Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Homily of H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti of May 13, 2009

Anniversary of Marisa's total consecration to God

Today, especially, I am reminded of a passage by Alessandro Manzoni: "The God who brings down and raises, who troubles and consoles". In speaking directly to God I must say that it is true that He is filling us with troubles; it is also true that faced with certain situations and nodding our head to the will of God is an exhausting task, for you have to say "Yes" when all of your being would be screaming "No", we must bow your head when we really want to flee away and the example comes from Him. It is also true, however, that His troubles were not as long as ours.

The two feast days that Marisa and I really cared for, were torn by pain and suffering. On March 9, there was no apparition and this evening there will be no apparition either. Today, May 13, there was not even the possibility to meet individually with God, for Marisa was so ill that she did not even had the strength to speak and was in need of oxygen to be able to breathe again. Anyway on March 9 this meeting took place, but God had to stop talking because Marisa was ill and even when I was celebrating Mass she continued to suffer and then finally, aided perhaps by some angels, she fell asleep and I continued to say Mass alone.

How can you talk about a feast when the guest of honor is absent, is very ill and in pain? How can we celebrate? I do not think that Our Lady was celebrating while Jesus was on the cross or at the time when she was living the passion or later, when He was sealed in the tomb. Why should I celebrate when Marisa is in the same situation when Jesus suffered the passion? Are you shocked?

Only God knows the effort I made to come down and be among you this evening. Probably you cannot understand or figure it out it, but to be here with this state of mind, and in these conditions, I myself call it a heroic gesture.

In addition, a fact has happened that reopened wounds that were going to be somewhat healed: yesterday came the news that the Bishop of Chiavari has refused to release a new celebret (the document certifying the permission to celebrate) to Don Ernesto Bozzi, justifying the refusal on the grounds that he was a follower of Claudio Gatti, permanently condemned by the Church. I also knew from other sources that the enemies of God were working to destroy the Bishop and the Seer.

This is the mood we experienced during what was supposed to be a feast. On Sunday you have heard the Virgin say: "The Bishop has collapsed"; that same evening, from seven to eleven, I experienced excruciating moments. I called up my friends in Heaven and crying I turned to Our Lady who said to me: "I cannot do anything", I turned to St. Joseph, who was there, saying: "At least you, as Jesus' daddy, exercise your authority", his response was: "I cannot do anything". I also turned to grandmother Jolanda, with whom I had a conversation shortly before, and her reply was: "My son, I count for nothing". I could only turn to God, but He did not show.

God has his plans, which at times seem awful for those who must carry them on. I know He is working to heal this Church, to sow the seeds of rebirth, but when you see, through newspapers or television, God's enemies, who are also your enemies, who are triumphing, even if only apparently so, it is disgusting. In addition, we are aware of certain dreadful spiritual and moral realities concerning these enemies; then the scandal burst out and we wonder: "But how is it possible, my God, to put your friends to the test and still show patience with your enemies?"

Despite this, God loves us. He told us about some confidential matters. When we say our morning prayer He or Our Lady, St. Joseph and grandmother Jolanda are often present.

Jokingly, even though deep down I was telling the truth, I once said: "To the two main mysteries of faith - which are Unity and Trinity of God and the incarnation, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus - we should add another, Marisa's departure". Our Lady knows nothing about it, nor does St. Joseph, or the saints, only God knows the time. The date of Marisa's departure has had many and repeated postponements. While addressing God, I said: "If a man would have dealt with us in the way You are dealing with us, we would have turned him away and if we are not leaving You with this situation means that we love You. This is proof that we love You". From Heaven they ask us to pray for Marisa's departure, and you are aware of it. Quite right this is an absurd situation, usually we pray for a person to remain, but we are forced to do so; but how comes that this prayer is never realized? Today The only words Marisa was able to utter, at times when she was conscious, was a cry to her mother: "Mom come and get me, I cannot stand it anymore". Try to figure out the feelings of those around her, not just today, but day after day. Today it has been a particularly awful day, maybe because we are even more tired and exhausted than usual.

Last night we were listening to the songs that should accompany the so-called Marisa's marriage (we do not call it a funeral, we call it a marriage because that is how they want it in Heaven). Several of these used to be sung by Marisa when the voice was bright, beautiful and sharp; when we came to Gounod's Ave Maria, Our Lady came and said: "I know my children, you are tired, you are exhausted, you are also right to complain, everything you say is true and right, is the absolute truth, is the absolute truth".

I never hide what I really think, I may have kept quiet for convenience and prudential reasons, not for opportunism, but when I had to speak I did it; on the other hand, if I am in this situation is really because I was blunt. Nevertheless, I have also been accused of being false, a hypocrite, a liar, yet I had only to tell a single lie to Ruini and I would have got it all.

In these days our health has undergone a severe trial and it was right that you knew it, I am convinced that Our Lady wanted me to speak like that, for sometimes you are not aware of our condition. Lina and Annamaria became aware of how our days are since when they are coming every morning to help out at home, even if they are downstairs and we are in the floor above. When I go down for breakfast in the morning they see me distressed, I could not even walk; you live in your homes and you definitely have your problems, no doubts, but probably you do not know ours and tonight it was right that I would tell you something. At times, during these days, just as it happened a few years ago, I came to offer God to give up everything just to feel a little better, and you know what I mean by using the term "give up everything". But God did not accept it, then or now. I can say that, at least in human terms, we cannot go on like this. I'm not saying that the situation is tough, because if it were so we would have been able to take it forward, but the right word to define it is "inhuman". So what am I going to ask you? I am begging for prayers, you have noticed it; step them up, invent whatever may be useful to get to the goal that, besides me, also the Heaven want to be achieved. If you love Marisa we must help her to ascend to the Father.

They have told so many lies on the last days of John Paul II, one of the sentences ascribed to him, one that has remained famous because was constantly repeated, is: "Let me go to the Father". It is a lie, he did not utter this sentence, however, it is a reflection of the situation. How many things you will know one day! Today I told you one of them. How could a person who does not even open his mouth to say a single word have said all those words ascribed to him? He was talking, through his thought, only with Marisa who was present in bilocation. How is it that in the days before his death, when he still could manage to look out the window, was in no position to say a word and then, in the last moments of his life, when the situation was by now completely compromised, he managed to make all those speeches ascribed to him? Maybe they think we are fools. There are other details that you will know from Maria Viola who is knowledgeable for her medical expertise and that I authorize to report. They said a lot of lies because they had an interest in drawing attention to these things and divert it from others.

Let us put on Marisa's lips the sentence "Let me go to the Father", this will be the prayer that we should consistently say. It would be nice if we could, over a twenty-four hours period, have a person say this phrase at every hour.

I believe I have opened up a bit of my heart.