. It is time for your spiritual director not to urge you all the time to do your commitments: you are adult. I said you are attending university, some have even completed it. One makes every sacrifice to get a degree, in order to get a job. Why don’t you do it for the spiritual degree as well? Do you think it is going to be hard? No. If you love, as I have already said at other times, your husband, your wife, your children, where is your merit? It is easy to love them. Love those people who are far from you, those people you dislike, those people who make you suffer. You have to learn to love everybody, as my Son Jesus loved everybody, Judas too, and he betrayed him.

With me there is grandmother Iolanda praying for you, for the whole community, as she always did; she has her two nephews next to her. She was a holy mama, a holy woman and now she is enjoying in Heaven. Little Marisa, you must not suffer, you have to enjoy for you have a holy mama; do you see how beautiful, bright and radiant she is?

Grandmother Iolanda - My daughter, do as Our Lady says. Be always good, approach all your brothers and keep on loving everybody, as I always did.

Marisa - Mama, mama! Thank you, mama, help me, help me, help me.

Grandmother Iolanda - Yes, Above all I am helping you and His Excellency.

Marisa - That’s the way you always called him: His Excellency.

Grandmother Iolanda - Do not make your Bishop suffer. I never made him suffer; I always respected and loved him. To my little daughter Marisa, to the other children of mine, to my nephews and great grandsons, to the little baby girl who is going to be born I say that your mama, your grandmother always prays for you. She prays for the whole community as well. Bye-bye, little Marisa.

Our Lady - Are you happy, little Marisa, about this gift I have given you?

Marisa - Oh yes, very much indeed!

Our Lady - Remember that your suffering will continue till death and you know that I will make you happy in Heaven only.

My dear children, I wanted grandmother Iolanda to speak, for she was a very generous woman, a woman of prayer, telling her rosary beads. She prayed much for you all and keeps on doing it. God has allowed me to let her speak, it is a gift He wanted to give to little Marisa. Pray her that she may always plead with Jesus and Mary.

My best wishes to everybody, have a nice holy feast, be fond of each other, always love each other.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you and your dear ones. I bless these statues portraying me and all your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, mama, do help me. Bye-bye. I used to say to you: "Hello darling", and you answered: "Hello, my love".

She was really beautiful. The two nephews were dressed in the same way, with the deacon’s vest. Mama, please pray for the whole community, but above all for the Bishop and for his children. I did not expect she would talk.

Rome, 24th December 2003 - Midnight (Letter of God)

Marisa - At last you are coming for the people who are fond of you. All of us are fond of you, in spite of our shortcomings. You said that nobody is perfect; we are not perfect, but we try every way to show you our love. I am so happy you have come for all of us. Thank you, little Madonna, thank you.

Our Lady - My dear children, thank you for your attendance. Eventually God said to me: "Go, Mary, go to the thaumaturgical place, go back to my children. I am hoping that this time they have understood how important is to come to this thaumaturgical place and that you, Mary, are going to them to talk, to help and reproach them". This is what God said to me with all the love that a father can have. I am coming with pleasure, I was waiting for this moment with anxiety; this is a very nice day and I could not keep away from coming.

My dear children, I beg you, when you receive a reproach accept it with all your love; your Mama is not amused to reproach you, she does that because she loves you with a boundless love. Come on, may this night be the beginning of the rebirth of the spiritual life. Love Jesus.

Marisa - Mama, mama! Come more often to visit me, help me to bear all these sufferings. Hello, Nicolas; hello, Simon Pietro.

Grandmother Iolanda - Courage, daughter of mine. God told me to be near you and help you. I am very happy, I am with Nicolas and Simon Pietro. My motherly kiss goes to all of you: to the children, to the nephews, to the great grandsons and to the whole community I loved much and I always prayed for. I prayed for the sick people, for your hardship, for little Elisa and for all the children seriously ill. Emanuele, give a kiss to your little Madonna and to your grandmother.

Marisa - Thank you. Thank God for the great gift He has given me.

Can you make me feel a little better, so I may not be a burden for the others?

Our Lady - My dear children present here, do accept the reproaches of your little Madonna. I love you so much and I will keep on loving you, always.

I hope you missed me, I am pleased to be with you.

I have little Jesus in my arms and He desires you to be always happy, let it be Christmas all the time for you, not only this night and tomorrow, but also every day. Those who love Jesus and the Mother of the Eucharist must always show joy, love and forgiveness towards everybody.

(Our Lady gives Baby Jesus to Marisa)

Marisa - Hello, little one. I have my hands bandaged because of the stigmata. Hold Him properly, Saint Joseph, do not let Him fall, He is small.

Can I greet my mama once more? Bye-bye, mama, bye-bye. Help me, stand by me. They gave me your room as study to be always with you, come and help me.

Bye-bye, Simon Pietro; bye-bye, Nicolas.

Our Lady - Bye-bye, my dear children, I want you to be Christ’s soldiers, strong, generous, full of love, charity and forgiveness each one of you towards the other. I beg you: love each other, love each other as God loves you. God told me to come in your midst: this is love.

Together with my holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones and those people who could not come because of family reasons or for other reasons. I bless your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

Thank you, my dear children, if you will behave well with everybody and will love each other. Be brothers and sisters all of you, comforted by Jesus and Mary’s love. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. I beg you, don’t let me wait again.

I have seen my mama!

Rome, 25th December 2003 - h. 10:45 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Unfortunately, in a lot of families the holy Christmas is a feast concerning only the material aspect. The spiritual aspect, I have spoken to you about last night, is neglected. Love, generosity, charity, simplicity and humility are missing. Today I came not so much to give you a message, for I have given it to you last night, but to wish you a good Christmas and to wish you all sorts of good things.

If your health is failing, it doesn’t depend on God. God wants only your love towards everybody. Today I have come to give you my wishes, together with dear grandmother Iolanda, with little nephews Nicolas and Simon Pietro and with all the saved souls of your relatives. If there are so many saved souls it means that, in spite of everything, the community has worked. Together with me there are Fatina, Stefanuccio, grandfather Agostino, grandfather Aladino, grandmother Speranza, grandmother Carmela, grandmother Iolanda’s sisters, Ottavio, aunt Lucia and many other saved souls.

Marisa - How can I recognize all these people? Those are holy because they are dressed in a particular fashion, while those are saved because they are dressed in a normal fashion. You gave us a great gift: our dear ones are saved and some are in Heaven.

Thank you, thank you for all the good God has for us. You love us, in spite of our shortcomings and our sins, as little Jesus, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit love us.

Our Lady - My dear children, my wishes of holiness to everybody, to those people who do not believe and to those people who believe. My wishes of holiness also to those people who slander and defame their own relatives. I can understand that an enemy or someone who was a friend before speaks badly about a person, but I fail to understand mothers, sisters and nephews speaking badly about their relatives; this is very serious. Jealousy wears them out and makes them talk. Do you think that to be jealous is a silly thing? No, it is very serious and doesn’t make you walk. Pray for your slanderers.

Thanks, thanks first of all for your attendance; some of you came also last night. You prayed, continue to pray. Little community, love each other, love each other, love each other, always. You have a holy Bishop, a Bishop who, in spite of his sickness, has come down in your midst to explain you the Word of God. Your Bishop has given you everything, he has always forgiven you, he has always rebuked you; you have a holy Bishop. Oh, if also the other churches had a priest like your Bishop, things would go better!

Together with my holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the very little babies. I hold all of you tight in my heart together with Baby Jesus and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, mama; bye-bye, everybody.

January 2004 Messages

Rome, 1st January 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Make sure that this year is a year full of joy, love and forgiveness.

During the past year you made mistakes, you have incurred in serious sins or less serious ones, but as I have already said, leave all in the hands of the Lord. By now the year has gone by and those who did a good confession should no longer think about the sins. Today, first day of the year, start again to pray. Remember: to pray does not mean only to stay in a church for hours, but you pray even while you are attending to the house chores, when travelling, when studying, while helping someone: everything is prayer. To pray does not mean to recite rosaries and rosaries without end, but offer the day to God and say: "My God, I do everything in this day for your sake and men’s, I want to do your will. Forgive me if sometimes I fail, for I am fragile, I am weak, but with your help I can succeed to do everything". Just think, God sends me not where there are thousands of people, but here by you who are a tiny little group, a tiny little flock, a very small community and when it walks right it is a great community for God. Ask yourselves: "Why is God sending his Mother here by us? Why is He loving us so much? Why doesn’t He send his Mama to other places, where there are thousands and thousands of people?".

When Baby Jesus was born, there was nobody around, we were the only ones present, then the shepherds came up and finally the Magi. Yet God, the Messiah, was there. Today history repeats again: God sends me not where there are many people, but here by you. God’s love is the greatest, never offend Him. Try to love God, to do his will, to love each other, to help each other.

Today is the feast of the Mother of God, it is a great feast, but where is my flock? Some absentees are justified, others no. My dear children, spiritual feasts are beautiful, while the material ones bring about terrible expenditures. Men think only to eat and drink, sleep very little and then in the morning they go to Mass, perhaps to the midday Mass, for they are tired and they have eaten, drank and played. What are they giving to God? Crumbs! You who are here present and have made sacrifices to get up and come to this thaumaturgical place, keep on doing sacrifices for the sake of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, for your community’s sake. Grandmother Iolanda used to say: "I pray much for my community"; yet, the poor lady was almost never present in the community, but she used to pray much and you knew it; someone has even received graces for her prayers.

Grandmother Iolanda has lived her last years always alone in a room, in a bed, yet, she has done so much good to everybody, in silence and isolation. You too, in your small way, can do some good, there is no need to do big things, the good Christian is really recognized from the little things he does.

Bring this message to the people absent, but first it has to be revised by your Bishop and then you can bring it to the absentees.

Your Mama, escorted by the angels, the saints and all the saved souls of your dear ones, blesses you all. My wishes are above all of holiness to everybody, to your dear ones, to your friends, to the people you meet.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, Mama; bye-bye, Nicolas; bye-bye, Simon Peter.

Keep on helping all of us. Bye-bye.

Rome, 3rd January 2004 - h. 6:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - I know you were already present, we ask your pardon for not being on time, because for us, human creatures, is not easy to be on time. You, with all your patience, were here waiting for us.

Our Lady - Yes, I have been here for quite some time. Little Marisa, after many months this is the first time you are coming down for the first Saturday of the month, and this pleases me, my beloved bridegroom and little Jesus.

Look, your mama, Nicolas and Simon Peter are present.

Marisa - My little Madonna, I wish to entrust you all the sick people, even when I am not asking it to you, you know I want to entrust them to you, especially the babies: Rossana, Maria, Francesco. I am not going to mention other names, I have a long list of sick children, young and adult people. Of course, I entrust you Selenia and I take the opportunity to thank all the people who prayed for her. Selenia reciprocates and sends her wishes to everybody; she sends her wishes to you too, my little Madonna.

Our Lady - My dear children, thanks for your attendance. I still do not see here all the people who have gone by this place and have received graces, spiritual or physical. Grandmother Iolanda said one day to her daughter: "I always pray the little Madonna to give me all your sufferings and she does not listen to me" and you, little Marisa, were praying so that I would give to you all her sufferings. Grandmother Iolanda has suffered a lot, but now she is happy, cheerful, shining and very beautiful. My dear children, true happiness is found in Heaven only. Happiness on Earth is to receive Jesus in a state of grace.

Pay attention to the sixth commandment, to all the commandments and to the Church teachings. When the Bishop provides you with explanations, put them into practice, for Jesus speaks through him. If you learn to listen to him and put into practice what he says to you, you will listen and put into practice what Jesus says, as God is now speaking through me. It was God who told me to go down on Earth, it was God again who gave me the order to come down at my will. I will be coming often, I will be coming on Thursday, on Sunday and for the feasts; I will be coming for the sole reason to be with you, to be in your company, because the letters of God are over by now and when it is necessary I will give you my maternal reproaches. God reproached you when you failed, He told you to respect the commandments, to love your neighbour, to pray, to forgive and to be charitable; these are the most important commitments that all of you have to comply with. There is no need to be charitable to your acquaintances or to your relatives only, but to all men. Surely, there are some men who are hard to love, try, at least, to forgive them.

Be fond of each other, love one another, as grandmother Iolanda has done.

Marisa - Won’t you let my mama speak?

Our Lady - Little Marisa, she will speak when God wills.

Marisa - Bye-bye, my darling.

Our Lady - My dear children, I can really thank you for your presence. I thank you above all if you will put into practice what God said, what your Bishop said, only then the Church will return again to its shine without stains and without wrinkles.

I am not going to hide that the sufferings your sister is bearing are really great. Pray that she may have the strength to bear them totally. I have told you already that she lives the passion twenty-four hours a day. May your charity for her be this: pray, so that she may have the strength to bear it all. Pray one another, do not pray only for yourselves.

Marisa - I want to entrust you Maria Marcelletti too. You are a mother, she is mother, I beg you: help her. I want to entrust you again all the sick people.

Our Lady - Little Marisa, are you taking on you all of them?

Marisa - Yes, yes, yes. I take all the sick people, even those sick in spirit.

Our Lady - Thank you, I never found such a generous soul. The Bishop is near to little Marisa and he is helping her.

My dear children, again I send you my wishes for a good year, even if it doesn’t look so nice, for there will be still much suffering.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, my little Madonna, bye-bye, Mama.

She has gone away.

Rome, 4th January 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ. I hope you thanked God for the gift He still gives you by allowing me to come in your midst on Thursday and in the feast days. When yesterday evening I announced this, I did not see much outwardly enthusiasm in you, maybe in your intimacy you all rejoiced and you have thanked God for this great gift.

What can a Mama say to some of the children who are always present here, today with the cold, tomorrow with the heat, to pray the little Madonna? What can I say to you? I come in your midst to keep you company, to help you in your hardship, to teach you to love. To love all the people is hard sometimes, you have to forgive at least. Love the children, the grown-ups and the elderly.

I am looking at you, Emanuele, your Mama is very fond of you, as of course is fond of all children who are the pearls of Jesus and Our Lady. In the future, when they will grow, they will be mamas and daddies and later on in the years they will become grandfathers too. I am just the Mama of everybody, but here there is grandmother Iolanda who is the grandmother of all the babies in Heaven. She prays a lot for His Excellency, the children, the nephews, the great grandsons and for you all, she prays all the time, she gives glory to God and teaches the babies how to pray. Oh, you cannot figure out how beautiful is Heaven and how great is the enjoyment, the glory, the joy, the love for God and for all those people in Heaven. I say it again once more: I want to bring you all to Heaven.

