Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Homily of H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti of May 25, 2007

When a Pope is elected the expression "Habemus Papam" is used, but I believe I can begin the homily by saying instead: "Habemus gratiam", we have received the grace. In today’s letter of God, Our Lady made us understand that at last, the prayers that we have long insistently raised to God the Father have found acceptance in His heart. I can confide to you that for the last two years I have been asking God that the last period of Marisa's life to be as peaceful and quiet as possible, even if I do not yet know the time of her departure. I asked God in my prayer to be able to remember her as a serene, happy and peaceful person because I do not want to live through those dramatic moments, plenty of them, when I saw her being destroyed by pain and suffering, when I heard her moaning and collected her tears and this has happened too many times and for too long. I know that all of the Heaven, beginning with the Mother of the Eucharist, gave us a hand by praying for this intention, so that Daddy God would intervene at last and make Marisa feel better. She will continue to have pain, but she will no longer have those strong pains and sufferings and this is already a lot. Clearly, not everything has been taken away, but only the worst sufferings, the toughest. We got aware of it because for the last three days, compared to the recent past when she was almost going to die, the situation has changed and the long nights and those long days with dreadful suffering that some of you have seen are no longer present. Now she is enduring a better situation, she still has the sufferings and natural pains, but they don't go beyond that and no new and big suffering is triggered. As you know, now the mission is over even with regard to the situation of the priests and God the Father this morning asked only for prayers and that is why today it is a particularly joyful and pleasing day for us. This morning, while we were praying, without warning, without even being able to remotely imagine it, Daddy God came, and it's not the first time, and He said exactly the things I'm telling you. Later, before lunch, Our Lady came and repeated the same things, so I told the Lord that this will be a thanksgiving Mass that I offer to Him because of the grace we received, for the gift we received which, I say it again, were certainly urged by all your prayers and your love for Him. Let us offer to God this Mass as a way to thank Him and that we also want to offer to Marisa, so that she can really be more serene, at last, even with the problems of a person who does not enjoy good health, but certainly she will be joyful and peaceful and we will be grateful for it. This grace came at a time when I had almost lost hope but, to tell the truth, I must tell you that I was tenacious and despite everything I continued to pray for this. I saw the attainment of this grace as something almost impossible, but the more I saw it impossible, the more I told myself that God had to succeed in granting it. Only God can fix everything and he did it with grace, with love, with serenity, with joy and, because of this, I must give Him total testimony and I have to say publicly: "Thank you, Daddy God because this grace for us is an incitement to move forward, to continue the mission, to accept Your will and lastly to live a little more peacefully because I believe I can say that we deserve it".