Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Letter of God, 31st December 2006

Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.

It was me, Mama of Heaven, to tell your sister not to come down, she is not well. Even if she keeps on saying she is blooming again, illness is there, pain is there, exhaustion is there. For this I told her not to come down and she suffered for it because she wanted to see you to give her wishes. But she can send her wishes also over the radio.

Today is the feast of the Holy Family. My wishes to my beloved bridegroom Joseph, wishes to me, but above all wishes to little Jesus. I widen my wishes to all the families. There are many families whose members love each other and are united, but there are other families whose members are divided and run from one person to the other. The children are the ones who suffer most out of all this, above all the elder children. The children who study feel much more their parents’ division; I invite you to pray for them. You who love the family and live in a family keep on loving it and praying, to say a Hail Mary or an Our Father together. It is so nice to get up in the morning and say a prayer to the Almighty God the Father. This applies to both those people who are not married, and those people who live together. All of you should say: "Let us get up and say a prayer together. Let us turn our gaze to the Almighty God who loves us".

All of you are waiting for his word, to see things changing at last. Some days ago God from Heaven has said: "Many, many must still convert, I am not satisfied with these conversions, they are just a few". God created everybody to his image and liking, loves his children, even those who make Him suffer, even those people who do not believe, who say they are atheists, non-believers and at times are better than Christians.

Celebrate the Holy Family, you who are part of this little community guided by my beloved Bishop.

Marisa - Could you give us a hand to convert these people? Once you said that one may convert even when he is 84 year old; do you remember? My mama was 84 at that time. If even at 84 men may convert, why ours do not convert?

Our Lady - The first day of the year, dear children, little Marisa will leave with 100 million souls from Purgatory and will bring them before God the Father. But she, as usual, will be back in your midst, for her time has not come. It looked like that her time had come, that everything was ready, but God said: "I need little Marisa", and here she is still in your midst. On 1st January she will go up with me, with my beloved bridegroom Joseph and with grandmother Iolanda, and will stay two days with us, but then she will return on Earth in your midst.

Convert you all, do know that death, as the H. Gospel says, is like a thief. You never can tell when it comes, how it comes, the ones who are taken and the ones who are not taken. Age does not matter, for death can come at any age. I always say: Pray for the sickly, pray for those people who are really sick, pray for all the sick babies, for death comes for everybody, regardless of the age and stealthily. Hence you must be always ready and live in the company of Jesus the Eucharist. You will see how beautiful Heaven is, where there is love, joy, singing, prayer, there is all. Many are asking me: "What are we going to do in Heaven? Will we get tired?" Oh no, beautiful things are never tiresome, isn’t it, little Marisa?

Marisa - It is faster to come down than to go up! At the most I am staying two days in Paradise and then I come down again in the middle of this ugly world.

Our Lady - Now altogether let us pray the Holy Family for all the families: Our Father…, Glory be…, Hail Mary...

My dear children, together with my family and my beloved Bishop Claudio Gatti I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I bless all the children, most of all the undernourished ones, the ones who suffer and who have nothing to eat. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I bless those people who are far away, or those who had to leave and those people who are absent because of the work.

Marisa - There is baby Jesus playing with little Madonna’s hair and He is curling, curling, curling them.

Our Lady - Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Marisa - I, Marisa, am sending my year end wishes to everybody. I pray and ask for forgiveness to God for you all. Have a good year; let us start this new year with prayer and with love for all the brothers. My wishes, little cenacle, bye-bye.