As I told you yesterday evening, and before that, little Marisa spoke to me about, there is no age to die; even the young people can die, the main point is to die in a state of grace and go to Heaven to enjoy God for ever.

You cannot figure out what Heaven is, but you cannot figure out what hell is either.

In hell there is no fire, as so many speak about and Dante too, there are damned souls who hate because they know that they will neither see nor enjoy God for ever and ever, they know they will never go to Heaven.

I want all of you to come to Heaven, to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, to the Mother of the Eucharist and to the holy souls. Little by little, even the saved souls, step by step, will go up to Heaven, but you have to pray for your dead ones.

Thanks for your attendance.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the two little statues here. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

I beg you: love each other!

Marisa - Bye-bye.

Rome, 6th January 2004 - h. 10:45 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. The Magi reached the cave; although rich, they came up in silence. First the shepherds came, then the Magi, and paid honour to the Messiah. Few people went to the Bethlehem’s cave, although God was there. You are more fortunate, because you are a larger number. You have to reach the altar, the tabernacle, the Eucharist.

Today is a great feast, one of the greatest. Before the Messiah there are the shepherds, the Magi and the angels; none else. They are all pure, good, sincere and generous people: this is what I am often asking you. It doesn’t take much to be good, loyal, generous, pure; it is not hard, believe me. Do not leave open any small opening for satan to enter, because everything will then become more difficult and you will fall, fall, fall. Do not let him in and when you commit some mortal sins, confess them immediately. When you commit venial sins, it is enough to say an act of contrition in order to approach the Eucharist. Take the holy Communion always in a state of grace. I give you all my wishes of holiness, simplicity, honesty, goodness and generosity and to live as the shepherds and the Magi lived. Even if they were important, they were simple, humble and good people. God is asking you to be humble, simple, good people, capable to love with joy all men on Earth.

Next to me your dead relatives and the souls in Heaven are present. You see them, Marisa, for this reason I am not going to say every time the names of the people present.

This time the blow of the spear has been so strong that has torn your heart to pieces. You have suffered for the souls, for the Church, for the conversion of all men, for your community, as grandmother Iolanda always says. The blow of the spear went through you at the front and the back and hurt your heart, but nobody understood it. At times your sister is late because there is always something happening to her and she needs more time to prepare for the apparition, so it takes a longer time.

You have to celebrate the octave of the Epiphany: eight more days and then normal life should start again, but as I have already said at other times, you have to do in such a way that every day is Christmas, is Epiphany. Do not neglect anything, love God and men, always.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

I am not going to give you the baby, little Marisa, because you are aching all over.

Marisa - All right, I didn’t say anything, but I thought about it.

Our Lady - Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

Make sure that this year is a year of peace, I won’t say without sufferings, but a year that sees all men on Earth enjoy peace. Let us forgive those people who behave badly, who belong to the freemasonry and try to hurt us every day.

Our Lady - Thanks for your understanding.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

She has gone away.

Rome, 11th January 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Marisa - I have understood what you told me. I want to recommend all you the sick. During the Magnificat, while you were speaking to me, I wished to recommend you all the sick people in spirit and in the body, I have got many, both in the community and outside.

Our Lady - My dear children, thank you for your attendance. You are very few and humanly speaking, I ask myself: "What am I going for in the thaumaturgical place? Why don’t I stay in Heaven with my God, with Jesus, with the angels and the saints? Why do I have to go down in the midst of a very little flock?". This is what the human nature says, because you know that when I am on Earth, I am a person like you and these thoughts come to me. Then I say to myself: "Mary, you must to go in the thaumaturgical place, even if there were the Bishop and the visionary only".

Marisa - You come to us every day, even twice a day.

Our Lady - My dear children, notwithstanding everything, I feel that I wish to stay with you. Don’t think that this long abstaining period has been easy for me, I wished much staying with you. Till what point did you miss me? Someone felt it, someone else not. You can’t understand how important is my coming in your midst. I came only in this thaumaturgical place and if I didn’t come here either, my mission would be ended.

Marisa - But what do you say? By now you are in Heaven with God and you enjoy with the angels and the saints. My mission is never ending!

Our Lady - You are right, my daughter, your mission is hard and painful!

Marisa - Speak about me when we are alone, because you make me ashamed. I am ashamed also for the stigmata, many times I told you I accept them as long as they are invisible. There is no need for the others to see them.

Our Lady - Look what I make you see now.

Marisa - The baptism of Jesus! How beautiful!

Our Lady - The persons who where with Jesus did not hear God the Father, neither did saw the Holy Spirit. Time passed before they believed.

Marisa - My brothers are good, because even they can’t see anything, they believe in your coming in this thaumaturgical place. In the other places the apparitions ended, but here you keep on coming for us, little creatures. This means that God’s love and yours are so great that go beyond everything. We keep on waiting for the great day, but I want to tell you my worry: with all this masons who have more and more command places, what will happen to the Church? I am ready to suffer, but sometimes I ask myself: "Why do I have to suffer, me, a poor and ignorant creature? Why don’t you bring a priest and make him suffer instead of me?". I am a little tired. But now it is my humanity speaking, I am very human.

Our Lady - My daughter, the Church will be saved just because of your sufferings.

Marisa - Yes, but when will I leave from this world?

Our Lady - God promised and He keeps his promises, but God’s times aren’t your times.

Marisa - We are tired of waiting.

Our Lady - My dear children, pray, love, forgive. Thank you for the eucharistic adoration; do it often, according to the time you have and your work. Don’t leave the eucharistic adoration only because you have other engagements.

Marisa - Little Madonna, I would like to paint, to make pictures, instead I am only able to make ink-spots. I’m just good to nothing at all. The only thing I was able to do was to sing, now nor that. God took away everything of me, I don’t know what He will do with that.

Our Lady - I like how you are speaking today, I want you to speak always like this.

Marisa - So dull?

Madonna - My dear children, support this mission, help these my two children to carry it on with serenity, because it is very, very difficult. When they turn around they find nothing but masons, masons, masons: I am speaking about priests, the men of the Church. So I ask you to pray, love, do eucharistic adoration. Never skip the holy Communion, unless you have sinned. Go on with serenity. The group is decreased because of the feasts and the cold, even if now your Basilica is warmed. Sometimes you get some pretexts to avoid to come and you don’t understand my coming on Earth happens only in this thaumaturgical place. Pray, pray my son Jesus with all your heart.

My dear children, thank you for your attendance. Together with my and yours Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the sick, those who have to undergo an operation, the children and all the mothers who are waiting for a baby. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

little Marisa, you still see the baptism of Jesus. Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.

Marisa - Bye. I have seen everything, thank you.

Don’t you give a kiss to the Bishop? Will you give it when he is alone? But when…

Our Lady - Little Marisa, be quiet.

Marisa - All right, I say nothing else.

Rome, 15th January 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today a very important miracle happened: the divine blood lied down on the human blood. You wonder why a so great miracle! Because we are trying in all ways to convert the men of every nation and every race. The counties and the Church need conversion. You will also ask yourselves: "Why does just this poor creature have to suffer for everybody?". God has loved her since she was in the maternal womb, He chose her and made her his own. When a person is of God and belongs only to Him, she is all of his and doesn’t belong to any other man of the Earth; she has to obey only to his spiritual director. The suffering she bears every day and every night, she offers for the conversion of all the men of the Earth, for the conversion of all those who feel themselves great and powerful and for your resurrection.

It is difficult sometimes to understand what God wants, but little Marisa has accepted since her tender age, of being all of God and because of it she goes on in her mission. Sometimes she may cry, sometimes she may say: "My God, why have you abandoned me?", sometimes she moans, but then she always repeats her yes and always in a more generous way. I wish much you to learn from this poor creature what means suffering for the others, suffering for the sick, for the conversion of the sinners, for the prisoners and for many other persons who need help. She can do it with God, because God leads her and carries her with Him. You pray the saints many times, do pray grandmother Iolanda in order to make the graces arrive, but remember that only God performs graces and miracles. The persons I named can intercede, but God is the one who operates, God does everything, He doesn’t want to destroy everything because He would declare his fail and this is impossible. If God wanted, He could do everything immediately, but He doesn’t want this because He loves you, because you are his children and He loves you all with a huge love, also who doesn’t love the Eucharist or who doesn’t know the Eucharist and doesn’t know what means sinning against the Eucharist.

God said: "I want to perform this new eucharistic miracle for my children". You can’t see it because your sister can’t come down, nor you can go up because it should become too late of course, but you will see it when the Bishop wants.

Courage, my dear children, even if you are few, answer to God’s call and I will be with you, always.

Marisa - I want to recommend to you Rossana, Maria Marcelletti, and many other sick who are waiting for your help, but God’s will be ever done.

Our Lady - My dear children, the Mother leaves you in good company, leaves you with Jesus the Eucharist. When you receive the holy Communion, in a state of grace, talk to your Jesus who is within you, He asks for your help and loves you immensely, like I love you, like you Bishop loves you.

Even today the blood came out of your sister’s stigmata, the fever reached 41°; ones the thermometer was even broken. But this doesn’t worry your sister, because God gives her the strength to accept, to bear everything. I say also to you: courage, don’t let yourselves go, invoke God, invoke his Son, invoke the Mother of the Eucharist, invoke all those who went in Heaven, like the little Emanuele says: "Grandmother Iolanda is in heaven with God"; if a child can say this, why can’t you?

I thank you for your attendance and I pray for you together with little Marisa. We pray much for you and even you don’t notice it. Our prayers are addressed to God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son; our songs are addressed to God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, God The Son. Love each other, always love.

I know tomorrow there will be the meeting of the adults, be careful: sincerity, frankness, simplicity and much love for everybody.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Will you give a little kiss to the little Madonna, Emanuele?

Marisa - Nicolas and Simon Peter are very beautiful. Thank you, thank you for everything. Bye. Wait, what do I have to do?

Our Lady - The Bishop, your spiritual director, will decide what to do.

Marisa - When the task is difficult, you always leave it to the Bishop.

All right. Bye.

February 2004 Messages

Rome, 19th February 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Thanks above all for your presence, even if you are a few, but you know by now that even if there are only two or three persons, when you don’t disappoint me, I regularly come. I can’t avoid to come, then try to behave good. On Sunday we have talked for a long time about the respect you have to give to the Bishop, but still I don’t see it. I respected my beloved spouse Joseph: even if I was the Mother of God I was submitted to him, l loved him and helped him in every job, he did the same to me and together we received the little Jesus. This is what I wish from you: that you help each other, that you wish well and respect each other. Remember that you have to give respect to every person, from the smallest child to the greatest priest who is the Pope. Even the priests need your help, need to be corrected, if they don’t accept your correction, never mind, you have done your duty; God wants this. Defend your Bishop. Think that an eight-year old child bore witness, he spoke about Our Lady’s apparitions, he spoke about the Bishop to his teacher. Do you have the courage of speaking to the people? The first excuse I hear is: "He answers me bad, he doesn’t talk to me anymore and he goes away". It doesn’t matter, I always told you: "Bear witness and example, respect the persons, above all your Bishop".

I don’t want to speak any longer because I know that this evening you have to examine thoroughly a beautiful St. Paul’s letter and also I want to listen next to the Bishop. If I, the Mother of God, am next to the Bishop, listen to him and respect him, why don’t you have to do the same? Why don’t you read again, don’t you meditate the letters of God, so beautiful and full of love? You don’t read the books of messages, you don’t read the newsletter, you don’t read anything; I’m not talking about you all, let everyone take for himself what I’m saying. You have many gifts, the catechesis and the biblical meeting done by your Bishop, the letters of God and the little newsletter; but you aren’t able to take advantage of it. You’ve been accustomed too much well, you have had much more in comparison to other apparitions. All of this made you fall down a little, you weren’t glad, you didn’t rejoice of all that God gave to you, especially of the eucharistic miracles. Oh, if you understood how important are the eucharistic miracles! How many took place! What about the miracle that took place in the hands of your Bishop? This one alone would be enough to convert you, to spur to love each other and to respect each other.

Be brave, the Mother is always with you and helps you if you want. If you don’t want to be helped, it is enough that you tell me and I will turn myself somewhere else, however the visionary and the Bishop always see me, I am always with them. Excellency, don’t say you still don’t see me, because you saw me stylised and in other ways. Do you want to touch, embrace and kiss me?

Bishop - Is this somehow bad?

Our Lady - There’s nothing bad. You know how much love for you is in your Mother’s heart, because I am your Mother and will be your Mother forever.

Remember what God said on Sunday: speak often, even when you are around the table. Speak about spirituality, this is very beautiful.

I say you all to be brave. I repeat again: love each other, bear each other, wish well each other, you are sisters and brothers, don’t make little groups, but you have to be a great family. Now I reveal to you a little secret: many times my children plays to "who wants to be a millionaire", they enjoy it with much simplicity and they fight to get to gain the million, that is placed very high and it happens a few times. Also you have to do the same, fight, go forward, try to climb till the end to arrive to the million, that is God. It is beautiful playing with holiness, simplicity and joy, because some games reopen the memory and help to remember the italian language, history and geography.

I wanted to bear an example, maybe a little strange, for my way of speaking, strange but not difficult; who wants to understand, do it.

In the evening you think to go to sleep early, instead together with the family, speak about God, speak about the Mother of God, do also some games, clean, holy games.

Thank you, my dear children. Listen to St. Paul’s letter tonight, anyway you know that your Bishop every time he opens the page he says: "Ah, this is very beautiful!"; everything is very beautiful for him. They played also to the Gospel: the Bishop asked and the people present answered. "Listen how beautiful is this page!", the Bishop said. It was very beautiful, but not all of them were able to answer. For him everything is beautiful, everything is holy, everything is pure. So it must be the same for you. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop and my beloved spouse Joseph I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye. Bye, mum; bye, Nicolas; bye, Simon Pietro.

March 2004 Messages

Rome, 6th March 2004 - h. 6:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. It is a great joy to stay together with the children, who instead have gone away to play. Only two little ones have remained: Mariasole and Sara.

I, everybody’s Mother, have come to thank you for the eucharistic adoration you did yesterday and for the novena you started for my and your Bishop; not all of you can participate, but who can, let him do the little sacrifice of coming here.

