Miracle Eucharist

Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Activity Social Year 2024-25

Celebration, initiatives, publications, events ...

September 14 represents for the whole community a very important date: on September 14, 1995, Our Lord wanted the first great Eucharistic Miracle to occur here; on September 14, 1999, took place the first vestiture of our Bishop after his Episcopal ordination, of divine origin, which occurred on June 20, 1999. Finally we remind the signature affixed by our Bishop, the following year, on September 14, 2000, on the decree recognizing the apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist.

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