Feast of the Triumph of the Eucharist
The Bishop and the Visionary received from God the greatest mission in the history of the Church: to make Jesus the Eucharist be known and loved. After thirty years of suffering and hard trials, on January 13, 2002 Our Lady gave publicly the good news: "The victory is great and embraces all the Church. You know that the rock of this victory is your bishop, and I want to add, also your sister who asked to suffer in silence and concealment"
During the long and difficult mission, the Bishop and Marisa faced difficulties and misunderstandings; together they suffered because of envy, jealousy, slander and fear on behalf of men to the supernatural. For decades they have lived closed, in the garden of Gethsemane, in solitude and in incomprehension of others, they have walked the painful path that led them to be condemned without evidence, witnesses and respect for the law. Together they climbed on Calvary, sometimes the weight of the mission was too heavy for their shoulders and had no desire to continue on the path, but as Mary invited Jesus to his feet to continue the painful way, so the Mother of the Eucharist has always encouraged her two dear children to move forward.
What saved them from shipwreck was the grace of God; they small, weak, poor creatures, without human support, by God's will, lent their voice, mind and heart to Our Lady to make God's will be known.
The Bishop and Marisa, thinking of doing something pleasant to God, decided to celebrate the victory on June 29, 2002: feast of the episcopal ordination of Don Claudio, feast of St. Peter and Paul and closing of the social year.
"The idea of the Bishop and the Visionary to celebrate on June 29 is great and beautiful and that is what I expected and wanted. When the time comes, when the bishop feels better, he will tell you how to prepare the feast of June 29" (Letter of God of May 1, 2002).