The Almighty God is always ready to realize what He promises. But, like I have yet said, He still wants to save some men and some priests. You have realized that sex goes forward, what make pleasure for the world is sex and men enjoy speaking in a certain way.

Marisella, unfortunately this is life. Moreover, it is happening what I said: priests against priests, bishops against bishops, cardinals against cardinals, and the poor Pope, if we can say it so, is alone; the poor Bishop, I mean Mons. Claudio Gatti, is alone to fight against his parents, the community, the young people and also the men of the Church.

But the community and the young people made a step forward, while the parents, unfortunately have stopped in their positions. Like your Bishop said, it is good that I keep silent with Marisella, that I don’t tell her some things again, even if I told her that just to help you, to make you understand how the world is corrupted and bad. You just have to try to love, to wish each other well, to help each other.

You can’t even imagine what is happening in the Paradise because of all that is happening on the planet Earth. As you know, you saved many times the Pope when he was in France and in other nations. This time I want to say that if the Pope is still alive, it is due to your sister, because in the far 1981, she put her hand before the awful weapon to divert the shoot and to save whatever possible. Many come forward, saying they saved the Pope, instead it was simply a creature, who was sent by me in bilocation in that moment and stretched her hand to divert the bullet that would have mortally wounded the Pope. If God wanted John Paul II to go on to be the Pope, there will be a very great reason. You have to understand that when he says he wants to surpass the years of the previous pontificates, his inner human side makes itself feel, because he is also a man and the men always want something more than others; everybody wants to triumph. Instead now you are tired of fighting.

The long cry, Marisella, you did tonight and today, means that your life is hard. You are tired and sick and you can’t bear so much bitterness, disappointment and suffering. But be tranquil, my daughter, I will say nothing else, before I talked only to help you, to make you understand who you have nearby, but if this reduces you in this manner I will say nothing else and if I say nothing to you, neither the Bishop will know, then you will be better, even if your thought will always fly where it would better not go.

Be brave, continue this novena for the 14th. Your Bishop would have done nothing, but I insisted on, in the name of God the Father. On Thursday you will do the spiritual feast and on the 14th you will do a great feast, because there will be persons coming from outside Rome, but it will be a religious feast and nothing else.

I would have liked the children around me, but there is not either Sara anymore. There is the little Mariasole, Mary the Eucharist.

Marisa - I recommend you to make her grow up well, healthy, strong and make her sleep in the night.

Our Lady - Little Sara has come back, while the older ones, Jacopo, Samuele and Emanuele are still playing.

Pray, my little children, pray above all grandmother Iolanda, because she is doing much, much for you. Believe it.

Bishop - Thank you.

Marisa - What do I have to say, thank you, mum.

Madonna - Yes, we pray and pray much for you.

My dear children, I am really near to you, but you have to pray, you don’t have to discuss, to quarrel, to be pre-eminent.

Marisa - Yes, I see everything, I see everything, but if you don’t help us… Bye.

Rome, 14th March 2004 - h. 11:10 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - If every soul glorified the Lord, everything would be more beautiful, so many disgraces would not happen and many men would not be bad.

I address my thanks to all of you for what you have prepared for the feast, even if sometimes you do not succeed to do what your Bishop tells you. Try to be more awake, do not do like the apostles did when they fell asleep. Your Mama thanks you and shouts hallelujah from her heart for this great feast for the priest, for the Bishop, that embraces all the priests who love the Eucharist, who are truly called upon to the priestly order; for some have become priests out of interest, in order not to come back to their country, to their home and these are not true priests; for this reason I always invite you to pray for the priests.

In this day prayer doesn’t have to end just here, but it must go on in your home. Recite every so often an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory to the Father for your Bishop. Believe me, now more than ever he too is living his invisible passion: he has many moral sufferings. However I have to say that his seminar mates on 7th and 8th March prayed for him, except for two or three of them who belong to the Masonry. Some have even cried, for they wanted him to be with them, but the time of your Bishop will come, and when it will arrive, not all of his brothers will come into this thaumaturgical place, as not everybody will come into the Kingdom of Heaven. Be brave.

Did you understand how your sister is tried in very sense? For her to attend the H. Mass and not being able to sing is hard and difficult, but she is offering all this for the Bishop, for his triumph, for his glory. I would like to tell you with a smile: go running all of you to Heaven! You young people, no yet, you have to be on Earth, you have to work, however, the more you go on with the years the more I find you a little dull, as they say in Rome.

Marisa - Not to say in their dotage…

Our Lady - You are forgetful, you do not remember things and this is not nice, for you do not help the Bishop, on the contrary, you wear him out and you upset him at times, for he feels sorry when he gives you a directive and you do not comply with it; recently he has given a duty to five young people and an adult, but nobody has remembered to do what he asked. This hurts, makes one suffer and then the Bishop says: "I feel alone, nobody I have, neither the priests, nor the young people, because they have their head in the clouds, they think about themselves and do not think that I need to be helped".

I had to do this maternal reproach to you, my children; believe me, I did it because your Mum loves you all, but try to wake up, I say it again, do not do like the apostles, who slept while Jesus was praying and suffering. Be strong apostles; your Bishop gives you an example in everything; I do not say you must be like him, because there is no more his mould, however try to give more and help him.

However I thank you for all that you have done, everything is nice and clean and Jesus, my beloved bridegroom and I are happy. Now all the angels and saints are coming down from Heaven and mum, Nicolas and Simon Pietro are about me.

Marisa - You know, mum, His Excellency is entrusting so much to you too and has asked for many graces. You go and knock at God, knock, knock! But how many times is it necessary to knock at God? As many times as we forgive? Seventy times seven? How many times must we call upon God for help? Seventy times seven? Then always.

Our Lady - Thanks for the kisses, thanks to all of you.

Marisa - Bye, little ones; bye, mum; I beg you, help us you too, we all are in need of it. Do you know what I said to Padre Pio? I said to him: "When you were alone in your room from where you never moved, you worked many graces, but now you can work many more of them as you are dead and are in Heaven, why don’t you do them? All those people going to Heaven don’t they work any more graces?". I said this to saint Padre Pio and I said to my mother: "Before you were praying for that and for the other and they were feeling well, but now that I ask you only for the Bishop, nothing happens". I have no concern for myself, as my worth is only for a quarter of an hour; you do not allow me to sing any longer and you know how I like it, you have even taken the singing away from me.

All right, I thank all of you for your presence, Heaven is here with us, do help us, we are so much in need; help the Pope, see that he may do God’s will. Thank you.

Our Lady - Together with my and your holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I send a kiss to all the babies; I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

Rome, 18th March 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. It is always with great joy that I come here, in your midst; this time I am coming to beg you to pray for peace. Terrorists are butchering people everywhere and it is easy for them to come to Italy too, just as they went to other nations. You must never feel safe, you have to pray and look not if what a person does is good or bad, or to gossip and criticize. Think to pray that peace may reach every part of the world. Conflicts are getting worse by the day, even in Kosovo they have started to bomb again, but what terrorists are doing is so serious that one cries from morning to evening and should pray from morning to evening, because they don’t mind who they strike, they kill children, elderly, women, they kill everybody with ease. For this reason I say to you: never look at the speck in your brother’s eye when you have a log, but pray for peace. Perhaps you are still not aware on how awful this moment is, but if you get down hard with it and keep on praying, God will listen to you as He has listened to you many times, and this is the most important time to be listened. I am with you and pray with you: where two or more are in prayer in my name, I am in their midst: Jesus said this. Pray also when you do the housekeeping, when you cook, when you attend to other duties, do it with love and place your intention for peace in the world. You cannot figure out how your sister is suffering for all this, by now she is suffering the passion night and day and offers all this for the souls to be saved, but above all for peace in the world. You are awaiting for the triumph and you are right, but how can you have the triumph, when thousands and thousands of people die, are savagely killed, especially babies, women and the elderly? Then pray for the triumph, but above all for peace. Thank you, your Mama thanks you if you will pray, even while at work you can pray. I will be with you and I will pray with you. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

(Marisa takes the microphone off)

Our Lady - I cannot give my wishes before everybody, as jealousy breaks out, but on the 15th I thought a lot about little Sara, and prayed for her, for Mariasole, Samuele, Emanuele, Jacopo, Davide Maria, Elisa and for all the babies. Bye-bye.

Rome, 19th March 2004 - h. 7:10 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - My dear children, it is your Mama speaking to you. I am here with my beloved spouse Joseph, to whom God commanded to talk. I, just like my beloved spouse often does, withdraw with little Jesus and I leave the first place to my beloved spouse Joseph.

Saint Joseph - No, my beloved spouse, do remain next to me, you know I am simple and humble and you give me strength and courage, if you are near me. God’s message is not different from the one your Mama has given to you yesterday that, unfortunately, you have not heard, but the Bishop has repeated it to you. It was an invitation to prayer, to offer the day for peace in the world. Terrorists keep on making wars, and the men of the Church are not interested, the powerful people talk, talk without any conclusion. I say to you, little flock, but it is for the whole world, to pray, fast, do eucharistic adoration and practice some penance, so that peace may reign in this world and the coming of Jesus on Earth may not be a complete failure. How many times God said: "Must I, who created the world, say that I have failed?".

I say again what your Mama said yesterday: don’t look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but try to love one another and pray. You wait with anxiety for your triumph. You all, even we, are waiting for it; but how can it come if there are war and terrorists all over the world, if there is hate among families and between parents and children?

You are right, because you pray and do adoration; even if there are still some clouds in your midst running around, even if there is still some gossip. You pray, but before praying, as Jesus says, learn how to love.

God asks first of all to you, little flock, to pray for peace in the world. He did not go to the gathering of people who gather in sanctuaries or go to the Holy Father. You are still feeling secure, because your Italy has not been touched as yet, but do pay attention, terrorists are trying to get into Italy too. Only after the terrorists will have completed their attacks, people will kneel down and rub their knees up to the altar where there is Jesus to call for help. Do know that terrorists do not save anybody, they kill children, young, women, elderly. They strike where they are able to, and they just prefer where there are babies, women and elderly people.

It is first of all up to you if peace will reign, for the very reason that you are a little flock. But I beg you: change, become better, more understanding, love each other as Jesus loved everybody and gave Himself for everybody.

I, humble Joseph, have had the fortune to marry the Mother of Jesus. Today God has left me with the task to give you this message, which is the same as yesterday. If you love, if you are fond of each other, if you help each other, peace will come, and with peace also your triumph will come.

I, Joseph, you call me Saint Joseph, am so much loved by your Bishop, together with the Mother of the Eucharist I bless all of you with all my heart.

Our Lady - And I, your Mama, hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Allow me as Mama to give a kiss to the babies.

Marisa - Thank you.

When are you going to give the voice back to me? Bye-bye.

They have all gone away, even Our Lady, Saint Joseph and baby Jesus.

Bishop - As a procession?

Marisa - It was full, it was full with angels, saints, saved souls and Popes.

Rome, 28th March 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Also today your Mama is here in your midst and has prayed with you. You are waiting for the times God has promised: I am waiting for them too. When I come on Earth I suffer as you do and I feel sorry that it is just you, little flock, that before enjoying the triumph have to wait for men conversion. I am your Mama, the Mother of the Eucharist and, as you are aware, I appear only in this place. Unfortunately someone has usurped this title, hiding behind the Holy Father. The others repeat all that your Bishop says and they keep on taking all his ideas and his beautiful words. The nuns who have taken the title Mother of the Eucharist, say it is within the teachings of John Paul II, just to get rid of you. Your internet site is within anybody’s reach and anyone can take what he wants. They say they founded the congregation according to God’s will in 1997; you began to write on the web site in 1996 and Our Lady, as Mother of the Eucharist, presented herself to you in 1989; all this is in the web site. I am here with you and appear to nobody else, but people try pilfering here and there in order to be someone and they have even established a religious congregation with my title.

I reprove you the fact that if you had been more united and had loved each other more, you too could have founded a congregation. Not only nuns can be part of a congregation, but lay people too, free people who can consecrate to God and form a lay congregation. Many times I wondered: when I talk, give suggestions or say a reproach, are you listening or are you just attending? Already in another occasions I told you to form a group of committed laymen and, believe me, the commitment would not have been so great. You should establish a lay congregation, both for young people and adults. How much does it cost to you to go to the Bishop and say: "I want to get ready in order to be part of this congregation"? When I talk I am not always listened and, once outside this place, you remember nothing and talk about everything else. Talk instead about God’s letters and realize that if God says this He means He loves you, in spite of whatever it might happen. I want to see if some of you have understood what I said and succeed to put it into practice. Even those with family, even the elderly can become member of the lay congregation.

When I talk it seems to me I am simple and plain, as I am simple and plain when I talk to your sister; I adapt myself to her, and if she understands you too must understand. The love God has given you is so great, so immense, that you should be able to give three, four, five times more than you give, at least. If someone, as I have already said at other times, does not understand, should not talk to others, but should go to the Bishop, because you understand nothing if you talk among yourselves about what little Madonna said. Be always fond of each other.

I know the eucharistic miracles are so many, both the ones with blood and those without and to remember them all, I understand it very well, is not easy, but if someone has already made a calendar, why doesn’t he make some more and hands them out to the community members?

Marisa - I want it, because it is hard to remember all the miracles, however if we continue to pray and remember not the miracles, Jesus is just as happy; the main point is to pray.

Our Lady - Thanks for your attendance. Those people working at the little newsletter should be more autonomous. You all are almost graduated, do not go and ask the Bishop for every little thing. The newsletter is much demanded and it is very well done, however the one who works most is your Bishop. I beg you, do not feel upset, but give always more; every day there must be a push to go on. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, I bless all the children and your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

April 2004 Messages

Rome, 1st April 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ. My dear children, less people attend the biblical catechesis. Not everybody understood how important is to know God’s Word.

On Sunday I invited you to found a Congregation. There is no need, at least for the moment, that there are priests and nuns, because they have the prohibition of coming to this thaumaturgical place, it is sufficient that there are the laymen to found this Congregation that must have our Bishop as the leader. Who wants, can be part of the Congregation, giving his agreement.

I have to make you a reproach that makes me feel a little bad: you don’t move, you don’t take any initiatives, you don’t favour the work in union with the Bishop. In many other places where I don’t appear anymore, people found congregations and prayer groups, they are ready to go everywhere; even when sometimes they are treated badly. This must not stop you, because some people treated badly my Son Jesus after He did many miracles, He was treated badly even by those who received miracles. It seems to me that you are a little asleep. You come here also with pleasure, but you don’t go further, you don’t give help and support to the Bishop. On the contrary you have to say: "This poor father has no priests and nuns, let’s do something, let’s help him".

