Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Text of the Eucharistic adoration of June 7, 2015

Corpus Domini

Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world (Mark 28:20)

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the live, real, vibrant presence of Christ among us. For our community members, grown spiritually by following the teachings of the Bishop of the Eucharist, to speak of the body of Christ always raises a strong emotion. We have learned, from the love that our dear Bishop had for the "living bread coming down from Heaven", how essential it is for a good Christian to feed on the Eucharist, true food for the spirit, and drink from the source of Christ irrigating the soul and restoring life. When our Bishop spoke about the Eucharist, although exhausted by the sleepless nights and by the moral and spiritual suffering, he always managed to pluck up courage and reassure those who were listening to him. He is the living witness who could overcome every obstacle if the soul is anchored to God and is nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, even if tested with untold sufferings, as those he experienced every day with our dear Marisa, and when everything around him seemed to collapse. The words that our Bishop, for years, has given us to bring us constantly to Jesus the Eucharist, to love Him and honor Him, are alive in our hearts, as are the teachings of our heavenly Mother who in her greatest and most beautiful title encloses the sense of love of the Creator for His creatures: Mother of the Eucharist.

As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on Me also will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven, not as your fathers ate manna and died. He who eats this bread will live forever (Jn 6:57-58).

God the Father gives his Son, the Son gives Himself, and the preciousness of this gift does not end in a moment, but is sustained over time, until the end. Love triggers in souls the desire and need to be always united to the beloved, even when it is not physically possible, with their hearts and thoughts, at least. The tenderness of our Lord was shown in all of His solicitude in allowing us to live in His presence, even physical, every day of our earthly life. The Eucharistic bread we receive in the Holy Mass and in front of which we can collect ourselves in adoration, is, for us, assurance of His real presence for us forever, so we may never feel alone, never feel forsaken. When Jesus ascended to Heaven thus escaping the eyes of the apostles, they certainly were distressed because being physically separated from the one you love is an unspeakable suffering, but Jesus is only changing sign, not reality. He is there, present under the appearance of bread and wine. Our Bishop used to say to us: "go to the Eucharist, there you will meet not only Jesus, but also those you have loved and left this earth". This was our thought when our dear spiritual parents flew to Heaven; and it was there that we immediately found relief for we can always meet them in the Eucharist; it is in the image we have of them, now happy and freed from a life full of suffering, that we find our consolation. Especially in difficult times our heavenly Mother used to say to our dear spiritual parents: "go to my Son, cling to the tabernacle"; God is in the Eucharist, His infinite love wrapped in a small piece of bread, the divinity becoming fragile, breaking between our fingers, telling us about love, the greater it is, the more humble it is, the weaker in our eyes is. The sacrament of the Eucharist unites us to Heaven because there is God in the Eucharist, and the Heaven is where God is present. The Bishop always said: "when you receive Jesus in your heart, talk, converse with Him, yours may never be a distracted communion because at that moment Heaven is within you".

Take and eat this is my body... this is my blood... Do this in remembrance of me (Mt 26:26-27), (Lk 22:19).

The Bishop explained to us that when Jesus instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist, after He uttered these words He was not immediately understood by his apostles. In fact, the greatness of those gestures escaped the apostles, still too immature to understand them. It was Our Lady who later explained them what the words 'Do this in remembrance of me' meant. It was His will for all mankind, the legacy of the most precious treasure for us, Himself. He is there in the Eucharist, where we always find Him, for He is coming to live within us. During His preaching the Lord told the people, with many examples and parables, how one who loves should behave. He did it with the example of the prodigal son, with the shepherd leading his sheep and the small ones coming to Him. The examples grew stronger when the days of His passion got closer. He speaks of the branch and the vine, it is no longer just a behavioral pattern, but a profound union. The branch and the vine are tied together, the first lives by getting nourishment from the second and Jesus concludes all his teachings with the basis of the more intimate and profound union: He becomes our food and our drink. In a world where what is most attractive is sensationalism, the search for stunning and spectacular miracles, in a world that is too noisy, the Lord is entering on tiptoe, silently and in concealment, as happened in a cave two thousand years ago; and it is according to this style that He worked the greatest miracles that occurred in this place. Only those who really understood the greatness of the teachings of the Gospel, only those who have understood that the Eucharist is really everything, can understand that no miracle can be more important than a Eucharistic miracle. The greatest among them is the miracle of June 11, 2000 and during the recent feast of Pentecost, we have recalled it with the words of our Bishop. But today we also remember the miracle of June 6, 1999, when the Lord himself called it the miracle in the miracle of miracle, an event that is still stirring great emotion and devotion within us. What remains engraved in our memories are, in particular, the words spoken by Jesus: "Last night my heart burst, my blood gushed and passed through the glass chalice, in the same way when the Eucharist came out of the crucifix and went through the plastic casket which was placed there as protection. My blood gushed with joy, love and suffering. This great new miracle happened to show men that my Heart is bursting every moment when there are souls who love and suffer, and every time when there are men who do not believe", and added: "My Heart burst for you, for I am your great love". Jesus, once again, is showing that he has not forsaken humanity, cooled down and almost deaf to His call. Our Bishop and Marisa, in love with Christ, have lived their entire existence with the sole purpose of realizing the great task assigned to them, the triumph of the Eucharist.