Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
September 14 represents for the whole community a very important date: on September 14, 1995, Our Lord wanted the first great Eucharistic Miracle to occur here; on September 14, 1999, took place the first vestiture of our Bishop after his Episcopal ordination, of divine origin, which occurred on June 20, 1999. Finally we remind the signature affixed by our Bishop, the following year, on September 14, 2000, on the decree recognizing the apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist. In our memories the images related to these events and what our heart experienced under those circumstances are still vivid and clear. The day when our Bishop was ordained directly from God will remain engraved in our memory for the magnitude of the event and for the humility and love with which he accepted the Lord's command to exercise “FULL POWERS”. The difficult path that led him to receive this great gift from God is made of love and self-denial, but especially of pain and suffering, in a nutshell the way of the cross. When our bishop spoke to us of the cross, we could read in his eyes, in his actions, even in the tone of his voice, the love transpiring from his entire being to the cross of Christ. He repeated that if we want to be united with Christ we must love the cross, considered scandal by fools, but salvation for those who believe. He and our dear Marisa lived every day for the cross, sweet and fierce companion during the days, but mostly during the nights. We can only imagine how much heartbreaking for Bishop Claudio to see the Church, which he loved so much, horribly torn inside, to see the great works of God not recognized or, worse, mocked, to see Marisa’s daily suffering and feel helpless in the face of so much pain. More than once, during meetings or Bible classes, he would say: “believe me, in the face of so much suffering, the mind wavers”, and his smile would die out, his lips would bend, exhaustion would transpire from his face, but soon after he would speak of the cross and explaining to us how victory would come right through it. The Bishop showed us that faith and love for the cross were the only way forward. We remember his words in the Homily of September 14, 2008: “The cross should not make us afraid, for the cross speaks to us about the love suffered by God; the cross speaks of the incarnation of God among men finalized to the sacrifice on the cross. The cross reminds us that if we can enter Heaven, we owe it to the cross alone. I can honestly say that when we will be before God for our personal judgment after death, He, in order to admit us to Paradise, wants to see the cross engraved on our soul, wants to see if it is present and if this cross gives light, warmth and love, for we have the grace, only then we will be allowed in; but if this cross is faded or erased, then the judgment of God will show us purgatory or, even worse, hell. It is the cross that we have in our soul that opens the doors of Paradise, is a sign of belonging to God, allegiance to God, is a sign that we bow before Him, that we accept the redemption and the cross. The cross is life, the cross is victory, the cross is triumph. Love the cross”