If I told you to found a Congregation, it is because you can do it; sure, not everybody can be part of it. In your heart you will hear Jesus’ call. Found the Congregation with the Bishop as the leader and slowly you will see that also other persons will come. Do you think that who is part of a Congregation doesn’t have a job, doesn’t have to study, doesn’t have a family? Oh, yes, they have, but they help each other, and they exchange each other in carrying on the works. I noticed you are always tired, it seems almost you only work, instead everybody works to eat. There are people who die because they have no job, go and see what happens in Mozambique. They die, because they have no job, no medicines, no doctors. One hundred thousand persons die every month, especially the children.

How much does it cost to you to say: "Excellency, I want to be part of the Congregation"? You don’t have to come here only to listen. If someone wants to do something, he must not fall in crisis, he must not be afraid, but let him bring to fulfilment what he started.

I hope I succeed to make you understand what I said. I want you to be better. Look at how good are the members of other religions, they go on without fear. You stopped in this little place, declared thaumaturgical by God, and you do nothing else. You prepare the altar and make up the Church when there is some feast and you are ready to help my two dear children, but you have to bear witness elsewhere. There is not much to say: "Jesus, help me, make me able to be part of the Congregation". There is need of priests and nuns, but also of the laymen; the Pope himself counts on the laymen, he counts on the young people. But for the Pope there are no difficulties, it is enough moving his finger and the young people come from Italy and abroad. They dance, sing profane songs, say touching speeches, but they don’t pray, they don’t attend the Holy Mass, they don’t listen to God’s Word. It is easy to come for these young people, the have got the travel paid and eat free. But they lack the prayer, the Holy Communion and the Holy Confession. This evening, during the meeting of the young people transmitted by the television, after much waiting, the Holy Father came in, He limited himself in doing only the sign of the cross and He didn’t do what I recommended in my messages. If you don’t remember, read the first book. Every day read a message, it will take only one or two minutes. Is it possible that this stops you?

Be good, I want you to be strong, your Bishop and the visionary give you the example. Notwithstanding the sorrows, notwithstanding the passion, notwithstanding all the moral sufferings, your sister insisted to go down, even if her doctor didn’t recommend it because of the bronchospasm. You can’t understand how painful, how strong is the passion she lives and, notwithstanding everything, she succeeded in speaking with everyone who wants to meet her.

This evening with great strength and braveness she said: "Excellency, also I want to go down". She shows to be good and to have the strength to be in your midst, above all to make you understand the importance of founding a Congregation. You expect what God promised, but what do you really want? Satisfaction for the victory? The victory will come, but you should have more engagement and bear more witness. My dear children, I am your Mother, I wish you well and I talk in this manner because I love you, I love you, I love you; do the same. Thank you.

As usual, listen to the Holy Mass, and receive the Holy Communion in a state of grace. Then listen to what the Bishop has to tell you, I will be near him.

Thank you for your presence. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles.

(Marisa shows all the sacred articles to be blessed)Marisa - My little Madonna, I have pain in my hands and I can’t hold the medals.Our Lady - Do the things slowly, little Marisa, bring the medals with both the hands, because I want God Father, God Son, God Holy Spirit to bless them, and all of your little nephews and all the persons who are in Heaven to see them.Marisa - I do everything with calm.Our Lady - I have to thank who had the idea of making these medals, she has been very good. Thank you.

I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.Marisa - I recommend all the sick, especially the children, I recommend Elisa, with all of my heart.Our Lady - Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye, thank you. Thanks for what you told me before the apparition. Thank you, now I really feel well. Bye. They have gone away altogether.

Rome, 3rd April 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Your Mother speaks to you after having a conversation with your sister. I am glad to be in your midst.

You are preparing yourselves for tomorrow’s feast, when you will shout: "Hosanna" to Jesus coming into Jerusalem on a poor donkey. Everyone shouted: "Hosanna to the son of David" and after five days they shouted: "Crucify".

How many times do they shout: "Hosanna" to the Bishop and then they condemn him? They put him at high, very high then they put him down again to the ground. He is loved and hated, hated and loved. Today this is the situation: the great and little men of the Church quarrel, there is who speaks bad of the Bishop and who defends him; they make discussions like in Jesus’ time, when there was who loved Him and who condemned. These violent discussions dislike us, but it is good that also the priests, the bishops and the cardinals begin to wake up. Someone even has nightmares, because they know that the Bishop, Monsignor Claudio Gatti, is in the truth and he has always been in the truth. But what do they do? They discuss and quarrel, one says white and one says red. When they are together to celebrate or to eat, they kiss each other and shake their hands; then after the feast the quarrel starts again, sometimes together with hate.

The good priests defend Monsignor Claudio Gatti, while the bad ones condemn him, but from this break will start the trail that brings you to the triumph. You have to be glad for all of this.

Glory to God, glory to Jesus, glory to the Holy Spirit, glory in the highest of Heaven and peace on the Earth to the men of good will.

I want to make you a little recommendation: when the hour of the apparition arrives, if you already have begun the Hail Mary, end it, don’t break it and, once the Hail Mary is ended, sing the Magnificat, because I am already here. But I recommend you to end the Holy Rosary when you exit from this place.

I give you these recommendations because I love you, elsewhere I would be silent. I don’t mind if you say the Hail Mary completely or in part, but you have to be precise and good in everything. If you started the Our Father or the Hail Mary, end it, even if it has arrived the moment of the apparition. Sometimes I feel to be with the university students, other times with the children, whom you have to say everything. Jesus said to become like children, because only the children will come into the Kingdom of Heaven, but not in this manner, you always have to be great, but as simple as children.

My dear children, I dare much to tomorrow’s feast, because the week will be very difficult and very hard for your sister.

Marisa - Again?

Madonna - Yes, you can’t fast for all the week, because all the medicines you take don’t allow it. So don’t fast, but suffer much. You have to save the souls, my daughter.

Marisa - Could there be also some other people who suffer like me? Neither the Bishop, nor the cenacle. These little and poor creatures who are here can bear only little daily sufferings.

Our Lady - I bless all the people who travelled to arrive in this thaumaturgical place and those nuns who took the name "Mother of the Eucharist". I appear as "Mother of the Eucharist" only in this place and you know it well.

I make an example to make you understand how huge is your sister’s suffering. Selenia, the mother you all know, has a pain in a little finger of her foot, she has terrible pains and she can’t even walk, your sister, instead, has all the body ravaged, lashed and nailed, this is why I ask you to pray. She is very heroic, with difficulty she reveals her suffering and she doesn’t want the others to be present when she is living Jesus’ passion, she wants to suffer alone. I ask you to pray for her, for she has the strength to bear everything. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop and all the angels and the saints who are present here, the grandmother and the children, I pray for you and bless you. I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, mum, Nicolas, Simon Pietro and Paolo. Bye-bye.

Rome, 8th April 2004 - h. 9:00 p.m. (Letter of God) Our Lord’s Supper

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.

I, the Mother of God, after what your Bishop has said, as it happened also in the occasion of Palm Sunday, when he pronounced words that came from his heart and were full of love, I cannot say anything else but to ask for prayers and to exhort you to be humble and simple. May those people, to whom the feet will be washed, live this moment with humility and much love; as you see, love comes always out.

Today, holy Thursday, God established the sacrament of the Eucharist and the sacrament of Priesthood. Today is the feast of all the priests, first of all your Bishop’s feast and you have to pray a lot for him. Those people who will have their feet washed, bow your head with humility and pray, so that God may let you all rise again.

Priesthood and Eucharist are two great sacraments. Your Bishop explained to you that Eucharist without Priesthood cannot exist and Priesthood without Eucharist is nothing. Love the Eucharist as much as you can.

It is a great feast today more so because there is a new creature, a very small one, Mariasole. The Sun reminds the Eucharist, Mary reminds the Mother of the Eucharist. God has given this gift to the parents after many prayers from everybody and after many sufferings from the person God has called up. Today you have a new creature and this will repeat again on Easter, on Christmas and all the other feasts: you have the sun, the Eucharist, you have Mary, the Mother of the Eucharist.

Your Bishop has already said everything, so I have little to add; it is left up to me, as your Mother, to tell you to pray, to love each other, to help each other, without looking at the speck in your brother’s eye. Be humble, simple and merciful. I thank all those people who in one way or another help these two children of mine.

Wishes, Excellency, on God’s behalf, on behalf of the Mother of the Eucharist, on behalf of grandmother Iolanda and her little nephews who are next to her and from all the children. All the angels and saints are wishing you a great feast. My dear two little children there is much suffering within you, this is the last to die, but there is also so much love. Love takes you to Heaven, and in Heaven there is always the love for God and for all the souls therein.

Thanks to everybody. Together with my and your Bishop, the great Bishop of the Earth, I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I send a kiss to the babies present here - there is the sleeping one, the one who is awake, and the one being rocked to sleep - to the far away babies and to the sick people; to all. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

To you, little Marisa, my wishes, for what is still in store for you.

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Thanks on everybody’s behalf.

Excellency, you are a talker. You must not talk before she does.

Bishop - From now on there will be the apparition first, so that Our Lady may speak first and then I.

Rome, 11th April 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God) Easter

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.

First of all I want to give my wishes and invite you to sing hallelujah to the risen Christ. Yet today it happens what happened to the apostles: when Jesus retired to pray they slept. Today there are people still sleeping, those preparing the big lunch and those who are leaving; while you, little souls, are here, in spite of everything, to pray and, even if you are a few, Heaven is coming down on you. Here is the triumphant Jesus!

Marisa - How handsome you are!

Our Lady - Together with Jesus there is my beloved spouse Joseph and there are all the angels and the saints, your mommy too, little Marisa, is here.

How comes that in other places, as in St. Peter, there are so many people? You say that the majority are foreigners, they are not Romans, because the latter must prepare…

Marisa - Do say it!

Our Lady - The lamb! They must work hard in the kitchen. Instead my two children think first to the prayer, to the H. Mass, and then, if there is time, they do the rest. Now you may not be able to enjoy Heaven that is in your midst, anyway close your eyes and think that there is Jesus with his family here, with the angels, the saints and the children, who have come to give you their wishes.

This time God has allowed grandmother Iolanda to give her wishes; and you pray her, pray her truly.

Grandmother Iolanda - Wishes to everybody.

Marisa - Hello, mum! Do you see how I am coming to? You can tell Jesus that he rose, but I am still dead. Ask him whether today he will allow me to feel a bit better and then tomorrow I will recover all the pains and sufferings. Many times he told me that I will suffer till death. Look: the babies play around her and pull her vest. Dear Nicolas, today your little sister is not here, she left; Simon Peter, can you kiss your little brother and your little sister and you, Paul, your little nephews?

Our Lady - My dear children, even if feasts make you more tired, especially you mothers, do not forget the prayer, there is so much need of prayers. Tiny flock, to you that are so few, the Heaven, which is here, is asking for prayers. Pray for the conversion of all men, of the priests and of the bishops. Pray for your souls and try to have more charity, to be more generous, especially toward those people who have no family. It takes so little to help the people who have nobody and to be like a mother for them. Generosity is a great virtue and makes you great. If you know of people who are part of the community and have nobody, be like mother for them and help them.

Thanks again for what you did to my two children, but do it also to those people who no longer have their parents, not longer have their family. Try to understand what I say. May these words enter your heart: I must be generous, I can be a mother for the people left alone.

When I used to travel with Jesus in Palestine, I was a mother for everybody: for the apostles, for the children racing to meet him, I was not just Jesus’ mother, but everybody’s mother. You too do the same, try to help each other, with prayers and in material needs. Those who are mothers will understand.

Again my wishes to everybody: to those people who left, to those people who are sleeping, to those people who are preparing the lunch; wishes to everybody and especially to the babies.

Together with my and your Bishop, the Bishop ordained by God, the Bishop of the Eucharist, and, do not forget, the Bishop of love, I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Get up, Excellency, and bless together with me the people present and absent. In the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Sing as you are able to, let everyone give the voice that he is able to, you all have to sing.

Marisa - Thank you. Bye-bye, mum, bye-bye, little ones. You are more and more beautiful. Have you seen how few we are? Pray for us. At evening, before falling asleep, I pray all the saints and at the end I pray to you to intercede for the community. All right, bye-bye. Now we are going to listen to the H. Mass and we will do our best to concentrate and sing. Is that fine?

First there was all of the Heaven and now one can see nothing.

Bishop - We are in here.

Marisa - We are in here. Yes, but there wasn’t all this.

Bishop - There was something better.

Rome, 18th April 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. While you were reciting the H. Rosary, it came to my mind the words pronounced by a bishop who was blackmailing one of his workers: "If you go to Rome, listen the H. Mass and you receive the H. Communion in that place, I will take your job away and I will send you off". This poor guy, who loves so much the thaumaturgical place, was feeling guilty, for his bishop was forcing him to betray the Mother of the Eucharist. So he phoned your Bishop and to relieve his feeling he said to him: "I want to come to the thaumaturgical place and I do not want to betray our little Madonna". Your Bishop, with charity and love as he knows how, answered to him: "Tell your bishop that he was blackmailing you. Anyway do not leave the job, for you have a family you have to take care of. Do not come to Rome, do not worry, for you will have the possibility to know what happens here. Your friends will give you the newsletter, cassettes and books: you will be informed on everything".

That bishop, who while speaking put up a very bully and wicked face, was ready to take the job away to his worker and did not think that he has a family he must take care of and blackmailed him in order to prevent him from coming to Rome in the thaumaturgical place to listen the H. Mass and to receive the H. Communion. The words of the bishop entered my heart, I suffered a lot and I said: "My dear son, if you do not convert and keep on blackmailing your workers, I am sorry, but you will never enjoy God". The humble person on the other hand, if he continues to be good, has the certainty of Heaven. And it hurts me, Mother of the Earth, to see this wickedness and I cry.

I wanted to bring you an event that took place yesterday. For a few days the priests and the bishop had been harassing this poor man, without thinking to his family. The same happens in other places, especially in Rome: if someone works at a bishop’s or priest’s service and attends the thaumaturgical place, his job is taken away immediately.

Do you think that the demon is present here? You think that the Eucharistic miracle with the blood gushing out from the Host consecrated by your Bishop during the H. Mass, is the demon’s work? Do you think that the blood poured by your sister, when her stigmata open up, is the demon’s work?

These calumnies are repeated by the men of the Church and by many people.

It has happened quite often, in other places too, that when a bishop or a priest came to known from their spies hiding near the thaumaturgical place that someone at their service has come to this place, they got angry and blackmailed him: "If you go to via delle Benedettine, you will lose your job!".

Many priests did not come, but they cried, as it happened on March 9, when three priests cried, and others have suffered, because your Bishop was not present with them. They prayed for him, but they have had no courage to get together and go to those in power to say to them: "You have been blackmailing us for years, it is time to stop with this blackmailing". They have no courage, for they would lose the office, the parish, home and the financial support.

Some priests do not even have the courage to reproach the people talking, laughing and joking before the Most Holy Sacrament, while they put the church in order. Nobody says to them: "Be quiet, there is Jesus here". Instead they ask: "What are you talking about?" and the people reply: "We talk about that place where the parish priest doesn’t want us to go" and the priests reply: "Do not talk about that place, for the demon is there".

I have never seen the demon in this place and neither did you. Those who withdrew from this place were demons.

I have spoken in this way to make you understand how hard is to let the men of the Church realize the importance of coming to the thaumaturgical place. Many priests say: "It is not possible for Our Lady to talk bad about the priests". No, I am not talking bad about the priests, I talk like that because I want to mend their ways, I want to save them and bring them in Heaven. Instead they damn themselves, and after them, they also bring other souls to hell.

Thanks for the adoration that you have done.

Many souls, after reading the letters of God in concealment, were converted and said: "Here is God speaking". They understood that the priest, the parish priest, the bishop and the cardinal were making a mistake, but they have no courage to defend the truth.

All of you are waiting the day of the triumph, I am waiting for it too. By now it is five years God is saying again and again that he is going to come. God always keeps his promises, but how much more time has to go by?

Marisa - This is really what I am asking you, little Madonna, how much more time has to go by? You said that with my death the Bishop will triumph, but I would like to see him triumphing and then dispose of me as you like. Stop with the waiting. We are tired, we are really tired.

We pray for everybody’s conversion, yet, for me it is easier to pray for those people who have not known Christ. Why must I pray for those people who studied theology and the H. Gospel? I want to pray for the non-believers, for those people who did not know your Son Jesus and for my Bishop.

Our Lady - Courage, my dear children, at times it is hard to say courage to you. Courage, do not let yourselves down, think that God is with you. If God is with you who could be against you? Persist in prayer, in big and small sacrifices, and above all in the adoration to Jesus the Eucharist.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Wait, I have to ask you something the Bishop told me.

All right, I will report it to him. Thank you, Bye-bye.

Excellency, she has gone away.

Rome, 29th April 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ.

I was present during the H. Rosary and I wanted to wait until 8:30 to give you the letter of God, but you began singing the Magnificat at 8:25. This is of little importance, the main point is that you are present here to listen to God’s Word and to attend the H. Mass, and I am with you. You must know that matters in the world do not go well at all, because of the wars and the powerful men; nor they go well in the Church, where they keep on gossiping against one person: your Bishop. You must never judge a person if first you do not know him well, actually, you should not judge at all, but pray. Whoever judges his brother does not deserve Heaven and I want to take you all to Heaven. Bishops and cardinals judge your Bishop without knowing him, without having ever spoken to him or ever getting documented to understand what is happening. Why have they never come here to see and to analyse? This is a great sorrow for me. My two children suffer much and I, their Mama, am praying for them all the time. When I come on Earth I see so much misery, so much filth, so much arrogance and I hear the utterance of many negative judgments against the Bishop ordained by God on behalf of the men of the Church, that are looking for a way to destroy him. This hurts me, makes me suffer. Those of you who sometimes took the liberty to judge the Bishop have made a mistake. Remember that to judge badly is a serious sin.

Some are still limping, fortunately there are just one or two people who are always ready to judge the Bishop by saying: "He knows everything, he is always right, he can do everything". Well, what if it were like that? God has called him, He has chosen him among many men of the Church. The Pope was elected by the cardinals, your Bishop was called by God the Father and nobody can take the liberty to go against God. God is love, but He is a judge too. At the end of times He will be a stern judge with those who did not behave well, with those who received much and did not answer back. Those who received thirty have to give sixty, those who received one hundred have to give two hundred. Those who give nothing means that they have not learnt how to follow this path.

You are waiting for the triumph with great anxiety, but God’s times are not your times. Don’t count the past years, God knows well what He is doing; who are you to judge God? Nobody!

If God has called your sister to suffer till death, who are you to argue God’s decision? You have to pray for little Marisa, so she may have the strength to bear it all. I thank you for the eucharistic adoration you are doing on Friday and for the prayers you say for my two beloved children, however, besides the prayer, you have to show your love for them, because you cannot figure out how great is their suffering. If you learn to love them as God loved you, the situation will change, the triumph will come and whatever you want, but you must walk the right path, as it has been taught in the letters of God.

Many times I said to you to read the letters of God, one every day, in the evening, before going to bed and if it is possible, read them together with other people. Instead it seems to me that you are afraid or ashamed to pray together. I will say again and again till the end that what God promised will come true, but you must have a lot of patience, you must pray, you must love and must not judge. Pay attention to judgement: whoever judges his brother is not worth to come into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Today, as you know, it is St. Catherine’s feast, a holy woman who loved much the Eucharist. Sustained by the Eucharist, she came before the priests; when I say priests, by now you know it, I mean bishops and cardinals as well. You cannot do what she did, for she received a gift from God, but you can do the eucharistic adoration, speak with God, talk with Him. Pray for those people who suffer, for the children, the mothers, the sick and the elderly people.

Remember that the true priest is the one who asks nothing, does not wish to become great and is not looking for money. As you know, your Bishop never dared to ask for money, except in the early times, when the young people did not work, to help them to do some vacations. Today all the young people have a job and he no longer asks for money, but only love, prayer, sacrifice, penance, eucharistic adoration and to attend the H. Mass and the bible catechesis. Once I gave you this scale of values: first of all the H. Mass, the H. Communion and the H. Confession, then the bible catechesis, the H. Rosary and, last, the apparition. I come to give you strength and courage and to go ahead, but never leave the H. Mass in this place where I appear. As I have already told you, I appear only in this thaumaturgical place and in no other place in the world.

I hope you have understood what I wanted to say, it seems to me that I am speaking in a simple way, just as your sister often does, so you may understand how great love is.

I want to pray for the sick babies too and for those poor babies in Africa, in Asia and in other parts of the world where they suffer and die, for they are not taken care of. You, my dear Italians, are still lucky. Pray God that it may not come to Italy what men are trying to do.

Most Reverend Excellency, you are the Bishop ordained by God, don’t forget it. When the moment of desolation comes, when the spirit collapses, when you realize that you are alone, go, as you do every morning, to Jesus the Eucharist and speak to Him, open your heart to Him. After you have spoken to Jesus the Eucharist, you must have a peaceful face, calm, for you are the eternal priest and no Pope, cardinal and bishop can remove your priesthood. Do accept this great trial too, you have been bearing so much, you have suffered much. Did you think that with the last satan’s blow, when you were reduced to the lay state, everything would have been over? Unfortunately other sufferings followed, for the world is not right, men are not right, both the great politicians and the great men of the Church, are racing to be the greatest, the most powerful, the wealthiest. You remain as you are and as you were that day when the powerful voice of God called you and said: "You are Bishop for I have ordained you". He did not ask your permission to ordain you Bishop. From your side there has been great obedience and also suffering and fear, for all have sided against you by saying: "Who is he? Why has God ordained him Bishop?". Now I want to tell you something great: your Bishop was not ordained by men. The Holy Father is elected by the cardinals, Don Claudio was ordained by God, never forget it. Pray for him. Those people living in this home must be fond of him, respect him, help him. Unfortunately a person is still limping, doesn’t respect him, doesn’t obey him, does whatever he wants. May the two young people living here pray for him and help him when there is something to do, especially with the computer: Yari, Massimo, Alessandro, Domenico, help your Bishop in these things too.

I am going to stop talking, or else I do as your Bishop, who begins to talk, he says for two minutes, and then he goes on forever. It is important to attend the H. Mass, it is important to listen to the bible catechesis. I beg your pardon for lingering longer than usual.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your children, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Listen, the Bishop told me to ask you if I could do a step a day and if I could stay a bit upright and walk all alone. I ask it to you because the Bishop told me to, otherwise I would not have dared to speak to you like that. Sara is walking more than me.

All right, as God wills, his will be done. Bye-bye to everybody.

May 2004 Messages

Rome, 1st May 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today begins the month dedicated to me. This is the first day, but don’t worry, because the apparitions will be only on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I won’t come every day, because it is even good that you wish me to come a bit. I don’t have enough words to thank you for the engagement you showed in doing the singing trials, especially who did them for the first time. Singing is twice praying: think how much glory you give to God when you sing.

When Jesus was walking with the apostles, He talked with them, He talked about all of that would have happened, and I, the Mother, was near to my Son, either really or in bi-location, and listened to all that He said. You know that it is hard for a mother to accept the death of a son, and I had known for a long time before that my Son would have died on a cross to redeem the men. While Jesus was talking with the apostles, sometimes He turned and called someone. He often repeated to the apostles with all of his heart: "If you want to follow me, know that the way is sorrowful". Sometimes some disciples, or a person passing nearby, went near to Him and told Him: "Master, I want to follow you" and Jesus answered: "I repeat, my son, my way is very difficult". Someone remained, someone turned and went back, but I loved everyone, those who said "yes", and those who said "no".

I say to you that when God calls a soul, this soul have to do his will, not turn back and deny Him. Denying Jesus is a sin that makes everybody suffer. Many times I said to some souls: "Do God’s will and at the end you will be joyful and glad". The suffering never lacked to you, someone more and someone less, everyone suffered, like I suffered, but if you learn how to do God’s will, to entrust yourselves to Him, to be faithful to Him, you will see that slowly everything will be repaired. To those who think there is nothing more to do, I say: "My dear children, Jesus is judge and one day will be a severe judge, but now, if you do a good confession, you do confess your sins, God doesn’t think anymore to your sins, God doesn’t think what you said or what you did of evil". Many times I heard your sister speaking like this: "The passed months and years are in the God’s hands. Today restart from the beginning, be born again, abandon yourself to God, ask help to the Mother of the Eucharist and to the Bishop". If you think you offended God and you did not behave well, ask his forgiveness. You know that Jesus has come for the sick, for those who let themselves treat. I want to open my heart to you to make you understand the importance of forgetting the past, leave it in God’s hands and be born again, start today, the 1st of May.

Today is my feast and all the month is dedicated to me. I don’t want presents, for goodness’ sake, but I ask you to pray and to make penitence. I am moved when I see you doing eucharistic adoration. Thank you for all that you do. Remember: God will give you merit for all this.

How beautiful is to listen to God’s Word! Did you notice how it is explained and how it penetrates into you heart? You make me suffer when you say: "I am ignorant, I understand nothing". Sometimes the ignorant is better than the graduate; the study doesn’t matter, what matters is loving, only loving Christ and crucified Christ, who died, as you know well, for each one of you and He gave his body for you.

I am sorry that not everybody answers to the call. God called, there is who said "yes" and who turned the back. Who turned the back to God doesn’t have to criticize, slander and defame, because he commits a mortal sin. If you don’t want to follow this so hard and sorrowful way also for my two dear little children, go elsewhere, I want to help you, I want to bring you all to holiness.

You can’t either imagine what is Heaven! Your sister is right when she says that is difficult to describe it, because all that is about God, is difficult, but you know that Heaven is already in you heart, when you receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace.

Be good, you all, young and less young. Be good and ask that everything comes to an end, this world corrupted by the great men, not by the little ones, because the great men always ruin everything. Try to remain always little and do God’s will.

Thank you, my dear children, for the prayers, for the eucharistic adoration and for your attendance. Also on Thursday you were a few, but the Bishop didn’t retire, he spoke anyway and how he did! Remember: what you listen from your Bishop, you will never hear from anyone else.

Good month of May to everybody. I recommend you to recite the holy Rosary and pray. Maybe God will decide to do what He promised. I asked God to come to you every day, but He told me: "Mary, it would be too tiring and my little daughter would be too tired. She doesn’t stand on the legs and sometimes it becomes difficult for her also to smile, to talk". Pay attention: don’t be insensible to the other’s sufferings. Learn how to love, like I have always loved you. Someone heard your sister saying: "I can’t go on anymore, I can’t go on anymore". This is the human nature, on the Earth you can get to the point that the body is very proved, weary, tired, and this is nothing to do with God. God could help her and say: "Come on, little Marisa, walk, go", but God knows what to do. Maybe doesn’t He love her? Oh no! God loves everybody, but He has got his purposes, He knows why He asks someone so much sufferings.

Thank you again for your attendance. Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones and all the children. I bless your sacred articles. I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye. Bye, mum. She’s gone away.

Rome, 2nd May 2004 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Still today I am here with you and I come above all to thank you because you kept faithful to me. This morning you have been reading some God’s letters and in some of them is written: "Go forward, make a step at a time, slowly" and instead someone went back and went away. Where do these children go, who didn’t understand the importance of this thaumaturgical place? Pay attention: I haven’t said "Eucharist", I have said "thaumaturgical place, holy place". Where you walk and all that you touch is holy, because God wanted so, but notwithstanding this you find some cigarette-ends or paper pieces. I find there is not all the respect that this holy place requires. You pray when you are in front of the urn of a saint or in front of Jesus the Eucharist and you do it well; why when you are under the big tent, which is the most beautiful church to God, don’t you behave in the same way? When you touch a piece of the big tent, a flower or a little stone, you touch something that is holy. God wanted it so, He didn’t make holy only this big tent, but, beginning from the little chapel, He made holy all the house. I know, little Marisa, that you are ashamed, but I would give you the best wishes …

Marisa - That’s right, you give them to me later.

Our Lady - When you are in this thaumaturgical place, when you go to your sitting place, or to kneel down, don’t talk to neighbours, be silent, think that here passed the hand of God. Think, touching a flower…

Marisa - Wait, touching yes, but taking away no.

Our Lady - All this place and what it contains is holy. Sometimes some children are leant on a bed; well, that place is holy and a little child is holy, especially when he receives the holy Baptism.

Try to understand what I am saying, because I try to be simple with you to make you understand me.

Marisa - Even because I myself would not understand. Not all of us have the gift of comprehension.

Our Lady - No, little Marisa, you all can understand what the little Madonna says. Who does not, he doesn’t want, as who doesn’t hear is because he doesn’t like to hear and who doesn’t love, it is because he doesn’t like to love. Did I explain it clearly? Think that when you sit on a chair on a bed or you walk on this thaumaturgical place you touch holy things and holy ground.

Also I ask together with you: "Why did God make this simple place thaumaturgical, this house that seems big to you - but it is not for those who live inside - and all its things?". I wish much that the persons who live here, to be really holy and always bear example and witness.

Remember another teaching: the brotherly correction is not to be given only to the little ones. If the little one notices that the great one is wrong, he has to correct him and not say: "I don’t feel to speak, because he is greater than me". What does it mean? In spiritual life there is not the great and the little one, you are all the same. When someone did an observation or a reproach to your sister, she looked at him, smiled and said: "Thank you". Do you think that she is not reproached? Oh, yes! It is right that it is like this; even if she received the gift of seeing Jesus, Our Lady, the angels and the saints, she must be reproached if she mistakes; the same is also for you. When you have to reproach someone, do it with much love, with much charity and don’t look at the age, because if you look at the age, you stop; look at the love and the wish of seeing your brother correcting himself. Sometimes you can irritate a little when you are reproached, but then the cleverness should make you understand and say: "If he reproached me, it is because he is right, because I know that this brother wishes me well". This is very beautiful: love, love, love little and great ones and pray, pray, pray for those who aren’t able to love. Best wishes, little Marisa.

Marisa - Thank you.

Our Lady - Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones and the children.

I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Remember to pray also for those who will receive the Baptism, the first Communion and the Confirmation in this month. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye. You are more and more beautiful, more than the mum, more than Nicolas, more than Simon Pietro, more than Paolo, you are all beautiful. There are all the other angels, the saints, and the three popes who I pray every evening for the Bishop: Pio XII, the giant Paul VI, like I call him, and John Paul I. When the present Pope dies, how will we say, "John Paul II"?

Our Lady - Little Marisa, don’t be a rascal.

Marisa - Bye.

Rome, 24th May 2004 - h. 7:20 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today the Salesians celebrate me as Our Lady, Help of Christians. Every so often my dear St. John Bosco is asking me: "Little Madonna, where are my true Salesians?". I, the Mother, answer in order to encourage him: "Be trustful, they too will return to be like the ones you formed". I, the Mother of the Eucharist, say to you: trust God.

In spite of the fact that today is a workday, you cannot imagine how many people could have come, but they never listen to God’s call. He wanted this thaumaturgical place, here He made everything thaumaturgical: the house, the water, the ground where you put your feet and everything belonging to this place. You should say to the persons you know: "How is it possible for you not to realize that this place is thaumaturgical, that is to say holy?". Unfortunately there are some of the people in this house who do not understand that the place where they live is holy. Everything inside this house is full of God’s love.

I want to dedicate this feast to Our Lady, Help of Christians, but above all to the Holy Spirit. Keep on doing the novena to the Holy Spirit and call upon it, so it may be part of you and may give you those aids and those graces you need.

Here is the Holy Spirit widening on this thaumaturgical place and taking you all. The Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity is coming down in your midst, even if you are just a few people. God, in this thaumaturgical place, has granted many healings, even to people who never came, but you prayed for. Many times I wonder: "God, how great is your love to go to a little place like this, where there are so few people?". God answers: "I am the eternal love, I am the One loving and embracing all men, as the Holy Spirit has done right now coming down in this place and embracing you all".

You are just a few, but I wish you were full of love towards God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, toward Our Lady, Help of Christians, whose feast is today, and towards the Mother of the Eucharist, for this name of mine is important for the Church and for you all. I ask you to pray, so the war may come to an end. I ask you to pray for each of you; each one should pray for the other, thus you will have more strength and courage to accept also the sufferings. When you feel disheartened and you feel down, do not let yourself go, come to this thaumaturgical place, or approach the tabernacle, call upon Jesus and say: "Jesus, help me, today is a very sad day". This applies to everybody, it applies to the Bishop, to the visionary, to all of you and to your dear ones. Come on, my little children.

You have to pray so that Sunday will not be raining, for your sister cannot stay in a damp place. Unfortunately this is costing her quite a lot. When the weather is fair she comes in your midst and if she is late, it is because the boys are not there to help her to come down. Today two young persons turned up right on time to help Yari, for she cannot come down on her own and who knows if she will ever be able to do it.

Anyway your Mama thanks you for your attendance. Always pray the Holy Spirit, at home and wherever you are: "Come Holy Spirit, Spirit of love, enlighten my mind, inflame my heart, strengthen my will". After all you are saying a very short prayer you can recite many times during the day. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless those people who did not come, even if they could, I bless the children, especially the sick people. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye, give my greetings to my mama. Thank you.

They have gone away. The Holy Spirit was huge and embracing everybody.

Rome, 27th May 2004 - h. 8:30 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - I feel a great joy when I hear the souls praying. Pray and say to the people you meet: "Convert and believe in the Gospel".

My dear children, I am sorry I have to tell you that matters are not going well in the world. Wars are breaking out, civil wars too. Your sister was in Nepal in bi-location and she saw scenes that make cry, cry and cry. You keep on praying and wait for what God has promised. I also have said: "Who knows if at the end of the month of May something will happen". Something did happen: the stigmata opened to your sister, the wounds on the forehead and in the legs; she is offering all this for world peace.

My great sorrow is that there are priests, bishops and cardinal who think to go with women, think to power and money; they organize big gatherings of people to make the Holy Father happy, while people keep on dying in the world. But who is dying? The poor men, the children, the mamas, the jobless daddies and the elderly, those people who have nothing. For this reason very cruel civil wars break out and the people fighting do not seem to be men, nor animal either, for the animals are assisted and looked after, instead in those areas if a man or a woman makes a mistake, he is immediately struck and killed.

Still today I say to you: you are lucky, even if there are many people who are not feeling well and are asking prayers for recovery. Your sister is not any better than them, but she is offering all her sufferings for world peace, for the priests, for my and your Bishop and also for each of you. You have to fight: look how Jehovah’s witnesses fight, how they are ready to suffer refusals and insults. You do not have to live in your little garden without any worry on anything, but you have to tell God’s work and if they answer or treat you badly, go elsewhere. On the other hand, you know that a defamatory campaign has been conducted against this place, starting from the great men of the Church down to the smallest. A hard and vicious campaign has been made. My two little children have suffered a lot of and you cannot imagine how much they are suffering.

The month dedicated to me is almost over and a month dedicated to my Son Jesus will follow. If your sister doesn’t have any more the stigmata shaped like a cross that fill all her body, Jesus will come in the same days when I came: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I, the Mother of the Eucharist, will go before God to ask for the graces He promised to you. I will be always with you. You know that when my Son went to evangelize with the apostles, I was always with Him in bi-location and now I am doing the same with you; even if you do not see me, I am near the people, but only if they are in a state of grace.

My wishes go to those people who today celebrate two years of marriage. I didn’t want to do that, for it always happens that somebody is envious, but it was stronger than me. Wishes on behalf of all of Us.

My dear children, your sister is keeping silent, but she is suffering a lot. Some have seen how bad her body is, till to the point of not being able to dress. In spite of the fact that at times she cries, as yesterday, she accepts everything with love for you, for your dear ones, for the suffering people, for anyone having a relative in hospital who is seriously ill. Even if she doesn’t speak about it, she remembers everybody: the young people and the sick babies. When she says she is praying, be tranquil, she prays a lot and she doesn’t forget anybody.

My dear children, I recommend you the bible meeting, it is important. You know your Bishop makes a poem out of every line. When you realize that a person is missing, call him, and if he has decided not to come anymore, insist no more. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles, but above all I bless the sick people, the children left alone and the orphans. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle.

My daughter, you are feeling sick, aren’t you?

Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Emanuele, are you going to send a kiss to the little Madonna together with the little sister?

Marisa - Bye-bye. Forgive me if I am unable to bear all this suffering, which is stronger and stronger every day. I entrust you the persons you know. Bye-bye, give my greetings to my mama and the little nephews. Bye-bye.

We wait; look, we have plenty of patience. Bye-bye.

Rome, 30th May 2004 - h. 11:00 a.m. (Letter of God) Pentecost

Marisa - The sky is lighting up with many colours and here is the first Jesus. The second Jesus, I recognize Him by the stigmata, is coming out of the first Jesus. The third Jesus too, the Holy Spirit, who has a dove, is coming out of the first Jesus. The three Jesus are here present in our midst. This thaumaturgical place could not receive a greater gift.

Jesus, I address You, for I have more familiarity with You: do help all the sick people, the sick young people and the sick babies. Help the missionaries and all those who people are in war, especially where there are civil wars, because there the children and mamas are killed and men are killing each other with great ease.

The first Jesus is embracing the other two Jesus. I recognize Jesus the Eucharist from the stigmata and the Holy Spirit from the dove.

Jesus - My dear children, I am your Jesus you love so much and to whom you do incessant adoration. I am your Jesus the Eucharist, I died and risen again for you all. Hallelujah.

I have done great works for you, I healed the sick people and I granted you anything you were in need of.

Oh, how many wars have broken out in the world. In which nations are men fighting? Where there is the possibility to make money. And the poor men die. I told you that some time ago I brought your sister to Nepal. How much poverty and how much killing of babies and mamas she has seen!

You ask for graces and, if it is God’s will, they will come to heal the spiritually and physically sick people. Even in your beautiful Italy there are many poor men, many people who need help.

In all churches they celebrate the feast of Pentecost, but for you this is a double feast and more heartfelt, because the on June 11, 2000, feast of Pentecost, during the H. Mass, at the moment of consecration, the host bled in your Bishop’s hands. Remember that this eucharistic miracle took place one year after Don Claudio was ordained Bishop by God. This is the most important confirmation that H. E. Mons. Claudio Gatti was ordained Bishop by God. When there was the episcopal ordination, I remind it to everybody, God did not say: "If you wish I ordain you Bishop", He did not ask for his agreement, he just said: "I ordain you Bishop". From then on, my and your Bishop has endured much evilness, especially from the men of the Church. But one year later, exactly in the Pentecost day, God accomplished this great miracle that shocked everybody. This is the greatest miracle, the most beautiful that could happen just to confirm that the episcopal ordination of Don Claudio was made by God, for God can do what He wants. He can shake the world, He can grow trees so high that they reach the sky, He can let people die to bring them in Heaven, or let them live to suffer the passion. God can do everything, but this is not understood by men, especially by the men of the Church. If God commands a man without asking him any agreement: "I ordain you Bishop, Bishop of the Eucharist!", that man cannot refuse. That day your Bishop cried, because he knew very well that the men of the Church would not have recognized it. Since then it has happened what by now you know, but Don Claudio will be, till death, the Bishop ordained by God, your Bishop, the Bishop of all and in the future he will be elevated to higher grounds.

My dear children, it is your Jesus speaking to you with all his love that is endless. I love also those people who do not know me, who do not know how to love, who do not know the Gospel. Convert and believe to the Gospel! Many do not know the Gospel, but you do. You have walked a very beautiful path. Those who followed the Gospel explanations, and I have told you already that out of every line your Bishop makes a poem, those who have put it into practice, those who have re-read it at home or have listened to the tapes, already enjoy half of Heaven. Those who receive Jesus in a state of grace enjoy the other half of Heaven, then you are already in Heaven, if you wish.

Never forget the miracle of June 11, 2000, feast of Pentecost that took place one year after Don Claudio’s episcopal ordination. This is the tangible proof that God has ordained your Bishop.

I invite you to keep on praying, for I know you are eagerly waiting the great day, the day of the great triumph. That day arrives when your Bishop will climb higher up, and your sister will be by then in Heaven. Then you will enjoy and those who are not able to enjoy, because God called them already, if they are in a state of grace, they will enjoy from Heaven.

I bless you all! Together with the Trinity, with my and your Bishop, I bless you all.

Marisa - Now Jesus is going back into the first Jesus, The Holy Spirit too has gone back into the first Jesus. Our Lady is coming, the Mother of the Eucharist, but she is without the Eucharist; she has come to bless us.

Our Lady - My dear children, thanks for your attendance. Thank you. Ask, ask, ask the graces you need.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, the sick people, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Wishes to everybody. Have a good H. Mass. Receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace.

Marisa - You promised you would have allowed me to see my mama and my little nephews.

Our Lady - Here they are, little Marisa!

Marisa - Thanks! Goodbye to everybody.

Dear me! The light was all the more immense and had a variety of colours. The three Jesus appeared. Jesus with the stigmata came out from the first Jesus and, as always, the Holy Spirit too came out from the first Jesus, thereafter they went back into the first.

Bishop - This is the Trinitarian mystery: God the Father is the source of divinity, God the Father generates the Son, from the Father and the Son proceeds the Holy Spirit. One only God in three equal and distinct Persons.

Marisa - But today God was all the more beautiful, every time is more and more beautiful.

Bishop - It all happens like in a painting. When you are far away, the painting looks beautiful and the more you approach it, though the painting is still the same, you see it better and for this it looks to you more beautiful. The same is for God, the more you approach Him the more He looks beautiful. The more one is holy the more he sees and enjoys God. Mary is the holiest of all creatures, for this she is the nearest to God and she enjoys Him more than the others and she sees Him more beautiful than the others. This is valid both for the creatures enjoying God in Heaven and for those on Earth to whom God wills to reveal under diverse forms, as those of Jesus. In Heaven only the soul will have attained such a high level of holiness that the enjoyment will be complete and total, but we must keep in mind that in Heaven the enjoyment of God is proportional to the holiness acquired during the life on Earth.

Marisa - Dear me, will I have a little bit of it?

Bishop - Yes, I think so.

Rome, 31st May 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - My dear children, today is the last day of the Marian month, and it is the feast of my visitation to St. Elizabeth. I had Jesus in my womb and St. Elizabeth had John in hers; the two babies talked one another while resting in their mother’s womb.

The month dedicated to me is over, now starts the month dedicated to my Son Jesus. Perhaps you would say: "Our little Madonna is always asking us so much". No! If you remember well, the past years I used to come every day, then I started to reduce my presence, for I noticed that something was not going right with you, you were getting tired, it was too much for you to come every day in this place. Then God the Father said to me: "Go to my children three times a week only". Even so the commitment and attendance of people decreased; the people did not come. God decided the it was to be Thursday, for you were already coming for the bible meeting; Saturday, for it would remind the first Saturday of the month besides the fact that none is working, and Sunday, because it is Lord’s Day, but even in this way, to many, it seemed too much and would come all the lesser. I, at times, my dear children, do not know really how to behave, for if God the Father tells me to come down on Earth I must obey and come, even if I find the Bishop and the visionary only. I am confident that this will not happen.

When I spoke about the respect to the Bishop I was not addressing just only you, I widened the speech to encompass everybody. You know how priests, bishops, cardinals, the religious women, the laymen and someone present here treat the Bishop. The Bishop with his holy patience has helped a soul, and what happened? At once she was disrespectful to him. I often said that anyone lacking of respect towards the Bishop, sins seriously, for he is the Bishop ordained by God, he is the holy Bishop, as Jesus said. Why do you keep on doing like that? You are children no more, by now you are all grown-ups, with the exception of the children. Why do you behave as children? The Bishop has given much for you, adults and young people. Why all this? Why to be disrespectful to a person who loves you so much? For this reason every time I say again and again to receive my Son Jesus in a state of grace. You sin if you offend your Bishop, therefore it is useless to approach Jesus the Eucharist, for you are going to offend Him.

The letter of God would have consisted in encouraging and giving you some beautiful news, instead I had to change it, for there is still disrespect to the Bishop. There are not many who lack of respect, for you have improved, luckily, but you are just a few, actually it is one person only who keeps on lacking of respect. If one knows that he is not good, that he is bad, he must say: "God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, do help me, I am weak, I have no strength to change".

I wanted to close this Marian month in a more beautiful way. However, my thanks go to you all, both for yesterday that was very beautiful, and for today, for you have shown to love the Eucharist. You are not many, unfortunately. Someone is always saying that he is living too far, but if there are people coming from Pescara, Teramo, Foligno and from many other towns, why couldn’t they come from Ostia or the Eur district? Are they far away places?

To the young people present here I ask to love each other, to help each other and to help the Bishop.

Marisa - I have no words to thank you for Mariasole, Sara, Emanuele, Samuele and Jacopo, try to make him healthy, for he has to go to breath a bit of fresh air. These are the babies you have given to these children. I thank you so much from the deep of my heart. I am not worried for me, I want only the Bishop to be respected by everybody, by the men of the Church too. It doesn’t seem to me I am asking too much.

Our Lady - Little Marisa, step by step we will attain this. We have to have a lot of patience.

When you have a little suffering you magnify it, when the Bishop has a great sorrow, you say: "The Bishop is strong, we know he has to suffer". No, it is not like that, for the suffering is felt and it is very strong. Try then to help your Bishop and to love him, for he loves you very much. Who knows what he would do to see you all gathered together, as when doing the adoration. To do the eucharistic adoration is a great gift you give to my Child Jesus. After the adoration, as importance, the bible meeting follows.

Now I invite you to attend the H. Mass, as if it were the last. Pray, sing, not in a forceful way so they can hear your voice, but with sweetness and love. Give glory to God the Father, to God the Son, to God the Holy Spirit. Keep on praying the Holy Spirit every day: the invocation is quite brief, you are not going to lose your time. When you have babies in your arms and you cuddle them, call up the Holy Spirit on them.

Marisa - I want to entrust you all the sick people who have phoned: Fabrizio, that eighteen year-old boy reduced in that state by the doctors fault, you know it.

Our Lady - Yes, little Marisa, the doctors have been…

Marisa - And then I entrust you all the people who relied on my prayers and who, honestly, I do not remember.

Our Lady - Be tranquil, I remember them, don’t worry. Now there is the H. Mass.

Marisa - Do you like the baby girl? What jewels you make. Sara, Emanuele, now out of sight, and the little baby Mariasole, now smiling. I beg you, when I am no more here and they will be grown-ups, protect them. You are the Mama of everybody.

I would like to ask you one thing: help Emanuele and Jacopo, do in such a way that they may be healthy children, strong.

Bye-bye, mama; bye-bye, little ones, bye-bye.

Our Lady - Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. All right, as you wish.

She has gone away.

June 2004 Messages

Rome, 5th June 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Jesus - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. It is your Jesus talking to you, because this month is dedicated to Me. I did not come in the previous days, because God sent the Mother. Today I have come, even if it is the first saturday of the month, but don’t worry, there is also the Mother with Me. I remind you that tomorrow is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

Like the Pentecost is a great feast, when the Holy Spirit came down on Mary, my and your Mother, and the apostles, so tomorrow is a great feast, because it is the feast of God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, your Jesus.

By now you know that when your Bishop celebrates the Holy Mass, in the moment of the consecration I live the passion, the death and the resurrection. Your sister lives every day the passion; sometimes it seems that everything is ending and then the sores open and blood comes out again. Why this? Does God need this? No, but in order to make you understand how great His love is, He makes use of a simple soul. Why? Because wars rage everywhere. If yesterday nothing serious happened, you owe it to God, who chose this creature to suffer the passion more atrociously every day.

You know how much she likes singing and how she sang before and God took away also the voice. Yesterday there has been a moment during the singing trials when she cried, because she was suffering the passion, the natural pains, and because she could not sing. Why all these sufferings? For you. Every evening she prays for the Excellency, like grandmother Iolanda called him, for the community, for the young or ex-young people of the community, for everybody. If yesterday there has been only some little accidents in Rome we owe it to God, who never abandons anyone and makes use of some souls. Oh, only a few souls give completely themselves to God and do his will! Sometimes it is difficult to understand God’s will. You see your sister smiling, making recommendations and little reproaches like a joke, like when she showed you how you have to put the hands during the prayer. You are not obliged to obey, but she taught you how to stay during the prayer and the Holy Mass, then it is up to you to put yourselves in the correct position before God, the Holy Trinity and the Mother of the Eucharist.

Now I go to the Father and I leave you the Mother. You know my presence is sufficient to be blessed. The Mother has to stay a little to pray with you, like she always does during the Holy Rosary.

Marisa - Do you go away without saying anything to me?

Our Lady - My dear children, I am your Mother. I do motherly reproaches only for your good, because God wants the best from you and you can do it, because you love God.

I have to thank you because you do eucharistic adoration and I want to thank who helps in tiding up the church and makes the altar beautiful. I said to the Bishop: "When you feel demoralized, attach yourself to the altar, attach yourself to the tabernacle and you will be safe", I repeat the same to you.

The Bishop will still remain for a long time with you, instead you sister is getting to the finishing line. When little Marisa will have got to the finishing line, I will appear no more in your midst, but she will come and you will smell her and my perfume. I ask you to be good, to love, don’t look at who works more and less, but do everything for God’s love. Love like God loves you, love each other, pray for each other and you will be glad and joyful.

Life on Earth does not consist only in running to work, in facing the worries for the family and for the children, all of this is beautiful, but remember that there is God and when you are in difficulties, He intervenes in a way or in another. He sends the parents, like angels, to help the children, or He sends the children to help the parents. He makes use also of the persons who are on the Earth to help the men and the women who suffer. I hope I have been clear, I speak with simplicity, like I speak to your sister. She is simple and I speak in a simple way, but if you don’t understand something, His Excellency Mons. Claudio Gatti is always on your disposal: go to him to have any explanation.

I recommend: don’t neglect the spiritual direction. Once it was not like this, now you don’t do the spiritual direction, but you are always on time at work. Put God in the first place.

Your sister prays every day till late evening for each one of you and above all for the sick, also you do the same. Best wishes for tomorrow’s feast. Celebrate God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thanks. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the children of the third world who lack everything. I bring you tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

You can’t see, but is present the Holy Spirit who illuminates everything.

Be good, little Marisa, even if you can’t sing. You know what God asks to you.

Marisa - That’s right. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, mum; bye-bye, treasure; bye-bye, love; bye-bye to everybody, little ones. If you come, I have to greet you, to kiss you, sometimes I am between two fires.

Our Lady - Do what you feel to do, because everything is for God’s glory. Bye-bye, little Marisa.

Marisa - Bye-bye.

Rome, 12th June 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ. My dear children, your Mama thanks you for your attendance and above all because you do eucharistic adoration. It is a great joy for me to see you praying before Jesus the Eucharist, even if I have to say that not everybody is answering, but I am happy all the same, because my Son Jesus is.

You know that one year ago your Bishop, while speaking about the spiritual triumph of the Eucharist that you already had and someone has forgotten, launched the initiative to set up a eucharistic year, opened to the whole Church. Well, two days ago also the Holy Father has spoken about it. How comes that everything your Bishop says is brought up with the very same words? It means that somebody is recording what he says and then brings it back to whoever is above. Every reflection, idea, inspiration your Bishop tells you about is also known at once outside this place. For you it must be a joy, a satisfaction because the men of the Church are listening, paying attention, it doesn’t matter in which way, and repeat what your Bishop says. You must not worry about this, let them do, let them listen.

Tomorrow will be a very great feast. Your Bishop has explained to you that in the Eucharist there are the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, there is the Trinity. You also know a very simple and beautiful song saying: "Hurrah for Jesus the Eucharist, hurrah for the Mother of the Eucharist, she is the root of the Eucharist".

Tomorrow, weather permitting, because it is not up to Us, you will do a beautiful procession. Pull out whatever you have prepared: flags, flowers and banner. When you do the procession, not all of you, but the majority of you will be meditating and praying in accordance with the Bishop’s intentions. Many times I have said to you: "Pray for your Bishop, he is in need of it, believe me", as I used to say to the devout women, to the apostles and to the disciples: "Pray for your Jesus, for He is in much need of it". Today, in 2004, I say to you, even if you are just a few: "Pray for your Bishop, for he is in much need of it".

Tomorrow will be a very great feast, one of the greatest. Do you remember when on June 11, 2000 from the host in the hands of your Bishop blood came out? This to make you understand that in the host there are the Body and Blood of Jesus. This miracle happened one year after Don Claudio had been ordained Bishop by God, but the little and great men of the Church are still refusing this episcopal ordination. H. E. Mons. Claudio Gatti was ordained Bishop by God, he is the Bishop of the Eucharist, the Bishop of love. I ask you prayers and sacrifices so the men of the Church may accept the Bishop ordained by God. I ask you also to prepare for the closing of the social year that you will be doing on June 29.

When you leave for holidays, you must not skip your prayers, you must keep on praying, praying and praying. Learn how to love, then pray; this my Son Jesus said. If you pray without loving, what are you going to get? Nothing. I see you, I read in your hearts, as you know well, and I know who is loving and praying and those praying and not loving. So, come on: love and then pray.

I will be waiting for you tomorrow, I really hope that those people not present today will be present tomorrow. On the other hand, these are the last Sundays and then on June 29 you will celebrate five years of your Bishop’s episcopate and four years since the eucharistic miracle. On June 29 there will be a great feast for Heaven and Earth.

Courage. Jesus said: I won the world, you will win, also for the triumph of the Church. Thank you.

Together with my and your Bishop…

(Marisa is showing to Our Lady the front page of the newsletter, where the pictures of St. Joseph, St. Paul, Paul VI and our Bishop are printed)

Our Lady - Yes, I have seen them, Little Marisa, please don’t stop me.

Marisa - I want you to see your husband!

Our Lady - St. Joseph, St. Paul, Paul VI and Monsignor Claudio Gatti: these four personages have many things in common, these four will accomplish the triumph of the Church, as Jesus wills.

Marisa - Look how handsome your husband is! I beg your pardon. Now you too are scolding at me every so often.

Listen, are you going to heal these wounds of mine? I feel ashamed to have them.

Our Lady - You must do what God wills.

I start all over again. With my and your Bishop, together with the four great personages of the Church, I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I bless all the babies, especially the ones you, Marisa, have suffered so much for. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Rome, 13th June 2004 - h. 11:15 a.m. (Letter of God) Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

(The Eucharistic procession has just been completed)

Jesus - Continuing and concluding the long prayer, the long adoration and the eucharistic procession is not only my duty, but also of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

Marisa - Jesus, help all the sick people, all those people who are in need. I know you have spoken much to our hearts and above all to our Bishop’s heart. We are looking for the best way to celebrate you, to honour you, to pray and suffer.

Jesus - My dear children, your Jesus has to communicate to you the letter of God, full of love for you. Just think: where at first did the triumph of the Eucharist happen, the spiritual one? In this little thaumaturgical place, where there is a little cenacle. In this sanctuary a great multitude of people do not come, for the time being. God has chosen this place to sanctify it and sanctify those people coming here.

Today is the feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, my feast! You are united with me by the blood that in profusion keeps on coming out from the stigmata and you know the reason: to save the Pope.

First were Paul VI and then John Paul II to remain unharmed in those places where they had to be killed. The last time, to list not all of them, happened during the recent visit of the American president in Italy.

Even yesterday and today had to be some field days, and God the Father tried every way to dampen them, asking for suffering to someone who could take it, not to everyone.

I, in the face of so much of your love, of the procession and of the words said by your Bishop, should keep silent and all should end with the H. Mass, a felt Mass that, as always, you try in every way to live it as if it was the last one of your life.

My dear children, my beloved little children of mine, I know what you are waiting for. For you the time seems very, very long, not for us. God may decide to intervene in any moment, but He is still waiting for conversions, conversions, conversions. Otherwise how can He save the Church? This Church is currently ruled by men looking for power, money and first places. You do not want this. When everything is changed, when the Church is renewed, everything will be beautiful for those people who will be able to see it. I told you already that everything will change with your sister’s death and with the ascent to astonishing high grounds of your Bishop. Then for those who lived away from this place, for those who slandered, defamed and slapped at you, which is the same as to slap at Me, it will be really too late to convert. Never go away from this thaumaturgical place, but as your Bishop is doing, cling as much as you can to the tabernacle, that is to Me, Jesus. Leave out your daily little worries, be free from envy and jealousy, be simple, sincere, honest and good; be fond of each other.

Now I am going back to the Father, also the Holy Spirit is going back to the Father. As you have already received the blessing, for my presence is a blessing, your Mama wants to hold you tightly to her heart and covers you with her maternal mantle.

Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Are these wounds going to close?

Jesus - It is up to God to decide, my daughter.

Marisa - Bye-bye. I am not feeling well at all, I have had many repercussions during the procession; please help me to listen to the H. Mass. Bye-bye.

Yes, I understand, all right, as you wish.

Jesus - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and the Mother of the Eucharist, the angels, the saints and the saved souls are with you.

Marisa - Thank you, thank you. I will do my best. Bye-bye.

Don Claudio, sorry, Excellency, they have all gone away, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit too.

Bishop - During the H. Mass, at the consecration, they will be with us again.

Marisa - With you there will be Our Lady too when you will be celebrating the H. Mass.

Rome, 20th June 2004 - h. 10:40 a.m. (Letter of God)

Jesus - My dear children, thank you for your presence. As you know well, my best wishes are for your Bishop for the 5th anniversary of his Episcopal ordination. Certainly, they were not five years of joy. During these years the Bishop hasn’t seen lots of souls around him, but God is happy this way. God does not like resounding things, and if He laid down in this little place is because He likes little things. Before God’s eyes your Bishop is a great personality, imitate him by praying and by the work he makes for the souls; even if he meets with muslims he has a word for everyone and gives his help to everybody.

The best wishes of the entire Paradise are for your Bishop, wishing that the new year will be a year of joy for everyone.

I am Jesus, the One who ordained you Bishop, that you will be until death, and even after, because later they will understand. Meditate this phrase: "Bishop ordained by God". You are the Bishop ordained by God after two thousand years. After the apostles, after St. Paul, St. Claudio had arrived.

The Saints are not only in Paradise, but also on Earth, where they give good example and testimony; this is valid for everyone and most of all for your Bishop. I ask you, as I always do every time, to pray a lot for him. The most important commitment of every great religious celebration is to pray. It is such a joy for Me when you do eucharistic adoration every Friday, even if some of you did not answer. Very appreciated by my Heart are those who answered.

I repeat what my and your Mother said: obey the Bishop! If the Bishop asks to do something just do it exactly the way he says. Advises are welcome, but the last word remains to the Bishop.

Best wishes to you, little Marisa, my beloved bride, I know you do not care for yourself in this celebration, I know how happy you are that first of all we celebrate your Bishop today, your brother, your friend. By now you have arrived at thirty-three years of common life, and this life has been very beautiful, very pure and very sincere. I have heard that many times you had said to the people: "To go further, to love and to cheer truly is imperative to be sincere and to have a conversation". These two children of mine have gone further because of their sincerity; they have received stings from everywhere, but their sincerity, their loyalty, and their conversations never missed. My will is to see that all of you do the same. This is true love; this is the greatest love God wants.

I, Jesus, send to my two dearest and beloved children the "best wishes", to you a little bit less, little Marisa.

Marisa - I know, I always come after the Bishop; but I am so happy when they love him and they cheer him. I am glad, glad and very delighted when I see how the Bishop is loved. But when they hurt him, I get very sad.

Jesus - Now take sadness away, think about celebrating the Holy Mass for your Bishop, and God will bless you all.

I am God, the second person of the Most Holy Trinity. As you see, little Marisa, I have the stigmata; you have covered almost all of them not to show them, you have even big bandages.

Marisa - Yes, because I feel so ashamed.

Jesus - My dearest children, courage and go on! Did you wait for something great?

Marisa - Yes, yes. The Bishop doesn’t answer, but inside his heart he says yes, I’m sure. But, God’s will must be done, as always.

I want to recommend you all the sick.

And now have you gone away too?

Our Lady - Have you seen who I have brought with me?

Marisa - Mummy, mummy! Do you remember, you always used to say: "We have to pray for the Excellency"? Now that you are in Paradise, please keep on praying for the Excellency. If you can go before God, go, recommend him. Bye, mummy, how beautiful you are, you are all beautiful.

Thank you, thank you.

Our Lady - I have promised you, little Marisa, that I would have brought your mum with me!

Together with my and your Bishop, holy Bishop, I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless the children particularly, especially those very ill. I bring you tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Why are you crying, little Marisa?

Marisa - I am crying tears of joy, I am so happy.

Listen, does my mum see all the wounds that I carry on my body?

Our Lady - No, no, I care about everything.

Marisa - Thank you. Bye.

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ.

Rome, 26 June 2004 - h. 7:00 p.m. (Letter of God)

Jesus - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Your Jesus has come to speak to you, because this is the month dedicated to Me, dedicated to my Heart and also to yours. I wish much that your hearts could be mine and altogether we could make one only heart.

To the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul and the anniversary of your Bishop’s episcopate only three days are remaining; keep on praying! I want to thank who did eucharistic adoration, who came from afar and who prays, even if they cannot be present here. Pray for the sick, they are many. The sick increase, like those who don’t love me, Jesus. There are many people to convert, this is why I come and ask you to pray and to love. Together with me, let’s make only one heart. Think how beautiful: the heart of Jesus together with the hearts of those who were faithful in coming every time they were called, both for the novena, the adoration and the Holy Mass, and they have always been present.

Come forward, Mum! To my Heart I want to add the Heart of the Mother of the Eucharist and the Heart of my father Joseph and enlarge it even more with the souls who are in a state of grace, with the souls who don’t make suffer voluntarily.

Remember that the life isn’t done only for work and house things. My two dear children did eucharistic adoration in little Marisa’s room, because she was not able to go down. Today she has come down, but she has been very proved by the devil who ill-treated her in all the parts of the body just while she was singing. She was joyful in singing, because she had more voice than usual and the demon attacked her, but he didn’t win. She continued, in spite of the sorrow and the strokes, in singing, in smiling, in making jokes. None of the presents noticed what was passing this poor daughter; she offered all this for you, for the conversion of sinners, for the sick and above all for her Bishop, your Bishop.

Let’s try to join our hearts with the Mother of Eucharist and St. Joseph’s ones and of all the angels and the saints of Heaven and of your mother, little Marisa, to make it became a great heart, a heart that loves God, a heart that prays so: "God, convert the men, we are nothing, but we pray much for the others".

Three days of preparation have remained for the anniversary of our Bishop’s episcopal ordination. Remember and never forget that Mons. Claudio Gatti is the greatest Bishop of the Church, because he was ordained by God and not by men. God didn’t ask him the permission, He only said: "I order you Bishop". He didn’t say: "If you want, you’re free to accept or to refuse". He obeyed and this obedience brought him many sufferings that you can neither imagine, but his heart approached to Jesus and the Mother of Eucharist’s ones, it became great, as beautiful as ours.

Wishes to everybody and thanks!

Our Lady - I am the Mother of the Eucharist and after my Son Jesus spoke, I have nothing else to say. Together with my and yours Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bring you all tight to my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ. Remember, little Marisa: one only heart!

Marisa - What beautiful! Bye, mum, pray for the Excellency, bye.

Don Claudio, I have asked the mum to pray for the Excellency.

Rome, 27th June 2004 - 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)

Jesus - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today is your Jesus speaking to you again. Yesterday, after I have said that my heart, my mother’s heart, Joseph’s heart and your hearts must be united together, two persons keep on limping strongly, showing little respect for the Bishop and doing as they like. I, Jesus, who love everybody, even the sinners, what must I say? I say that in the union of all these hearts two of them are missing, for they do not want to amend their way and do not want to change. Every day your Bishop was ready to admonish these persons with charity and love, even by pleading and saying: "At least behave well in these last few days that we are together, then we will leave". It was to no avail, they disobeyed and had thoughts that remain in my heart, because if I had to speak and say everything, a scandal would burst. I say it again to you, my dear children: "Form this heart, as I said yesterday; love the suffering and sick people, those people who are far away, for those the Bishops forbade to come in this thaumaturgical place". Why? What happens in the thaumaturgical place? We pray and we pray a lot, but the bishops do not want their diocesans to come here, and if these people work at their service they are blackmailed; this is not nice. Do you know what it means? They take the job away from them. Then the good laymen and the good priests do not come, because they are afraid to be dismissed from office or from the job. In their turn, however, the bishops are afraid too. About what? When everything will triumph, then these bishops will have to tremble. You are brave to come, for you know where the truth is.

Even if in the great feasts in many places thousands of people get together, my Mother is here, I am here, in the place God made thaumaturgical and holy. What does it mean? You are clever people to understand that if the heavenly Mama and I are here, it is because this place was chosen by God. We do not look for the big crowd, nor the big sanctuaries where everybody go, but do not pray. People think like that: "If many people go there, so I am going too". Not so many people are here and they say: "What’s the use to go there?". This is their prayer. What is your prayer? That of sacrifice, for at times even your relatives are against you. But you listen to God’s word and go forth serene and calm. You will realize that little by little everything will smooth out for those people who want to change. Those people living with their heads in the clouds, thinking neither to Jesus, nor to Mary, nor to the Bishop and neither to all of you, will never change and will not be saved. They will no longer have the Bishop’s help, for they have had it, even too much of it. I say to the Bishop: "Excellency, that’s enough, it is enough to speak with empty heads, with haughty, conceited and false people, enough!". Do you remember what I did? I took the whip and chased all of them away. Think only to the souls wishing to follow you, wishing to change, coming for spiritual direction, who are fond of you. I ask you to obey Me. You have to speak only if there are serious situations, otherwise stop it, and leave it alone. When the time comes they will realize what it means to have not loved.

Marisa - Are you already going, Jesus?

Jesus - Yes, I go away, but I am going to send you the Mama.

Our Lady - I, your Mama, have nothing to add to what my Son Jesus said, I only say to you to obey Him and put into practice what He told you.

I see many little Madonnas here in a row, they are well lined up, as you should be during the procession: in silence, with attention, praying, singing and without turning to look at the people, for God is present. Look always forward.

I too say to the Bishop: "That’s enough".

Marisa - Me or you?

Our Lady - I will, but do say it to him too.

Marisa - I have already said to him this morning: "That’s enough!".

Excellency, that’s enough!

Bishop - That’s enough!

Marisa - He has said: "Enough".

Our Lady - Thanks, my dear children, for your attendance, above all I thank those people who came with sacrifice from far away. Cheer up, Ugo, the goal is near.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Marisa - Listen, where is my mama? Here she is! Bye-bye, mama, bye-bye.

That’s enough!

Rome, 29th June 2004 - 10:50 a.m. (Letter of God)

Jesus - You have sung the hymn of love to my Mama, the Magnificat, and I, Jesus, was here in your midst. My Mama has followed you step by step during the Eucharistic procession and at a certain moment, looking at your sister, she said to her: "Courage, walk, go up to the end". It has been very hard and painful for her to walk next to the Bishop.

I, Jesus, am very pleased for everything you have prepared and realized and even if there have been some inaccuracies it does not matter. Not always everything goes well, but you managed to prepare everything very well, you have been really good. You have been concentrating during the procession, even if someone spoke, among many there is always someone losing the thread of what he is supposed to do.

Today it is a very great feast, actually there are many feasts and above all it is the anniversary of the episcopal ordination of your Bishop; I ask you, with all my heart, to pray for him. The nuns present here have to pray in a special way because they meet so many difficulties in their community, as well as the laymen who have been kept away from this thaumaturgical place with blackmail and with the threat of losing their job.

Today you do the closing of the social year, a year full of hard work, suffering, bitterness, but also full of joy, for you are not in the least able to figure out how many souls, not from this city, converted and returned to Me. Even muslims and protestants who did not believe in the Eucharist are back to Jesus the Eucharist. To you I say: become not creatures of habit, always receive me in your heart with all your love that you are able to. Do you remember when I said: "Let us make a big heart formed by mine, by your and my Mama’s, by my daddy Joseph’s and all your hearts"? Your sister has seen in Heaven a big heart embracing all holy souls.

Every time we come to the thaumaturgical place my Mama and I ask you prayers and sufferings, ask you to love each other, to be fond of each other, to be humble, sincere. Away with pride, presumption and being pre-eminent; in Heaven come the humble and the simple; if you do not become as little as children you will not come into the Kingdom of Heaven.

When there is something to say, to do some reproach, you must not back off. How many times did I say this to you? You must not say: "I don’t do any reproach because the other is bigger, more important than me". If you know you are in the truth and the other is lying, you must reproach him. This is what I taught you in the Gospel, this also says in his letters the great St. Paul, the brotherly friend of our Bishop. St. Peter and St. Paul were two grumpy persons, yet strong, brave, sincere and they fought against everything, so that people may know and love Me, Jesus Christ. Your Bishop too does the same; he is struggling, fighting and if he sees something not right he intervenes, and says it, he does not send someone to say it. The Gospel teaches that when someone fails, even if he is a superior, even if he is the Pope, he has to be reproached. Superiors are nothing before God if they are not up to their duty and have to be reproached.

I have my heart full of love for you and I want you all to come to Heaven with Me, with your Mama, with Joseph and all the angels and the saints.

You have done a beautiful and suffered preparation. Thanks to everybody: to the adults, to the youth and to the babies throwing the flowers before Jesus the Eucharist. Thanks above all to those people coming from far away, very far away, as Henry. Continue like that and pray, pray, pray. What must I say after everything you have done, before so much beauty and your love that came out? What else can your Jesus say? Love each other! Learn to love and then pray, for it is not the baby who makes suffer, but the adults who sometimes talk, even when the Eucharist is exposed.

Allow me to send my wishes to the extraordinary ministers, for it is their anniversary too, and they deserve it. Your Bishop wants you to be precise, sincere, humble and simple. When you attain this, then everything will be nice in Heaven and Earth.

Remember to pray for your Bishop, for he has a heavy cross on his back, he has the Church on his back, pray for him. For those who do not know how to pray it is enough to say: "Jesus, Mary, help our Bishop". You will be happy, little Marisa, in the Heaven.

Yes, here next to Me there is your mama. Do you see how beautiful she is?

Marisa - Yes, I am moved to see her. Oh, how many babies, the little black ones too, the Africans! Don Claudio, there are the babies we have baptized, when Jesus sends us in bilocation around the world.

Jesus - Yes, all of them are here, next to grandmother Iolanda.

Courage, this should give you strength to accept the suffering God sends you and these stigmata that keep on bleeding. Do it for your Bishop, accept everything for your Bishop, for the heavy Church on his back. Are not heavy the walls, but the men of the Church. You suffer and offer for the Bishop.

Marisa - Jesus has gone away with all the angels and the saints. Here is our little Madonna!

Our Lady - Put into practice what my Son Jesus told you: love Him and love each other. The saying "Learn to love and then pray" is very important, it is useless to recite many prayers if afterwards you do not love your brother or friend, if you do not love the Bishop.

Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - Bye-bye. I send a kiss to my mama and to the little nephews too, for I did not give it before.

Excellency, all of them have gone away.

Bishop - They will be back for the H. Mass.

Marisa - Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph will be coming to the H. Mass.